A Letter from the SCC-CAAEYC President:

First and foremost, I hope this message finds you safe and well. As challenging as the past year has been for all of us, it has highlighted the importance of sharing our stories as a tool for recovering and connecting. Sharing our stories builds empathy, unites us, and opens our eyes to new perspectives. As president, I am inspired, I am energized.   I invite you to join this energetic and inspiring experience by becoming a member today!

Through the lens of time, let’s take a look at just a few of the Southern California Chapter of the California Association for the Education of Young Children's (SCC- CAAEYC) historical moments in the month of April.

I was so pleased to be part of the recognition of the 50th Anniversary of the Week of the Young Child. From SCC-CAAEYC's beginnings in 1939, the organization has nurtured the growth and development of early childhood leaders in Southern California and advocated for the highest quality early education for all young children.

On April 12, 2021, in celebration of the 50th Anniversary for the Week of the Young Child, Betsy Hiteshew arranged for Gleam Davis, Santa Monica City Council Member, to present a Commendation from the City of Santa Monica to Betty Lee Mott’s daughter, Bonnie Etz.  This recognition during the week of the Young Child was to honor Betty Lee Mott, creator of the Week of the Young Child’s concept.  Betty, who passed away at 102 last year, was also the second President of the North Bay Chapter of SCC, formerly known as SCAEYC. Thanks to the honorable Gleam Davis, it was an amazing recognition.

On April 13, 2021, the 50th Anniversary Week of the Young Child Celebration continued.  Vice President of Programs, Fran Chasen, and her committee planned the vibrant panel discussion, “Long-Term Benefits of Joining a Professional Organization” with three fun, dynamic, and seasoned forerunners from the field of early education. 

The panelists included: 
·Pat Gardner (President 1987-1989), co-author of two early childhood books and president of both the local chapter of AEYC and SCC-CAAEYC (formerly SCAEYC). 
·Betsy Hiteshew (President 1977-1979), Early Childhood Education professor at Santa Monica College for 27 years. Now 91, Betsy has been active in SCC-CAAEYC for 50 plus years. 
·Renee Martinez (President 1993-1995), who began her career as an Early Childhood Education teacher and retired after a long, illustrious career, which beautifully ended as President of Los Angeles City College.

I had the distinct honor of moderating this panel of seasoned leaders who so expertly shared glimpses into their individual journey, and, how they were deeply enriched by active participation in this organization.

This amazing panel discussion turned out to be the gift that keeps on giving. I so appreciated the recurring themes of the long-term benefits of joining a professional organization 1) gaining valuable friendships,  2) participating in meaningful volunteerism,  3) learning from positive role models,  4) finding solace and support in other professionals,  5) developing investments in others,  6) understanding early childhood education as an extraordinary and essential profession,  7) stretching possibilities for yourself and others,  8) finding the volunteer time commitments that work best,  9) recognizing the joy of connections,  and 10) discovering fun, joy, and celebrations along the way while working together. 

Today, SCC-CAAEYC stands on the shoulders of dedicated past leaders and members.   Their ideas framed a system that keeps the organization strong, both now and in the future.   Join SCC-CAAEYC at the upcoming “Meet and Greet” on Tuesday, May 25, from 6:30-7:30 p.m. via Zoom, and other programs. Create new opportunities for your professional and personal growth.

As always, we appreciate your continued support of SCC-CAAEYC.

All my best,

Gloria J. Davis, M.A., President 2021-2023
Southern California Chapter
California Association for the Education of Young Children (SCC-CAAEYC)

Be inspired by Real People, Real Time, and Real Conversations

Honoring the late Betty Lee Mott, creator of the concept for "Week of the Young Child, " at Circle of Children preschool, Santa Monica

Betty was the Director of the Kathleen Mott Play Center in Santa Monica, now Circle of Children preschool. She dreamed of the idea of highlighting the importance of the early years, and it quickly caught on here in California and was later adopted by NAEYC as Week of the Young Child!

Left to right Gleam Davis, Santa Monica City Councilperson, Betsy Hiteshew, SCC Nominating Committee Chair, Michele Gathrid, Director Circle of Children, Bonnie Etz ( daughter of Betty Lee Mott) and Linda Gordon, long-time SCC member and child advocate.

Join the "Meet and Greet, meet members of the SCC-CAAEYC Board, and find out what might be of interest to help you in your next professional steps. We are here for you!

Date: Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Time: 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Cost: No charge
How to register: On-line


Dear Providers,

The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in an increase use of technology with children and adults. The effects of technology won’t be realized without data collection. A survey has been created as an opportunity to gather data about screen time (computers, smartphones, iPads, televisions, etc.), usage, and effects on parents and children of all ages (including teens).  Please share this survey with your families. Return due date by June 2, 2021.

Here is the link:

Thank you, 
Dr. Elaine Fogel Schneider
Dr. Erica Ray Ellis
Dr. Deborah Ross-Swain 
California State University, Los Angeles

Click on the links below for more information:

The most recent "Amaze Your Kids with Science" Workshop with our dynamic presenter, Sylvia Rath was a resounding success! If you missed it, a recorded version is located on the SCC-CAAEYC website:

During the workshop, everyone who had completed the recent SCC-CAAEYC Survey and provided contact information was entered into a drawing. SCC-CAAEYC happily congratulates the two lucky winners!

SCC-CAAEYC is so fortunate that Lakeshore Learning generously donated two $100 gift certificates for the drawing!

Thank you to everyone who completed the survey to help the Board of Directors plan the future for SCC-CAAEYC

Cheers to the winners of the Lakeshore gift certificates!
Katarina Orlic-Babic, Ph.D.
Antelope Valley College
She will be using the certificate for two sets of "see inside activity balls." 
Graciela R. Cerezo
Plaza Community Services, L.A.
She will be using the certificate for materials for the La Roca Verde Center in East Los Angeles.
Updates from the SCC-CAAEYC Public Policy Committee

NAEYC Statement American Families Plan - https://www.naeyc.org/resources/blog/statement-american-families-plan

 What's in the American Rescue Plan for California's Kids?www.fundingthenextgeneration.org 
Federal Update – American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 (H.R. 1319)*
  • On Thursday, March 11, 2021, President Biden signed into law the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA – also known as the COVID-19 Stimulus Package). The $1.9 trillion economic stimulus package includes nearly $39 billion in child care relief, of which approximately $23.9 billion will be targeted to providers at risk of closing or burdened with increased operating costs resulting from COVID-19 and $14.9 billion to the federal Child Care and Development Block Grant to help low-income families pay for child care and re-enter the workforce. 
  • The Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) released the fact sheet, “Child Care Relief Funding in House-passed American Rescue Plan: State-by-State Estimates” on February 27, 2021. According to the Fact Sheet, California may expect to receive $1.4 billion in expanded child care assistance and $2.3 billion in child care stabilization funds for a total of $3.75 billion. See https://www.clasp.org/publications/fact-sheet/child-care-estimates-american-rescue-plan.
The Child Care Law Center (CCLC) has prepared a memorandum addressed to State policymakers and child care advocates articulating the requirements and funding for child care and early learning provided in the ARPA (see https://www.childcarelaw.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Child-Care-Funding-in-the-American-Rescue-Plan-Act-of-2021-by-the-Child-Care-Law-Center.pdf).  In addition, CCLC prepared a matrix summarizing the specifics of the funding available for download at https://www.childcarelaw.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Child-Care-Funding-In-the-American-Rescue-Plan-of-2021-Chart-3.12.21.pdf?eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=d0a626aa-e65c-4376-9932-9efa7eba5be5.
The California Budget and Policy Center has prepared an analysis, American Rescue Plan Provides Assistance to Millions of Californians, that breaks down the key provisions of the plan, including a summary of the additional investments in child care. See the section on Economic Security for the hyperlink to the child care provisions at https://calbudgetcenter.org/resources/american-rescue-plan-provides-assistance-to-millions-of-californians/.
On April 15, 2021, the White House released the Fact Sheet: Biden-Harris Administration Announces American Rescue Plan Funding to Rescue the Child Care Industry so the Economy Can Recover. The fact sheet summarizes the allowable uses of the funds and breaks down the allocations by state with California due to receive $1.4 billion in Child Care Development Fund Flexible Funding and $2.3 billion in stabilization funds. To upload the fact sheet, click on https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/04/15/fact-sheet-biden-harris-administration-announces-american-rescue-plan-funding-to-rescue-the-child-care-industry-so-the-economy-can-recover/.

Additional California Budget & Policy Center Publication (Budget Center)
On April 12th, the Budget Center published the infographic, “California Families Pay High Price for Subsidized Child Care”. To access the infographic, go to https://calbudgetcenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/IN-FP-Family-Fees.pdf.
National Women’s Law Center (NWLC) and Center on Poverty & Social Policy (CPSP) Report
The NWLC and CPSP recently published the report and fact sheet, A Lifetime’s Worth of Benefits: The Effects of Affordable, High-Quality Child Care on Family Income, the Gender Earnings Gap, and Women’s Retirement Security. To access the materials, visit https://nwlc.org/resources/a-lifetimes-worth-of-benefits-the-effects-of-affordable-high-quality-child-care-on-family-income-the-gender-earnings-gap-and-womens-retirement-security/?ms=homepage. 
The State of California Legislative Bills are available on the California Association for the Education of Young Children's website:

COVID-19 Updates for Early Care and Education
  • Guidance for Early Care and Education Providers – On April 2nd, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (DPH) revised the COVID-19 “Guidance for Early Care and Education Providers” as follows: updated guidance regarding the maximum size of stable groups; and removed guidance for dividing classroom space between multiple stable groups as no longer needed. The revised guidance became effective on Monday, April 5, 2021. The hyperlink to the revised guidance is http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/media/coronavirus/docs/education/GuidanceEarlyChildhoodEducation.pdf 
  • LA County ECE COVID-19 Response Team Community Call Recording and Materials – If you missed the Community Call held on Friday, March 26, 2021, the recording of the call is now available at https://childcareheroes.org/early-educators/news/.
  • Resources – In addition, the LA County Early Childhood Education COVID-19 Response Team hosts the website, Child Care Heroes – LA County COVID-19 Information and Resources. See https://childcareheroes.org

Special appreciation to the Health Promotion Bureau, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, Office for the Advancement of Early Care and Education, for providing crucial information to the early childhood community on the Federal Updates-American Rescue Plan Act and all of the COVID-19 updates.