July 2020
Go Tell It On The Mountain
Monthly Newsletter
Skyland Community Church, United Church of Christ
Minister: Rev. Melanie Weiner
Sunday Worship Service:
During COVID-19 Shelter-in-Place
Services will be online, check website link below
10:30 A.M.
July to mid-August Church Calendar

Bible Study on Thursday mornings:

8:45 - 9:45 Important Passages from the Bible
9:45 -10:45 Sunday's Scripture

by computer, tablet, or smartphone:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83544553057

by phone: dial 1 669 900 6833 and enter the meeting id 83544553057#

Sunday, July 5, 12, 19 and 26 have new Zoom Meeting ID (below)
Online Worship at 10:30 A.M. with Rev. Melanie Weiner
To connect by phone: dial 1 669 900 6833 and enter the Meeting ID: 833 3487 6493 followed by the # sign.
To connect via smartphone, tablet or computer: click

see more upcoming event s on the Church Calendar

All Regularly Scheduled Events in Whitaker Hall
are on hold during Shelter-in-Place
Message from Reverend Melanie Weiner

As Israel approached the edge of the wilderness, just as they prepared to cross the Jordan River, they had a change in leadership. Moses, their leader of decades sought to prepare them for the change by reminding them of who they were and who God is. At the end of a long sermon, and I mean long, he closes with the most important point, "Be strong and bold; have no fear or dread (of what you face), because it is the Lord your God who goes with you; God will not fail you or forsake you." (Deuteronomy 31:6)  

It matters who leads, but leaders come and go each bringing their own gifts to the community. What we must remember, especially in times like now when we can't quite envision the future, is that God walks with us. As God was present with you during Stephen's long pastorate and Kevin's interim ministry among you and God was with me in my previous pastorates and in my six months of discernment and search, God is with us and will remain with us every step of our journey together wherever the Spirit takes us.

So let us be strong and bold as we begin our work together. I so look forward to getting to know all of you, to working side-by-side, to being the church together.

May you have blessings of peace and good health.

Rev. Melanie's Work Hours and Contact Information

Rev. Melanie's work days will be Sunday, Monday, Thursday, and Friday. She will take Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays as her days off. 

While it remains necessary to maintain social distancing, Melanie plans to work in her office on Mondays and work at home on most other days. 

If you want to visit, please contact her to make an appointment. For everyone's protection, we can speak outside or in a large room like Whitaker Hall. Please plan to wear a mask. 

If you would like a home visit, Rev. Melanie is willing to visit you outside your home from more than six feet away. 

You can reach Rev. Melanie at:
Church office (408)353-1310 (leave a message)
Mobile phone (408)307-3709 (voice or text)

Welcome Reverend Melanie Weiner!

Skyland members are eager to welcome Reverend Melanie Weiner, our settled senior minister, when she joins us on July 1. During the week before the congregation voted to call Reverend Melanie, we met with her in small-group Zoom chats and participated in the virtual Sunday service that she led.

It will be some time before we can meet Reverend Melanie in person; however, we look forward to her leading us in worship from her home, starting on Sunday, July 5. We are also eager to hear her thoughts about nurturing our church and community in these days of physical distancing. The trust that we placed in the Holy Spirit at the start of the pastoral search will guide us all in the days ahead.

If you have not had a chance to join the Skyland community for a Zoom service, now is the perfect time. Uplifting music and visuals, scripture readings, a thought-provoking sermon, prayers from the community, and an informal virtual coffee hour. We welcome you.

Skyland Search Committee
Church Council News
June 9, 2020

The council met on June 9, 2020 via zoom with 12 members present. Jackie presented the Leadership Model developed by Jackie, Anne and Rev. Omi. This model introduces Ministry Teams rather than Boards, Committees and Action Teams. The leadership of the church would be directed by the Council, composed of the church officers, two at-large representatives (persons voted in to serve as representatives of the congregation in general) and the Core Ministry Team chairpersons (Trustees, Deacons, Finance and Pastoral Relations). In addition to the Core Ministry Teams there would internally focused Ministry Teams (such as Communications, Music Ministry(Choir), Religious Education, Women’s Fellowship, and Site Planning) and externally focused Ministry Teams (such as Missions, and the reVision Action Teams).  This model would serve as the basis for the new bylaws. 

This information was somewhat new to the council. There was an understanding of the need to reduce the size of the council.  The division of Ministry Teams into core, internally focused and externally focused teams and the role of those chairpersons in church leadership was less understood.

Questions were raised regarding attendance at church council, what positions would be considered church officers, and whether Missions should be included as Core Ministry Team. These and other questions will be addressed more in the future.  Jackie also presented the current status of the new bylaws and the need to move ahead with them in the coming two – three months. Patricia Wood and Deana Arnold will act as preliminary reviewers. All agreed that we need to wait until our new senior minister, Rev. Weiner, begins on July 1 before proceeding too much further. 

Anne explained that the Congregation had voted to extend the current slate of officers and members of boards and committees until June with agreement by those involved. Now that it is June and the bylaws are still outdated and we  have no new bylaws, the council voted to extend the current slate of positions from at least 3 months to no more than 6 months at the most. 

Jackie presented a new format for the second page of the treasurer’s report, the balance sheet. The new format removes the investments from the cash categories and presents a balance of the total amount of all the cash with all the bookkeeping accounts where the cash exists. It also provides a total of all the monetary assets (cash plus investments). 

A request was made for a volunteer to gather data information regarding the safety and requirements of reopening. This person will provide input and direction regarding the reopening of the church. Patricia Wood volunteered to do this. 

John Heyes gave a very detailed report on the progress of upgrading the Pastor’s office. It seems to be moving forward at a good pace.

Deep gratitude for Rev. Omi’s leadership during our Interim time with him was expressed by all. 

The meeting was adjourned and the next meeting will be held on Monday, July 13, at 10AM. 

reVision Action Teams News

"Mountain Hangout"
"Lunch and a Documentary"
are suspended until further notice
due to COVID-19
Email the reVision team: [email protected]
For more information on the phases of reVision click here: http://skylandchurch.com/transitions /

Skyland Community Church's Little Free Pantry
We have more than nourishment for the body during these warm summer days:
Books that offer trips to interesting times and places
Music CDs for experiencing new and/or familiar harmonies, and C leaning products to keep you and your home shiny and safe are also available in limited quantities.
As with the food supplies, take what you need for a few days and leave the rest. We want to serve as many of our neighbors as possible.

Note from your Treasurer

For first month of our ’20-‘21 fiscal year:
Pledge income of $15,789 is $481 below budget.
As we might expect in this remote setting only $180 of Offerings have been received, $-570 below budget.
No Hall Rentals for 3 months due to facility shutdown required canceling all events, but still $555 above expectations.
Expenses of $17,480 are $566 above budget primarily due to payment of Federal income tax being paid for both May and June.
Operating net is -$1,511 for June.
During the current “Shelter In Place” restrictions please mail your pledge and other donations to
Skyland Community Church
P.O. Box 245
Los Gatos, CA 95031-0245
We are able to accept credit card payments for pledge, general and special offerings if that is more convenient than check or cash. See either Jan or myself after service for these transactions once we are able to meet together again.
Here is a summary of our operating finances as of June. 30 for our 2020-2021 fiscal year.
Gerald Alonzo, Treasurer
Skyland Community Church, United Church of Christ
25100 Skyland Road, Los Gatos, CA 95033
phone: 408-353-1310
USPS mail: Skyland Church
P.O. Box 245
Los Gatos, CA 95031-0245