Information for organizations involved in digitization through SCRLC

SCHOAM! for December 2022

Special Collections, Historical Organizations, Archives & Museums

in short: News | Grants | Ideas | Events | Webinars | Jobs

News from SCRLC

New Collection: Roberta Halden Scrapbooks

The Seneca Falls Library hired SCRLC to digitize an enormous collection of scrapbooks compiled by former Town Historian Roberta Halden. The resulting collection of 119 digitized albums is a truly comprehensive look at Seneca Falls history, from the 18th century to the present day.

New Collection: Elmira College Catalogues and Bulletins

With a 2022 SCRLC Digitization Grant, Elmira College is digitizing their complete collection of class catalogues, later referred to as The Bulletin. Elmira College was the first U.S institution of higher education to confer degrees to women equivalent to those for men, so these class catalogues have important historical significance. We're only halfway through the collection, so come back for more!

New Collection: Allentown Union School Collection

Thanks to Consider the Source digitization funding, one of our new members, Allegany County Historical Society, has a second collection, all about a rural school that has since dissolved. ACHS's executive director, Ron Taylor, attended school in Allentown and provided scanned yearbooks for us to upload.

New Collection: Buildings and Street Scenes of Auburn, NY

Auburn was one of those towns dramatically changed by Urban Renewal policies, so this collection from the Cayuga Museum of Art and History, created through the ARPA Museum/Library partnership grant that SCRLC administered to Seymour Library, has priceless views of long-gone buildings.

New Collection: Images of Auburn

Seymour Library had also received a grant from SCRLC last year that they used to partner with the Cayuga County Historian's Office. These images of buildings from all over the city of Auburn were used in the Auburn installation of HistoryForge. This essay by author and urban planner Bill Fulton about Auburn's development helps put these images in context.

It may seem like I'm biased for Auburn- but please know, I would love to upload hundreds of images of your town, too! If you have pictures to digitize, just shoot me an email at

Grants & Assistance

Museum Association Conference Scholarships

MANY's 2023 conference will be in Syracuse, April 15-18. They have a long list of scholarships you can apply for to offset the cost to attend.

ALA Library Programming Grants

Apply by February 1 for a community engagement grant of $2,000 from the American Libraries Association. Two organizations will be chosen. Three libraries will also receive up to $2,500 for programming as part of the Peggy Barber Tribute Grant.

ICYMI: Reading & Discussion Program Grants

Apply to HumanitiesNY for a grant to pay for a facilitator to lead a 4-6 session series of reading discussions in the spring. HumanitiesNY will send you 15 copies of a book to use. The themes are broad and historical, perfect to tie in with other exhibits and events you have. Apply by December 12.

Ideas & Inspiration

Easy Virtual Tours with ESIE

It's intimidating to think you could do a virtual tour- but really, you can! We have the GoPro gear you can borrow and the site to host it. The Rochester Regional Library Council recently helped launch a virtual tour, found here on ESIE, the Empire State Immersive Experience. Where you see little "i" icons, there's a popup to include historical information, images, and links. You could make something great with this!

New York Archives Conference Proposals

The online New York Archives Conference won't happen until June, but they're looking for proposals this month. Submit your ideas here by January 6.

Finding Aids Award from MARAC

The Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference is looking for submissions for their finding aids award. Be sure to submit one, because these kinds of awards rarely have a ton of submissions; your odds are good. Submit your work by December 31 and perhaps win $500.

Academic Librarian Professional Development Program: COPALI

Many thanks to our southeastern library council neighbors for sharing this: application to participate in the Communities of Practice for the Advancement of Library Instruction (COPALI). Participants will work on pedagogical practices in academic libraries, as well as open educational resources. Apply by Jan. 9.

Collections Management Policy Toolkit

A project of the Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts (CCAHA) with funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, the Collections Management Policy Toolkit (CMPToolkit) is a free online tool, best for small and mid-level institutions starting from scratch.

Write about Special Collections Curatorship

Do you have a radical vision for special collections? A few editors have a book slated with the Society of American Archivists and are looking for contributions. Due by December 15.

Museum Awards

The Museum Association extended the deadline for their awards of distinction, so take a look and nominate yourself, your institution, or your colleagues!

Happening in the Neighborhood

Holiday Events and Promotions

ReCOUNT in Ithaca

It's the last month to go see the reCount: Facing our Census exhibit at the History Center in Tompkins County. It's a great exhibit that explores the ways in which race, ethnicity, and bias over centuries skewed our understanding of Ithaca's diversity and immigration history.

Newsletters in Oneonta

I appreciated the latest newsletter from the Greater Oneonta Historical Society, not just because of the shout-out to Helen Rees of the Swart-Wilcox House Museum in the first paragraph, but because the President's message was really on point. She encourages readers to keep a diary so that the history made by everyday community members can live on. That's a great message for all cultural organizations!

Hancock Mills Explosion

The Delaware County Historical Society posted a story on Facebook recently marking the anniversary of a serious 1899 fire in Hancock Mills: "November 30, 1899 - Hancock Mills burned. Burglars blew up the safe and much of the surrounding village burned down." They paired it with a Sanborn Fire Insurance Map, which is very fitting.

Zooms & Webinars Up Your Alley

Starting from Where You Are – Becoming Anti-Isms

Tuesday, December 6 at 10 am

Invite Your Community to Contribute Digital Materials to Your Archive

Tuesday, December 6 at 1 pm

Affordable Connectivity Outreach Grant Program

Wednesday, December 7 at 1 pm

Successfully Navigating IRB Processes as a Community College Librarian

Wednesday, December 7 at 2 pm

Where Does the Mold Go? 

Thursday, December 8 at 12 pm

NYS Digital Equity Roundtable 

Friday, December 9 at 9 am

Employee Handbook and Labor Law updates

Friday, December 9 at 10 am

Developing Relationships with Faculty Using Unique Collections

Monday, December 12 at 1 pm

New York Archives: Movie Censorship in New York: an Early Cancel Culture? 

Tuesday, December 13 at 12:30 pm

Knowledge for Everyone: How Open Access in Discovery Furthers Your Library’s DEI Goals

Wednesday, December 14 at 11 am

Turning the Page: Improving the Library Student Assistant Experience

Wednesday, December 14 at 2 pm

Disinformation and the Literacy Landscape

Wednesday, December 14 at 2 pm

Doc Chat Episode 60: Picturing a Financial Meltdown—300 Years Later

Thursday, December 15 at 3:30 pm


Openings In The Field

That's all for this month! Send me an email if there's anything at your organization you'd like me to include in the next newsletter: | Claire Lovell, Digital Services Librarian
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