April 2020
Go Tell It On The Mountain
Monthly Newsletter
Skyland Community Church, United Church of Christ
Minister: Rev. Kevin Omi
Sunday Worship Service:
During COVID-19 Shelter-in-Place
Services will be online, check website link below
10:30 A.M.
April to mid-May Church Calendar

Wednesday, April 1
On-Line only, check email for c all-in number and code, or for on-line link
12 Noon Community Check-In

Thursday, April 2
On-Line only, check email for c all-in number and code, or for on-line link
8:45 A.M.     Bible Study: Introduction to the Bible
9:45 A.M.     Bible Study: Sunday Scripture

Sunday, April 5
On-Line only, check email for c all-in number and code, or for on-line link
10:30 A.M.  Worship Service with Rev. Kevin Omi

Monday, April 6 
On-Line only, check email for c all-in number and code, or for on-line link  
12 Noon Community Prayers and Meditation

Wednesday, April 8
On-Line only, check email for c all-in number and code, or for on-line link
12 Noon Community Check-In

Thursday, April 9
On-Line only, check email for c all-in number and code, or for on-line link
8:45 A.M.     Bible Study: Introduction to the Bible
9:45 A.M.     Bible Study: Sunday Scripture

Sunday, April 12 Easter Sunday
On-Line only, check email for c all-in number and code, or for on-line link
10:30 A.M.    Easter  Worship Service

Monday, April 13
Easter Monday
On-Line only, check email for c all-in number and code, or for on-line link
12 Noon Community Prayers and Meditation

Wednesday, April 15
On-Line only, check email for c all-in number and code, or for on-line link
12 Noon Community Check-In

Thursday, April 16
On-Line only, check email for c all-in number and code, or for on-line link
8:45 A.M.     Bible Study: Introduction to the Bible
9:45 A.M.     Bible Study: Sunday Scripture

Sunday, April 19
On-Line only, check email for c all-in number and code, or for on-line link
10:30 A.M.    Worship Service with Rev. Kevin Omi

Monday, April 20 
On-Line only, check email for c all-in number and code, or for on-line link  
12 Noon Community Prayers and Meditation

Wednesday, April 22
On-Line only, check email for c all-in number and code, or for on-line link
12 Noon Community Check-In

Thursday, April 23
On-Line only, check email for c all-in number and code, or for on-line link
8:45 A.M.     Bible Study: Introduction to the Bible
9:45 A.M.     Bible Study: Sunday Scripture

Sunday, April 26
On-Line only, check email for c all-in number and code, or for on-line link
10:30 A.M.   Worship Service with Rev. Kevin Omi

Monday, April 27 
On-Line only, check email for c all-in number and code, or for on-line link  
12 Noon Community Prayers and Meditation

Wednesday, April 29
On-Line only, check email for c all-in number and code, or for on-line link
12 Noon Community Check-In

Thursday, April 30
On-Line only, check email for c all-in number and code, or for on-line link
8:45 A.M.     Bible Study: Introduction to the Bible
9:45 A.M.     Bible Study: Sunday Scripture

Sunday, May 3
On-Line only, check email for c all-in number and code, or for on-line link
10:30 A.M.   Worship Service with Rev. Kevin Omi

Monday, May 4
On-Line only, check email for c all-in number and code, or for on-line link  
12 Noon Community Prayers and Meditation

Wednesday, May 6
On-Line only, check email for c all-in number and code, or for on-line link
12 Noon Community Check-In

Thursday, May 7
On-Line only, check email for c all-in number and code, or for on-line link
8:45 A.M.     Bible Study: Introduction to the Bible
9:45 A.M.     Bible Study: Sunday Scripture

Sunday, May 10
On-Line only, check email for c all-in number and code, or for on-line link
10:30 A.M.   Worship Service with Rev. Kevin Omi

Monday, May 11
On-Line only, check email for c all-in number and code, or for on-line link  
12 Noon Community Prayers and Meditation online

Wednesday, May 13
On-Line only, check email for c all-in number and code, or for on-line link
12 Noon Community Check-In

Thursday, May 14
On-Line only, check email for c all-in number and code, or for on-line link
8:45 A.M.     Bible Study: Introduction to the Bible
9:45 A.M.     Bible Study: Sunday Scripture

see more upcoming event s on the Church Calendar

All Regularly Scheduled Events in Whitaker Hall
are on hold during Shelter-in-Place
Message from Reverend Kevin Omi
Times Such as These
Rev. Kevin Omi

Matthew 16:1-3 The Pharisees and Sadducees came, and to test Jesus they asked him to show them a sign from heaven. He answered them, ‘When it is evening, you say, “It will be fair weather, for the sky is red.” And in the morning, “It will be stormy today, for the sky is red and threatening.” You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times.”

We are living into an incredibly complex time. The corona virus is revealing how truly we are interconnected as a series of global villages and economies, highlighting disparities in wealth and access to healthcare, and triggering not just a long expected (and challenging) drop in the stock market, but at a bare minimum, initiating a recession. Few living people remember the “Spanish flu” (the name being a classic example of “othering”) but that appears to be the last time an epidemic had such a global reach. We especially fear for the lives and health of the homeless and poor, not only in this country, but in much of the global south. Perhaps the most unnerving aspects of the pandemic are the speed of its spread, and our inability to forecast, “when will it be over ?” – if “ over ” is even the right word.

Short term, in some places, the drop-off in economic activity is reducing at least the appearance of pollution, but the pandemic is acting as a (necessary) distraction from the important long term work we still need to do to address global warming. Also temporarily put to the side are deep questions about wealth disparities – questions that are especially challenging for those of us who profess to follow a poor, itinerant prophet, whose words continue to challenge us today.

On top of this, we are still in the middle of Lent, heading towards Holy Week and Easter. As someone said recently, “I didn’t intend to give up this much for Lent.” Lent always provides us an opportunity to think more deeply about our lives. We realize that we are not as confident when the full rivers down which we have been paddling become shallow, exposing the rocks that have always been there.

But along with the rocks, God reveals unexpected blessings. You are being so attentive to one another, friends, neighbors, and families during this time! Some of you have greatly increased the number of phone calls you make, including to those in retirement and nursing facilities. Others are ensuring more fragile neighbors have the food and supplies they need. You are demonstrating life and social skills that our beloved and rugged mountain demands: independence, the ability to “hunker down” gracefully, and yet stay connected to those around you.

As a society and global village we have the opportunity to ask, “what would a true resurrection look like for the world?” Having seen more deeply than ever the “signs of the times”, will we embrace the words of Isaiah?:

Every valley shall be lifted up,
   and every mountain and hill be made low;  
the uneven ground shall become level,
   and the rough places a plain.

When and if we do, then the reason Jesus willingly walked to the cross will be known, in our own time and in our own lives. We shall yet again see that even death cannot hold back the power of God’s love, for all people and all creation. May the spirit of the Risen Christ, already present within you, heal and protect everyone, now and evermore. Amen.
reVision Action Teams News

"Mountain Hangout"
"Lunch and a Documentary"
are suspended until further notice
due to COVID-19
Email the reVision team: [email protected]
For more information on the phases of reVision click here: http://skylandchurch.com/transitions /


For God’s holy presence amidst change, we pray. 
For comfort because loss is part of change, we pray. 
For Christ-like steadfastness during the challenges of transition and seasons of faith, we pray. 
For reassurance through frailty and failings, we pray. 
For the abundant creativity the Spirit provides, we pray. 
For our loved ones in this community of faith, we pray. 
For God’s children beyond this community, we pray.

To learn more about the Interim period at Skyland please visit the Transitions page: http://skylandchurch.com/ transitions/
Church Council News

The Council met on March 31 via zoom video and audio with 11 people present. Anne Evans reported that the reVision Action Teams were putting together budgets in preparation for activities later in the year.

The contract for the elevator has been signed but installation contracts are on hold for the present.

The food pantry was low and several means of providing food were discussed. It was decided to encourage monetary donations specifically for the pantry to reimburse those that were able to shop for items. A sign will be placed on the door of Whitaker by Jeremy Cole letting people know when they would be able to get items from our pantry and also the location of other nearby pantries. (Completed)

Budget requests have been received from boards and committees for the 2020-2021budget. Jackie Seymour discussed the need for having a finance committee in the future to help with the budget process. In the meantime Terrie Landini from the Philanthropy Committee has agreed to work with Jackie, Anne, Gerald, and Kevin in formulating a budget. A draft budget will be available at the April council meeting, Pledge letters for the pledge drive will go out in early May, and a final budget will be available in May for approval at the congregational meeting in June. A request was made for Stewardship letters to be written.

A nominating committee will be needed in May to fill vacant positions on boards and committees. Jackie and Anne asked for recommendations for the nominating committee. They also encouraged boards and committees to suggest members to fill vacant positions.

Kevin encouraged us to think of ways to be in the wider community while maintaining social distancing. Go to www.skylandchurch.com to see the ways you can participate and engage in the church and our community.

The next meeting will be on April 26.

Submitted by your co-moderators:
Jackie Seymour
Anne Evans

Skyland Community Church Website under "Newsletters and More."
Flowers for Our Altars

 While we observe the need for sheltering in place, we gather in front of our phones or computers within our homes to share prayers, concerns, and, for Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, we will share live video worship. When we have gathered at church, we have an altar where our sacred symbols are placed before us, both as reminders and as inspiration. Why not at home too?

I have enjoyed creating a small home altar for some years. My altars begin with reminders of love and creation, such as my wooden Franciscan cross and some natural items including flowers, branches, stones, seashells, sand from a favorite spot, as well as photos, candles, or other reminders of the beauty of creation. Sometimes I include reminders of dear departed ones and a list of special prayers. I have a mustard seed in glass to remind me about faith. My Bible sits to one side with lots of markers for passages that are especially meaningful to me. And I have electric candles, for safety.

We each have ways we make a place for our quiet time. Perhaps it is a special chair, a blanket, prayer shawl, or candle?

What do you do? Or what might you do for this time of sheltering? Send us a note about your prayer place/altar/sacred space and we will publish your descriptions next month.

In the meanwhile, Blessed Be our time together, separately.

Rev. Patricia Wood
A reading from Earth’s Echo: Sacred Encounters with Nature , by Robert M. Hamma
Provided by Kevin Omi

While this passage is introduced in this book with the story of the prophet Elijah [1] searching for the presence of God on a mountain, we can also understand “the mountain” as representing our search for answers during great uncertainty, the strong emotions the unknown can evoke, or total immersion in all that is.               

What are you doing here on this mountain?
Looking for answers,
seeking inspiration,
hoping for comfort,
trying to escape.
But my answers are partial,
the inspiration, fleeting,
the comfort, incomplete,
the escape, foiled.

What are you doing here on this mountain?
Looking for something I cannot name,
but have seen in rare moments,
heard in faint calls,
felt in light breezes.
Something from which I hide my face
even while it calls me to come out.
Something that passes quietly,
stilling my unquiet mind.

Here on this mountain
I am waiting in silence,
hoping for presence,
standing in awe.”

Note from your Treasurer for 10 months of our fiscal year:
Pledge income is almost on par with expectations based on anticipated distribution of pledge donations, only $-369.
Offerings received during March are $116 below expectations, but for 10 months $-1,318 below expectations.
Hall Rental was $-100 in March because facility shutdown required canceling and refunding a planned event. But still $1005 above expectations for first 10 months.
Most expenses are below budget and others are within 10% of budget.
Fiscal year to date operating income exceeded expenses by $443. This does not include last year’s surplus and budgeted one time transfer from special funds.
The special Mission request to support the RIP Medical Debt Relief has received donations of $4,250.
So far $1,150 has been donated for OGHS.
We are able to accept credit card payments for pledge, general and special offerings if that is more convenient than check or cash. Contact either Jan or myself for these transactions.
Here is our operating finances as of March. 29 for our 2019-2020 fiscal year.
Gerald Alonzo, Treasurer
Skyland Community Church, United Church of Christ
25100 Skyland Road, Los Gatos, CA 95033
phone: 408-353-1310
USPS mail: Skyland Church
P.O. Box 245
Los Gatos, CA 95031-0245