Volume 4 | Issue 1 | January 21, 2021
Southern Chester County Chamber of Commerce
Doug Doerfler, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, Genesis - Chairman
Donna Hosler Charlton, Office Elf Bookkeeping
Liz Ferry, Chamber of Commerce Greater Phila.
Christine Gordon, CRPC, Merrill Lynch
Alex Halper, PA Chamber of Business & Industry
Susan Hamley, Chester County Conf. & Visitors Bureau
James T. Horn, The Tri-M Group, LLC
Cheryl B. Kuhn, IOM, SCCCC
John Lawrence, PA State Representative
Robert Listerman, BTR Security
MaryFrances McGarrity, CCEDC
Dennis Melton, Melton Architects
Ashley Miscevich, SCCCC
Tim Moore, Exelon Generation
Tim Phelps, TMACC
James E. Turner, Chester Water Authority
House Republican Caucus Releases Economic Plan
To Make PA "Envy of the East"
January 18, 2021 - As a first order of business in the 2021-22 session, House Republican Leader Kerry Benninghoff, R-Centre, was joined by Republican colleagues last week to announce measures to help Pennsylvania’s economy recover from the COVID-19 pandemic era. At a news conference in Harrisburg, Benninghoff announced that a new Economic Recovery Task Force chaired by state Rep. Aaron Kaufer, R-Luzerne, will be charged with analyzing input from their constituents and developing policies for moving the economy forward again. According to a Pennlive article, this includes providing regulatory relief for businesses, restraining executive power during emergency declarations and reforming the state’s tax structure – in particular, lowering Pennsylvania’s uncompetitive 9.99 percent Corporate Net Income Tax rate.
Benninghoff stressed that he is ready to work with Democratic and Senate colleagues to see these priorities achieved, and get people safely back to work. He acknowledged the short-term benefit of the second round of COVID-19 stimulus dollars, while stressing that this money is a temporary solution to a long-term problem. “It’s not just about government, at any level, cutting checks; those are temporary, we see that with people getting stimulus checks – it’s a one-time hit – yes they can spend a little bit of money [but] this is really about getting people back to work,” Benninghoff said.
Rep. Kaufer also said he hopes that the working group he’s leading will have their economic proposals completed in time for the upcoming 2021-22 state budget discussions, which are informally kicked off with the governor’s budget address in early February.
PA House Announce Committee Assignments for 2021-22 Legislative Session
State House lawmakers met in session last week and formalized standing committee assignments for the 2021-22 legislative session. The full listing of committee assignments is available here.
PA Senate Announce Committee Assignments for 2021-22 Legislative Session
Harrisburg, Pa. − January 15, 2021 − Senate Democratic Leader Jay Costa today announced the slate of Democratic chairs and members for the Senate’s standing committees in the 2021-22 legislative session. “Our caucus is diverse in every way – from demographics to professional background, and the senators are uniquely qualified to tackle the breadth of issues that come through our standing committees and onto the Senate floor,” said Senator Costa. “I’m proud to announce this slate of chairs and committee members, and look forward to their collective work in this session.” To read the full list, please visit PA Senate Democrats Announce Committee Chairs and Membership for 2021-22 Legislative Session
Legislative Update from Transportation Management Association of Chester County
New Law Will Establish Rules for PDDs
COVID-19 has impacted our lives in many ways, including how our packages are delivered. Personal Delivery Devices, or PDDs are autonomous robots designed to deliver packages to consumers and business within a small radius of approximately 3 miles. Pennsylvania Department of Transportation is seeking comment from municipal officials on its draft policy and procedures for these PDD operations. The new law establishes the basic rules for the operation of PDDs in the Commonwealth.
Questions or comments can be emailed to Ron Grutza, PSAB Assistant Director of Government Affairs & Regulatory Affairs Coordinator, at rgrutza@boroughs.org
The deadline to respond is Jan. 22, 2021. For more information, read a copy of the draft policy.
We encourage you to use the links below to contact your representatives and
build support around our pro-business efforts.
2020 Legislation Enacted - PA General Assembly
Chester County's Triple-A Bond Ratings Reaffirmed
Chester County Government has received notification that all three ratings agencies – Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s and Fitch Ratings – have reaffirmed the county’s triple-A rating status for the 12th consecutive year.
In confirming the triple-A ratings, the agencies cited Chester County’s healthy financial position, solid financial management, and strong reserve levels.
Chester County is the only county in Pennsylvania that can claim the distinction of earning three Triple-A ratings from the leading agencies, placing it in the top two percent of counties across America that have consistently earned these top ratings.
Triple-A ratings bring the interest rate associated with the cost of borrowing down significantly, giving Chester County the advantage of producing the lowest cost of debt needed to fund important initiatives. There is no more objective confirmation of the County’s excellent financial management than triple-A ratings and the analysis underlying them.
Infrastructure and Workforce Development Are Key to Rebuilding America
What happened? In the annual State of American Business speech this week, U.S. Chamber of Commerce CEO Thomas J. Donohue outlined the path for a widespread economic recovery through a bold agenda of infrastructure investments, workforce reskilling, immigration reforms, and reinvigorating America’s global competitiveness. Additionally, he warned that excessive regulations and anti-competitive taxes would undermine the recovery.
To complement the speech, the U.S. Chamber developed three State of American Business Policy Power Hours highlighting common-sense policy solutions for strengthening the recovery on the international, national, and state/local levels.
U.S. Chamber Applauds Agreement on Historic Climate and Energy Legislation
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Marty Durbin, senior vice president of policy at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, issued the following statement today applauding the news that House and Senate negotiators have reached an agreement to include climate and energy innovation legislation in their year-end omnibus appropriations package.
“Passing a climate and energy innovation bill has been one of the U.S. Chamber’s top priorities this Congress. Today’s announcement of an agreement on this package is truly historic—setting up the biggest action Congress has ever taken to address climate change, and the first energy bill in 13 years.
“This package demonstrates the progress that is possible when businesses, environmental groups, labor and policymakers work together to find solutions on difficult issues. Over the last few years, we found a great deal of cynicism that a bill like this could actually get done. But passage of this bill will prove that there is common ground on which all sides of the debate can come together to begin to address climate change, promote American technological leadership, and foster continued economic growth. To read the article, please visit U.S. Chamber Applauds Agreement on Historic Climate and Energy Legislation
2021 State of American Business
Our country has been challenged in ways few could have planned for—or even imagined. From our public health, to our economy, to our politics, the road to recovery starts with healing a divided America. Join us as we rally our nation around a series of solutions to overcome the pandemic, drive a widespread economic recovery, and build back stronger for the future.
Pennsylvania Once Again Ranked as Top "Judicial Hellhole", Highlighting the Need for Civil Justice Reform and Liability Protections
HARRISBURG - For the second year in row, Pennsylvania has been named the home of the nation’s worst “Judicial Hellholes,” according to the newly released annual report by the American Tort Reform Foundation. While the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas – long known for its plaintiff-friendly rulings - has made regular appearances on the list in the past, this year the Court is tied with the Pennsylvania State Supreme Court to nab the No. 1 spot in the yearly ranking.
“This report underscores one of the Commonwealth’s most pressing and anti-business challenges – it’s unbalanced and unpredictable legal climate,” said PA Chamber President Gene Barr. “The current state of our civil justice system has a negative impact on taxpayers and the overall economy through reduced investment, increased costs and job loss. Pennsylvania has long been a prime environment for opportunistic trial lawyers – and that situation has now been made worse by Governor Wolf’s veto of targeted COVID-19 liability protections. Already, we’ve seen significant dollars being spent on an advertising campaign to target employers with state and CDC health guidance in place with COVID-related lawsuits. Unfortunately, their actions are to the determent of small businesses, nonprofits, daycare centers, schools and universities and the medical community – who are already struggling to keep their doors open in the pandemic era.” To read the full article, please visit Pennsylvania Once Again Ranked as Top "Judicial Hellhole", Highlighting the Need for Civil Justice Reform and Liability Protections
PA Chamber Statement on Governor's Proposed Small Business Grant Program
HARRISBURG - PA Chamber President Gene Barr issued the following statement today in response to Gov. Wolf’s proposal to create a small business grant program using money from an injured workers’ fund to be directed towards businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Employers throughout the Commonwealth are facing almost unfathomable difficulties. In fact, according to data released this past December by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, a majority of small businesses believe the worst of COVID-19’s economic impact lies ahead and half of small businesses see their operations continuing for a year or less in the current business climate before having to permanently close. We appreciate any good faith proposal to help struggling employers and understand there are no easy answers for finding money. At the same time, it’s important to recognize the essential purpose of the Workers’ Compensation Security Fund – which is financed by the business community - is to support injured workers and note it has already been drawn upon to help balance the current state budget. Read the full article, PA Chamber Statement on Governor's Proposed Small Business Grant Program
Nonmanufacturing Business Outlook Survey - Historical Revisions
Results from the Nonmanufacturing Business Outlook Survey (NBOS) are reported in seasonally adjusted terms. Because survey responses are characterized by seasonal patterns, new seasonal factors are calculated annually based on the addition of a complete year of data and released each January. The survey’s annual historical revisions, which incorporated new seasonal adjustment factors, were released on January 19, 2021. The files below include an overview of the seasonal adjustment method for the NBOS and a summary of the impact of the most recent revisions.
What Future for History Dependence in Spatial Economics?
Together with evidence on rapid neighborhood change and self-fulfilling expectations, this implies that nature might not completely determine the spatial structure of the economy. Instead, the spatial economy might be characterized by multiple equilibria or multiple steady-state equilibrium paths, where history and expectations can play decisive roles. Better evidence on the conditions under which history matters can help improve theory and policy analysis. To read the full paper, please visit What Future for History Dependence in Spatial Economics?
For more information from the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, please visit: Philadephia Fed
PMA PERSPECTIVE: Conversation with Tim DeFoor
On PMA Perspective, PMA’s David Taylor interviews Tim DeFoor, the PA Auditor General-elect on his experience, his campaign, and his plans for serving at the watchdog for Pennsylvania’s taxpayers.
For more information from Pennsylvania Manufacturer's Association, please visit: PMA
The DVRPC Announces Exciting New Program!
The Travel Options program (TOP) will help The Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) and its planning partners, to better address growing transportation-related needs and challenges that face the nine county Greater Philadelphia region.
This newly-developed program will address the need to reduce congestion and improve air quality.
Find out more about this innovative new program here!
PennDOT Completes Another Project
The Route 926 (Street Road) culvert in Chester County was reopened on Friday, January 8. The culvert, which carries an average of 13, 305 vehicles per day, was built in 1937. For more information on this, and other projects, visit PennDOT's link.
For more information from Transportation Management Association of Chester County, please visit: TMACC
SBA Partners with National Science and Technology Council to award $330,000 in Prizes in New Lab to Market Competition
The L2M prize competition recognizes the most impactful organizations, programs and ideas that support the research and development (R&D) innovation ecosystems, particularly those focused on underrepresented communities and pandemic responses. The competition’s goal is to encourage entrepreneurship and inclusive, sustainable growth by developing and commercializing technology to improve access to resources.
SBA’s Emerging Leaders Initiative to Help Growing Entrepreneurs
Opens for 2021 Recruitment
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Small Business Administration announced the launch of the 2021 Emerging Leaders initiative for executives of small businesses poised for growth in underserved markets. Local area recruitment for the 2021 training cycle is currently underway at designated SBA District Offices. Interested small business owners can learn more regarding eligibility, how to apply, class schedules and locations at www.sba.gov/emergingleaders, or by contacting their local SBA District Office.
“I am proud of Emerging Leaders’ success to date, and the impact the training has made in helping to take small businesses from across the country to the next level,” said Allen Gutierrez, Associate Administrator of the SBA’s Office of Entrepreneurial Development. “As small businesses are recovering from the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic, SBA will continue to provide key resources to help businesses to grow even stronger and return to prosperity. Since its inception in 2008, Emerging Leaders has trained more than 4,000 small business owners, creating over 7,000 jobs, generating over $500 million in new financing, and securing over $4 billion in government contracts.” To learn more, please visit SBA’s Emerging Leaders Initiative to Help Growing Entrepreneurs Opens for 2021 Recruitment
SBA Proposes Rule to Eliminate Regulations that Exclude Faith-Based Organizations from Seven SBA Programs
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Small Business Administration invites public comment on a proposed rule designed to remove regulatory provisions that exclude certain faith-based organizations from seven business loan and disaster assistance programs. These programs include the Intermediary Lending Program (ILP), Business Loan programs (7(a), Microloan and 504 programs), Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) program, Military Reservist Economic Injury Disaster Loan (MREIDL) program and Immediate Disaster Assistance Program (IDAP).
For more information from the U.S. Small Business Administration, please visit: US SBA
Over the years, Chester County has made many strides to promoting environmentally-sustainable practices and standards throughout our communities. Now that we’ve made our way into 2021, communities should consider reassessing their current efforts to ensure the best “green” practices for residents and businesses both now, and into the future. The following three eTools provide ideas for saving energy and promoting green development practices.
Through companies such as PECO, municipalities can undergo a “municipal energy audit,” which analyzes their overall energy usage and identifies areas where energy can be better utilized. EnergyStar also offers an online audit which can be completed without a consultant through their “home energy yardstick.” Ultimately, this process can help a municipality to reduce their energy bills and taxpayer’s bills alike by lowering a community’s overall energy consumption. To read more, please visit Working Our Way Towards an Environmentally-Sustainable Future
With so much growth throughout Chester County’s suburban centers in recent years and with more growth expected, our communities are facing many challenges and must prepare for the new growth that is coming. To assist with these efforts, the Chester County Planning Commission is excited to present the new Suburban Center Landscapes Design Guide! This guide provides planning and design guidance for new development in corridors, underutilized shopping centers, older office and business parks, and infill locations within Chester County’s Suburban Center landscapes.
The foundation for the guide is found in Landscapes3, Chester County’s comprehensive plan, where four landscape categories, including Suburban Centers, are identified to best accommodate future growth throughout the county. The 17 Suburban Center landscapes in Chester County are specifically envisioned as regional economic, population, and transportation centers. These areas will accommodate substantial future growth of medium to high intensity with a mix of uses, including commercial, residential, and industrial. To read more, please visit Planning Commission Releases New Suburban Centers Design Guide
It is challenging to recap a year like 2020, since it was such an unprecedented and challenging year. We are happy to report that the Planning Commission was able to pivot and quickly adapt by working remotely. Despite the difficulties of the year, we also continued to implement Landscpaes3 successfully, working with our partners and the public to keep Chester County a great place for our residents, businesses, and visitors.
Accomplishments for 2020 are organized by the Landscapes vision and six goals: Preserve, Protect, Appreciate, Live, Prosper and Connect. Check out a few of the highlights!
In 2021, the Planning Commission will continue to implement the goals, objectives, and recommendations in Landscapes3. We will also have events associated with each of the six goal areas; Preserve, Protect, Appreciate, Live, Prosper, and Connect.
Major initiatives in 2021 will include continued municipal planning support via the Vision Partnership Program; a new Suburban Landscape Design Guide; extensive outreach to municipalities on open space; a climate action plan; support to municipalities on natural resource protection; guidance on renewable energy ordinances; an Adaptive Reuse Design Guide; the Town Tours and Village Walks; housing tools for missing-middle housing; an agricultural economic development plan; phase one of an updated public transportation plan; the biannual Transportation Improvement Inventory; a bike and pedestrian safety campaign; a complete streets policy; a bus shelter implementation effort; and an inventory of non-transportation infrastructure needs.
Ongoing major Landscapes3 initiatives include advocacy for good planning with our partners, maintaining the Pipeline Information Center, and continuing the Act 247 review process for subdivisions, land developments, ordinances, and plans.
It’s difficult to know which changes brought on by the pandemic will be temporary and which will be long term. We will work with our partners to address the ongoing impacts of the pandemic, no matter how long they might last, while continuing to implement the county’s long range plan for growth and preservation.
For more information from the Chester County Planning Commission, please visit: Chesco Planning
8 Federal Road
Suite 1
West Grove, PA 19390
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