Attending quilt and sewing retreats is a yearlong activity but I am guessing as we move into the summer months retreat season is escalating. Last week I was home in Nebraska to visit Dad. Little did I know my cousins were hosting a quilt retreat. Of course, I dropped by to say hello. To my surprise, Grabbit® Sewing Tools were spotted throughout the event. Except for the Lime Green, Grabbit® Magnetic Pincushions in “vintage” colors were used on cutting mats, sewing tables, and ironing boards. I was delighted! Grabbit® BobbinSavers® were in use too. Photo op! I didn’t have to stage anything. And before you ask, I did not give those Grabbits® to my cousins. I was so giddy finding Grabbits®, like a scavenger hunt, I did not take pics of the SCHMETZ Microtex.
During my quick trip, I visited the impressive local quilt show, then before flying from Denver, visited the astonishing Amy Pabst Solo Exhibit: Log Cabin, The 100,000 Pieces Project (mini quilts) at the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum in Golden, CO. Over the next few days pics will be posted on my personal blog, SewMoreStitches. As summer unfolds, I hope you too can meet family and friends, known and unknown, at inspirational quilt shows, retreats, and your local shops. Let the stitchin’ summer begin!
Sew SCHMETZ & Grabbit® Too!