Mission Statement:

PlayMatters! was established to support early childhood programs in placing play at the heart of children’s lives.

The Southern California Chapter of the California Association for the Education of Young Children (SCC-CAAEYC) was the recipient of a generous gift of $9,000 from PlayMatters!, a non-profit organization founded by the late Docia Zavitkovsky to put play at the heart of children’s programs.  An SCC committee was formed to develop future plans for the expenditure of these funds.
The PlayMatters! committee always welcomes your thoughts, research, and ideas about children’s play, and about infusing the kind of play children need in early childhood programs.  

Those interested in joining the conversation regarding the value of play in children's (and everyone's!) lives, should contact Nicki Backlar at [email protected] for information about committee meetings and plans.

Report and Resources from the PlayMatters! Committee:

At the PlayMatters! meeting on April 17, 2021, the committee discussed the life's work of play advocate, Bev Bos. We watched a video, had a discussion, and shared resources. 

At the June 19, 2021 meeting, 10:00-11:30 am, the committee will highlight the "risky play" advocate Rusty Keeler. 

To be placed on the email loop please email Nicki Backlar, PlayMatters! Chair, at [email protected]

Bev Bos Resources 



Don't Move the Muffin Tins: A Hands-off Guide to Art for the Young Child by Bev Bos
Before the Basics: Creating Conversations with Children by Bev Bos
*Together We're Better: Establishing a Coactive Learning Environment by Bev Bos 


Join the "Meet and Greet, meet members of the SCC-CAAEYC Board and Committee Chairs, and find out what might be of interest to help you in your next professional steps. We are here for you!

Date: Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Time: 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Cost: No charge
How to register: On-line