Featured Service
Job-Alike Coffee Chats
Many of you have joined us for our coffee chats where we share ideas and discuss challenges and success stories. Based on your feedback, we are now launching coffee chats where we bring together educators in similar roles. While collaborating with colleagues in diverse roles has its advantages, gathering with those in the same professional role allows you to explore more in-depth job-specific concerns, issues and potential strategies.

School Counselor Network Coffee Chat
Our first job-alike group will be school counselors - connect with others in your position on January 21, 2021 from 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Register now
Winter 2021 SCAIP Virtual PLC
Winter 2021 School Climate Assessment and Improvement Process (SCAIP)
Virtual Professional Learning Community (PLC) on January 14, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

This is a networking opportunity designed for SCAIP schools that are just beginning, are currently in years 2 or 3, or have completed the 3 year School Climate Assessment and Improvement Process. During the SCAIP PLC, educators will have the chance to share, learn and inspire each other. Individual representatives or the entire Culture and Climate team are welcome to attend! Watch your email for a formal invitation in the next few days! Register now
NJDOE Grant Funding: Addressing Student Learning Loss
The New Jersey Department of Education has just announced a grant opportunity that aims to address student learning loss due to COVID-19. Throughout the grant there is a strong emphasis on SEL. The focus can be on one of three areas - Math, Language Arts or SEL. It is important to note that if Math or Language Arts is chosen, there must be an SEL focus. View the details of this grant opportunity. The deadline for schools/districts to apply is January 21, 2021.

The School Culture and Climate Initiative is able to partner with districts to provide services required in the grant (assessment/data driven approach, professional development, SEL teacher coaching and/or consultancy services). Please contact us if you would like to explore what this partnership may look like in your school/district. 
Resources, Webinars and PD
Article: "Education inequality, community schools, and system transformation: Launching the Task Force on Next Generation Community Schools"
With COVID-19 cases on the rise, families and schools across America face an extended period of educational disruption which has taken a toll on our nation’s young people. This crisis has highlighted the increasing need for transformation in our schools. Read more
Article: "Holidays during the Pandemic"
With the holidays upon us, families everywhere are struggling to make plans appropriate for the pandemic. Child Mind Institute offers tips for reducing stress, helping kids cope, and making new traditions. Read the article.
The purpose of this new resource is to identify remote learning issues, recommend improvements, address potential deficiencies, and foster larger conversations about teaching, learning, technology, and equity. It uses research and gathers what many districts learned to characterize the current state of the field and provide guidance and examples for schools implementing remote digital learning, whenever and whatever the reason. 

While it is a rather lengthy resource, it was designed so that you can read just the portions of the document that apply to you. The authors recommend that all users begin with “What is Digital Learning?”, peruse the resources, and then absorb what is useful elsewhere (check out the table of contents for a specific listing of topics and subject areas).
Education Week's Webinar "Examining the Evidence: Engaging Families and Communities in Recovery" on December 18 at 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. ET
The disruption to in-person and traditional school routines are demanding more from families than ever before, as many try to fill in instructional gaps on top of providing emotional and physical care. Long-standing patterns of excluding and marginalizing families and communities of color from actively engaging in their students’ schooling presents new and even starker threats to their sense of community and trust in schools. Given these challenges, what can the research evidence tell us about how schools and districts can support families in their diverse contexts and build practical trust to support student learning? Register here
CASEL CARES Webinar "Understanding and Preventing Youth Bullying & Peer Victimization during the Pandemic"
December 18 at 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. ET
Whether you are a student, parent, educator, or school leader, bullying and peer victimization in school are serious concerns in the U.S. and around the world. Research shows that by creating socially and emotionally supportive spaces, schools can foster a climate of inclusion and respect among both students and staff. Hear Dr. Dorothy Espelage, William C. Friday Distinguished Professor of Education at the University of North Carolina, and gain insights around: 
  • What does bullying and peer victimization look like during the pandemic? 
  • Who is most at-risk for victimization during the pandemic? 
  • How are we using SEL during the pandemic to reduce isolation and victimization?

"Youth Mental Health First Aid"
The Northeast and Caribbean Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) can provide Youth Mental Health First Aid to your school or organization at no cost. "Youth Mental Health First Aid" is designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, school staff, peers, neighbors, health and human services workers, and other caring citizens how to help an adolescent (age 12-18) who is experiencing a mental health or addictions challenge or is in crisis. Topics covered include anxiety, depression, substance use, disorders in which psychosis may occur, disruptive behavior disorders (including AD/HD), and eating disorders." 

If you are interested in receiving training, please email us.
School Culture and Climate Conference 2021
No one looks forward to the challenges that life throws our way. Yet, from those obstacles and challenges, we are transformed. We are stronger. We are braver. And often those challenges present us with new opportunities, if we take the time to seek them out and notice those that may be in disguise. 
This conference will be different than most. Our goal is to guide educators on the journey towards optimism while honoring the hardships that we have all endured. We are creating the time and space for learning but also for listening, exchanging new ideas and inspiring you to act on those ideas.
Sessions will be relevant and helpful to administrators, counselors, school psychologists, teachers and all who work with or on behalf of students and families. Our keynote speaker will turn your world “upside down” and introduce you to a new way of looking at yourself and others. Come prepared to be transformed, to share your ideas, to laugh with colleagues and ultimately, to be ready to start a learning revolution in your community. 
The Academy for SEL in Schools, a partnership between Rutgers University and Saint Elizabeth University, offers certificate programs for educators and educational leaders in social-emotional and character development.
SEL4NJ is a state-wide coalition that promotes high-quality SEL throughout the state. Sign up now to join this effort and to stay informed about national and state SEL news!
The School Culture and Climate Initiative (SCCI) is based at the Center for Human and Social Development at Saint Elizabeth University.