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Volume 8, Issue 7 July 2016
In This Issue:
FY 2016-17 Giving Opportunities
Available Through August 31
With less than 2 months left in SCICU's fundraising year, supporting higher education opportunities available through South Carolina's independent colleges and universities is more important than ever.
Opportunities to financially support SCICU are still available for fiscal year 2016-2017. 100% of funds raised by SCICU is dedicated to the support of the twenty member colleges and universities and their students. These opportunities include the following:
- SCICU Scholars Program
- Board of Trustees Scholarship Awards
- Student/Faculty Research Program
- Independent College and University Week
- Excellence In Teaching Awards
- Annual College Campus Tour
- Unrestricted Gifts
Making a gift to SCICU has never been easier. Simply visit the SCICU website (scicu.org/donate) and follow the directions to make an online gift through PayPal. This link also supports gifts made via your major credit card.
For more information on giving opportunities to SCICU, please call Eddie Shannon today at 803-799-7122. Please make your gift today!
SCICU Achieves 100% Success
On 2016 Legislative Goals
The June 15 budget bill passed by the South Carolina General Assembly appropriated funding in excess of $7.5 billion for the 2016-17 fiscal year, including the addition of more than $10 million for higher education student financial assistance.
SCICU was fortunate to realize
all of its 2016 legislative goals, which included the following:
An additional $2.53 million in recurring state funds for the Tuition Grants Commission that will increase the maximum award from $3,100 to $3,200,
- Full-funding of the State merit scholarship program (Palmetto Fellows, LIFE, HOPE, Tuition Assistance) at over $300 million to include projected growth of approximately 2%,
- An increase of more than $4.54 million for the State need-based grant program at the Commission on Higher Education,
- Up to $1.5 million for PASCAL if the amount of unclaimed lottery prizes reaches at least $19.5 million (because of several large Powerball jackpots, there is a good chance that PASCAL will receive some or all of the appropriations), and
- Legislation authorizing the Commission on Higher Education to serve as the state's portal agency for the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement; CHE will accept applications beginning on July 1.
SCICU would like to thank its Trustees, its many friends and allies, and the members of the General Assembly who recognize the importance of a strong and vibrant independent college and university partnership. The complete 2016 Legislative Priorities vs. Results report is available on the SCICU website.
UPS Scholarship Program Expanded at SCICU
SCICU is very pleased to announce that due to recent policy changes at the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC), the UPS Scholarship Program administered through CIC has been expanded to include five additional colleges at SCICU. Students at Allen University, Benedict College, Claflin University, Morris College, and Voorhees College are now eligible to receive the annual award provided through CIC by the UPS Foundation.
Thanks to a generous $38 million endowment established by UPS, all 20 members of SCICU will receive one $2,600 UPS Scholarship from CIC each year. SCICU pays CIC $635 per college to participate in the UPS Scholarship Program, so the $2,600 award at each college represents a 400 percent "return on investment". Since the beginning of the UPS Scholarship Program, SCICU member colleges have received almost $1.2 million through the UPS Scholarship Program.
(L-R) SC Secretary of Commerce Bobby Hitt, SCICU Board Chair Jim Reynolds, and Governor Nikki Haley.
SCICU Board Chair Named 2016
Ambassador for Economic Development
SCICU Board of Trustees Chair Jim Reynolds has been honored as Lexington County's 2016 Ambassador for Economic Development by the SC Department of Commerce.
The Department of Commerce honors one individual from each county each year for their exceptional efforts to bolster community and economic development activities in South Carolina. Jim Reynolds, a Columbia resident, is CEO of Total Comfort Solutions in Lexington County.
2016 SCICU Campus Tour Participants
SCICU Colleges Host HS Guidance Counselors During 2016 Campus Tour
Twenty-four SC high school guidance counselors and educators toured ten of the twenty SCICU member colleges and universities during the 2016 Campus Tour held June 13-17, 2016.
Bill Brown (CIU) and Bryan McDaniel (Newberry College) served as tour guides for this annual event. Brown and McDaniel coordinated visits, meals, and activities at each of the visits with SCICU member institutions. The participating SC guidance counselors and other high school-level professionals had wonderful opportunities to meet admissions and financial aid staff at the colleges during the tour.
Tour participants were also able to tour dorm rooms, classrooms, and other facilities at each of the colleges, giving them first-hand knowledge to share with high school students and parents as they evaluate higher education opportunities available at SC independent colleges and universities.
The 2016 SCICU Campus Tour visited the following ten colleges and universities: Allen University, Anderson University, Coker College, Columbia International University, Converse College, Limestone College, Morris College, Newberry College, Spartanburg Methodist College, and Wofford College.
Co-sponsors for the 2016 Campus Tour included the South Carolina Department of Education and the South Carolina Counseling Association. The co-sponsors have approved tour participation (following acceptable submission of a related project) for SCDE, GCDF, and/or LPC credits.
SCICU also extends its appreciation and thanks to the sponsors of the 2016 Campus Tour. Two SCICU Life Trustees, Mrs. Joan S. Coker and Mr. James C. Fort, generously supported SCICU's 2016 Campus Tour.
Allen University to Host SCICU
Fall Board Meeting October 12
The SCICU Board of Trustees will hold its Fall 2016 Board Meeting at Allen University on October 12. The Council of Presidents will start the day with breakfast at 9 a.m. College/University Presidents will join the full board to convene the business meeting at 10:30.
SCICU Board of Trustees members, including at-large trustees and presidents of member colleges and universities, are encouraged to register online for the October 12 meeting (Many thanks in advance to the trustees who have already registered online for the board meeting. There is no need to register again.) Please contact Shay West at SCICU (803-799-7122 or shay@scicu.org) if you have any questions regarding registration.
Member College News
SCICU curates news from its twenty member colleges and universities. Click
here to read college news on the SCICU website.
Click below to access important information on each of the SCICU member colleges and universities:
The Business Partners program provides a convenient marketplace in which SCICU member colleges and universities can preview offerings tailored to the needs of the higher education community in South Carolina.
SCICU is pleased to announce the following new Business Partners:
Spirit Communications
SCICU also recognizes the renewals of the following Business Partners:
Coleman Lew & Associates, Inc.
Directory - Click
for a complete list of Business Partners, or access information on individual Business Partners via the links shown below.
SCICU is a member of the Coalition for College Cost Savings (CCCS). This organization, comprised of 33 member organizations in 30 states, serves more than 900 higher education institutions and over 3 million students across the United States. The organization and staff are dedicated to helping private higher education institutions improve processes and reduce costs through collaboration.
All SCICU member colleges and universities have access to CCCS's national contracts and services. More information on this important benefit may be found here.
News & Notes is published by the South Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities, Inc. Please send all comments or questions to SCICU President & CEO Mike LeFever at mike@scicu.org or 803-799-7122. Mailing address: PO Box 12007, Columbia, SC 29211.