The City of Sanibel reported that east end beaches were covered in hundreds of large dead fish including drum, redfish, grouper, and tarpon as well as thousands of smaller fish of different species at the tide line.
SCCF staff reported dozens of massive drum and various fish species washed up on shore near the east end beaches.
The large deceased fish on Sanibel beaches (grouper, drum, snook, tarpon, etc.) were reported to be at various stages of decomposition when washed on shore indicating that there is a range of time (therefore distance) fish are dead before strong westerly winds brought them on shore this week and that the affected area is larger than just near the coast.
SCCF reported 4 dead loggerheads on Sanibel, 1 dead loggerhead on Captiva, and 1 dead green on Sanibel (cause of death unknown, suspected to be related to red tide in combination with signs of boat strikes, predation, and/or entanglement)
In the past week, the FWC has received reports of fish kills from Charlotte County (4 reports), Collier County (25 reports), Lee County (17 reports), Manatee County (6reports), Pinellas County (36 reports), and Sarasota County (12 reports).
Click here to report a fish kill to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.