Join us in celebrating on March 26th!
Sign up today to showcase, promote, advocate for and support SEL (broadly defined) in your school and community. All you need to do is create an artifact and send it out on social media with the hashtag (#SELday) on March 26th. The goal is to have #SELday trending worldwide. Spread the word about what SEL is and why it's so critical!
If you create an artifact (which many New Jersey schools did for SEL Day last year!) it would be wonderful if you could send a copy of your artifact (video, photos, blogs, podcasts, etc.) with the theme of your artifact included in the subject line with one or two words (for example Kindness, Connection, Staff Morale, Student Voice, Respect) to SEL4NJ and to the School Culture and Climate Initiative. We will be sure to tweet and share the artifact on SEL Day.
We are excited to showcase and highlight the amazing SEL (broadly defined) work taking place in our New Jersey schools!
Funding Opportunities
The 2021 Sustainable Jersey for Schools Grants Cycle funded by the PSEG Foundation will be announced the week of February 22
When announced, more information on this cycle will be available on the website. Review the "Thinking About Applying for a Grant?" section of the website to get started on putting together a project proposal.
School Culture and Climate Conference 2021
Join us for the School Culture and Climate Virtual Conference 2021: Opportunities Born from Challenges!
This conference will be different than most. Our goal is to guide educators on the journey towards optimism while honoring the hardships that we have all endured. We are creating the time and space for learning but also for listening, exchanging new ideas and inspiring you to act on those ideas.
Sessions will be relevant and helpful to administrators, counselors, school psychologists, teachers and all who work with or on behalf of students and families. Our keynote speaker will turn your world “upside down” and introduce you to a new way of looking at yourself and others. Come prepared to be transformed, to share your ideas, to laugh with colleagues and ultimately, to be ready to start a learning revolution in your community. 

Registration Deadline: February 19th
Keynote Speaker, Dave Rendall
Resources, Webinars and PD
Thousands of school staff across the nation have completed the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence’s new, free course, Managing Emotions in Times of Uncertainty and Stress, prioritizing the importance of maintaining their own and their students’ mental well-being. 
As educators and school staff continue to grapple with the challenges related to the pandemic, social and political divides, and economic uncertainty, we are confident that this course will provide helpful insight and skills that they can leverage to navigate these emotional times. We are encouraged to see early participants report that they are already benefiting from practical application of the knowledge and strategies addressed in the course. 

Delivered by leading experts in the fields of psychology, education, and research at the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, this course enables participants to complete coursework at their own pace and create an action plan to enhance their personal and professional growth.

“This was an extremely relevant and valuable tool for me as a professional and as a person in general.
The concepts that were presented were culturally and chronologically relevant, research-based, authentic,
and presented in such a way as to harness the interest of the learners while keeping them wanting more.
I think that this may truly be one of the best PDs on SEL I have ever taken.”
CASEL CARES Webinar "Building Partnerships Inside and Outside the Classroom"
February 19 from 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. ET
Authentic school-community partnerships help create and support positive student experiences both in school and out of school. But how do you align in-school and out-of-school work on social and emotional learning? That’s what the Partnerships for Social Emotional Learning Initiative (PSELI) sought to uncover in a multiyear project across six school district communities. Join CASEL, the Wallace Foundation, and district and community leaders from Palm Beach County as they share findings about how school and out-of-school time partners can work together to align and implement SEL. Attendees will gain insights about how to support the adults in the community, improve school climate, and create seamless experiences for students. Register here
Check out "The SEL Inbox", CASEL's newsletter offering a quick hit of the week's trending SEL news stories. Subscribe to receive The SEL Inbox every Sunday.
Here Are 3 Top SEL Strategies That Can Help Improve Student Engagement Right Now
“Successful learning environments are all about the choices teachers make, so it’s important to question your methods and try new approaches for learners who aren’t ready ‘yet.’” 
The Academy for SEL in Schools, a partnership between Rutgers University and Saint Elizabeth University, offers certificate programs for educators and educational leaders in social-emotional and character development.
SEL4NJ is a state-wide coalition that promotes high-quality SEL throughout the state. Sign up now to join this effort and to stay informed about national and state SEL news!

"Youth Mental Health First Aid"
The Northeast and Caribbean Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) can provide Youth Mental Health First Aid to your school or organization at no cost. "Youth Mental Health First Aid" is designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, school staff, peers, neighbors, health and human services workers, and other caring citizens how to help an adolescent (age 12-18) who is experiencing a mental health or addictions challenge or is in crisis. Topics covered include anxiety, depression, substance use, disorders in which psychosis may occur, disruptive behavior disorders (including AD/HD), and eating disorders." 

If you are interested in receiving training, please email us.
The School Culture and Climate Initiative (SCCI) is based at the Center for Human and Social Development at Saint Elizabeth University.