Volume 4 | Issue 4 | April 15, 2021
Southern Chester County Chamber of Commerce
Doug Doerfler, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, Genesis - Chairman
Donna Hosler Charlton, Office Elf Bookkeeping
Bob Cox, OAD Mid-Atlantic
Liz Ferry, Chamber of Commerce Greater Phila.
Christine Gordon, CRPC, Merrill Lynch
Alex Halper, PA Chamber of Business & Industry
Susan Hamley, CCCVB
James T. Horn, The Tri-M Group, LLC
Cheryl B. Kuhn, IOM, SCCCC
John Lawrence, PA State Representative
Robert Listerman, BTR Security
MaryFrances McGarrity, CCEDC
Dennis Melton, Melton Architects
Ashley Miscevich, SCCCC
Tim Moore, Exelon Generation
Tim Phelps, TMACC
Christina Sappey, PA State Representative
James E. Turner, Chester Water Authority
House Bill 842: Protecting the Right to Organize Act of 2021
Short Title: This bill expands various labor protections related to employees' rights to organize and collectively bargain in the workplace. Among other things, it (1) revises the definitions of employee, supervisor, and employer to broaden the scope of individuals covered by the fair labor standards; (2) permits labor organizations to encourage participation of union members in strikes initiated by employees represented by a different labor organization (i.e., secondary strikes); and (3) prohibits employers from bringing claims against unions that conduct such secondary strikes. The bill also allows collective bargaining agreements to require all employees represented by the bargaining unit to contribute fees to the labor organization for the cost of such representation, notwithstanding a state law to the contrary; and expands unfair labor practices to include prohibitions against replacement of, or discrimination against, workers who participate in strikes. The bill makes it an unfair labor practice to require or coerce employees to attend employer meetings designed to discourage union membership and prohibits employers from entering into agreements with employees under which employees waive the right to pursue or a join collective or class-action litigation. The bill further prohibits employers from taking adverse actions against an employee, including employees with management responsibilities, in response to that employee participating in protected activities related to the enforcement of the prohibitions against unfair labor practices (i.e., whistleblower protections). Such protected activities include:
- providing information about a potential violation to an enforcement agency,
- participating in an enforcement proceeding,
- initiating a proceeding concerning an alleged violation or assisting in such a proceeding, or
- refusing to participate in an activity the employee reasonably believes is a violation of labor laws.
Finally, the bill addresses the procedures for union representation elections, provides employees with the ability to vote in such elections remotely by telephone or the internet, modifies the protections against unfair labor practices that result in serious economic harm, and establishes penalties and permits injunctive relief against entities that fail to comply with National Labor Relations Board orders.
Committees: House - Education and Labor | Senate - Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
Latest Action: Senate - 03/11/2021 Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. (All Actions)
Pennsylvania State Legislation
House Bill 605: COVID Liability Reform
Short Title: An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in arbitration, providing for compulsory arbitration of COVID-19 actions; and, in particular rights and immunities, providing for COVID-19-related liability.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY, April 9, 2021 [Senate]
Senate Bill 766: PA Corporate Tax Return Date
Short Title: An Act amending the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, in personal income tax, providing for COVID-19 emergency finance and tax provision; and in corporate net income tax, further providing for reports and payment of tax and for extension of time to file reports.
Last Action: Referred to FINANCE, April 9, 2021 [Senate]
House Bill 521: Using Technology To Reduce Recidivism for
Repeat DUI Offenders
Short Title: An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in general provisions, further providing for definitions; in licensing of drivers, further providing for the offense of driving while operating privilege is suspended or revoked; and, in driving after imbibing alcohol or utilizing drugs, further providing for prior offenses, for Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition, for drug and alcohol assessments and for mandatory sentencing and providing for substance monitoring program.
House Bill 649: Creating an Essential Caregiver in Long-Term Care Facilities
Short Title: An Act providing for access to congregate care facilities for essential caregivers, for additional safety requirements for residents of congregate care facilities, for suspension of access for essential caregivers and for costs associated with safety measures related to essential caregivers.
We encourage you to use the links below to contact your representatives and
build support around our pro-business efforts.
2020 Legislation Enacted - PA General Assembly
Chester County Commissioners' Message - April 8th
One of the duties that we, as County Commissioners, appreciate is proclaiming special days, weeks and months that recognize and honor public service professions, notable causes and community services and events.
And in April, we have some pretty notable ones.
We’re not talking about days in April (and these are actual days!) dedicated to ferrets, finding rainbows, reading road maps and wearing your pajamas to work.
We’re talking about days and weeks truly worthy of recognition. World Autism Day. Earth Day. National Volunteer Week. And others that are very near and dear to us in Chester County Government.
National Public Health Week gives us an opportunity to applaud the work of our Chester County Health Department staff. National Telecommunicators Week focuses on the importance of every one of our Chester County 9-1-1 personnel. National Library Week gives us the chance to thank our library staff – and volunteers – for their important service.
But this year, one of the most appropriate and timely “weeks” to note is World Immunization Week, celebrated every year the last week of April. Immunization saves millions of lives every year. It’s one of the world’s most successful health inventions. And this year’s theme? “Vaccines bring us closer.” Yes, they do.
Chester County is starting to receive more doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, as availability increases. We are opening up more vaccine clinics, booking more and more appointments, and we strongly encourage everyone 16 and over to make an effort to get the vaccine. Proclamations notwithstanding, scheduling your COVID-19 vaccine appointment is the very best way to recognize the importance of World Immunization Day.
Transportation Improvement Inventory
The Planning Commission has begun the process of soliciting input from our municipalities toward updating the Transportation Improvement Inventory (TII), a comprehensive record of known transportation needs and projects within Chester County. This is the first step toward the biennial update of the DVRPC Region’s Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), or regionally agreed upon list of priority transportation projects. The 2019 TII identified a total of 532 proposed roadway, bridge, bicycle, pedestrian, freight, and transit projects totaling $4.42B. We encourage you to check out the complete 2019 TII document and accompanying interactive map to see all of the projects included in our current inventory.
Revitalization in Coatesville
While the COVID-19 pandemic took a toll on many communities and businesses in 2020 (and into 2021), the City of Coatesville’s downtown revitalization efforts have continued to thrive and grow despite these many challenges! One project that’s been highlighted on various occasions throughout the year is the soon to be 30,000-square-foot building which will serve as a start-up hub located at 190 West Lincoln Highway. Learn more.
Follow-up to the Climate Action Plan Public Meeting
The Chester County Planning Commission and Chester County Environmental and Energy Advisory Board (EEAB) held a virtual public meeting on Thursday, March 4, to present the county’s proposed Climate Action Plan. The meeting was attended by more than 150 individuals who tuned in to listen and provide feedback on the county’s efforts towards climate action planning. Learn more.
For more information from the Chester County Planning Commission, please visit: Chesco Planning
VSL Coming Soon to Chester County
In an effort to allow traffic to flow more smoothly, and give drivers more time to react to changing conditions, Variable Speed Limits (VSL), will be activated in the spring. When inclement weather, or heavy traffic congestion pops up, VSL can help to prevent accidents, and make your commute smoother and safer. Follow this link for more information!
For more information from Transportation Management Association of Chester County, please visit: TMACC
PA’s Largest Pension Fund Admits for the First Time
that it’s Under Federal Investigation
April 6 - Pennsylvania’s largest pension fund board on Tuesday confirmed for the first time that it is a target of a federal investigation and voted to hire more lawyers specifically to help deal with the probe. Trustees of PSERS voted unanimously to hire the New York law firm of Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP “to provide guidance to the board in matters related to a federal investigation and any collateral issues,” according to a resolution. It was passed by the board shortly before 10 p.m. after a more than a five-hour meeting. “Well done,” banking secretary Richard Vague told fellow trustees. Read More
PA Chamber: State Minimum Wage Report Highlights
Actual Demographics of Minimum Wage Earners
Senate Appropriations Hearing with DCED Explores Various
Important Issues for Business Leaders
Department of Community and Economic Development Secretary Dennis Davin answered several questions of importance to the state’s business community during a budget hearing last week with the Senate Appropriations Committee. -> Read More
Mileage User Fee? Vehicle Sales Tax?
Panel Begins Work on Finding New Ways to Pay for PA’s Transportation Needs
March 26 - Work has begun on finding new ways to raise more money for road and bridge projects and allow Pennsylvania to phase out its gas tax. The Transportation Revenue Options Commission, or T-ROC as it is called, held its inaugural meeting on Thursday to launch its efforts to identify alternative funding sources. Gov. Tom Wolf appointed the panel, which is made up of nearly four dozen government officials and representatives from the business, transportation and other sectors. Wolf gave the commission until Aug. 1 to produce a report with its recommendations. Read More
Economic Growth and Inflation: Can They Be Measured Better?
April 6 - Research in Focus — The Fed’s Leonard Nakamura suggests that the U.S. economy may be growing more quickly — and inflation growing more slowly — than current measures indicate. Read more.
Occupational Mobility Explorer
In Exploring a Skills-Based Approach to Occupational Mobility, researchers from the Philadelphia and Cleveland Feds analyze the skills that employers request in the 33 largest metro areas and look for opportunities for workers to transfer their skills from one occupation to a similar — but higher-paying — occupation in the same labor market. This application is designed to make the findings interactive and wholly accessible to those interested in economic mobility. Learn more here!
Weekly Labor Market Information and Unemployment Rates Brief Released
For more information from the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, please visit: Philadephia Fed
SBA to Opened Shuttered Venue Operators Grants for Applications on
April 8 at 12 p.m. EDT
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Small Business Administration officially opened the Shuttered Venue Operators Grant (SVOG) application portal April 8, 2021 at 12 p.m. EDT for operators of live venues, live performing arts organizations, museums and movie theatres, as well as live venue promoters, theatrical producers and talent representatives to apply for critical economic relief, as those eligible entities are some of the first that had to shutter their doors a year ago in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Concerts, plays, dance performances, movie premieres, museum exhibits – these are the lifeblood of culture and community, and often the anchor for travel, tourism and neighborhood food and retail stores. We know that for the stage and venue operators across the nation that help make this culture happen, the pandemic has been devastating. Too many have been forced to lower the final curtain on their businesses. Today, with more than $16.2 billion available through the Shuttered Venue Operators Grants, help is here,” said SBA Administrator Isabella Casillas Guzman. “The SBA is committed to moving as quickly as possible to deliver this vital funding effectively and equitably - ensuring relief goes to those venue operators whose revenues have been most impacted by the pandemic.” To learn more, please visit SBA to Open Shuttered Venue Operators Grants for Applications
For more information from the U.S. Small Business Administration, please visit: US SBA
U.S. Chamber Opposes Tax Hikes That Would Hurt Economic Growth, Competitiveness and Job Creation
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Chamber has long opposed tax hikes that will hurt American businesses and cost America jobs. The following statement can be attributed to Neil Bradley, executive vice president and chief policy officer, U.S. Chamber of Commerce:
“The U.S. Chamber agrees with the Biden administration that there is a great need to invest in American infrastructure and that ‘inaction is simply not an option.’ However, that doesn’t mean we should proceed with tax hikes that will hurt American businesses and cost American jobs. Tax reform worked to improve a system that no one felt was working and struck a balance between the need for companies to be able to compete in the global economy while protecting the U.S. tax base. We urge the administration and Republicans and Democrats in Congress to begin meaningful negotiations to responsibly fund an infrastructure package and the Chamber will continue to contribute productive funding and financing solutions.” To read the press release please visit U.S. Chamber Opposes Tax Hikes That Would Hurt Economic Growth, Competitiveness and Job Creation
U.S. Chamber Calls for Productive Solutions from
Democrats and Republicans to Enact Infrastructure Legislation
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has been vocal in urging the President and Congress to address infrastructure as their first priority after pandemic relief, even building a diverse coalition of over 300 organizations unified in calling for action by the Fourth of July. The following statement can be attributed to Neil Bradley, executive vice president and chief policy officer, U.S. Chamber of Commerce:
“We need a big and bold program to modernize our nation’s crumbling infrastructure and we applaud the Biden administration for making infrastructure a top priority. However, we believe the proposal is dangerously misguided when it comes to how to pay for infrastructure. Properly done, a major investment in infrastructure today is an investment in the future, and like a new home, should be paid for over time – say 30 years -- by the users who benefit from the investment. We strongly oppose the general tax increases proposed by the administration which will slow the economic recovery and make the U.S. less competitive globally – the exact opposite of the goals of the infrastructure plan. To read the article, please visit U.S. Chamber Calls for Productive Solutions from Democrats and Republicans to Enact Infrastructure Legislation
New Report Reveals Improving Intellectual Property Protections Worldwide
On March 24, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce released its ninth annual Intellectual Property (IP) Index, “Recovery Through Ingenuity.” The report reveals that IP protections improved worldwide this year, often driven by international trade agreements. It also highlights IP’s vital role in enabling the development of a pipeline of therapeutics and vaccines to combat COVID-19.
“I’m sure the IP Index will enrich data points, provide food for thought for policymakers throughout the world, and contribute to the larger discussion about how IP can improve the lives of everyone, everywhere,” said General Daren Tang, director of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). To read the full article, please visit New Report Reveals Improving Intellectual Property Protections Worldwide
The PRO Act’s Attack on Independent Contracting: Questions and Answers
8 Federal Road
Suite 1
West Grove, PA 19390
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