News & Notes 
Information for South Carolina's 
Independent Colleges & Universities  
Volume 7 Issue 6

 June 2014

In This Issue
Budget to Governor's Desk
Nominations for SCICU Board
Two SCICU Presidents Named to National Panel
Member College News
SCICU Business Partners
Calendar of Events

 June 18

SC Tuition Grants Commission

SCICU, 10:30am - 12pm


June 16-19

2014 College Campus Tour


June 19

Library Directors Council

SCICU, 1:30 - 3:30pm


June 24

Public Policy Meeting

SCICU, 10 - 11am


August 7

Development Comm. Mtg.

SCICU, 10:30 - 11:30am 


August 20

Finance Committee Mtg.

SCICU, 10 - 11:30am


September 24

Board of Trustees Meeting

Wofford College, Spartanburg

10:30am- 1:30pm


To view more info about these meetings and events, click here.

Our Colleges:
Business Partners:


401(k) 403(b) Advisors

ABM Building Services, LLC

Affinity LTC, LLC

American Student Assistance


Benefit Controls of the Carolinas

CapinCrouse LLP  

Casagrande Consulting, LLC

Club Colors

CMD Outsourcing Solutions

Coleman Lew & Associates 

CSI Leasing, Inc. 

Elliott Davis, LLC 

First American Education Finance (FAEF)
Genworth Financial 

Gillis Specialty Advertising
Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd 
HRP Associates    

Learning House 

McMillan Pazdan Smith Architecture 

Myers McRae Exec. Search

Pollock Company

Professional Insurance & Investment Associates 


Sammy Butler Printing & Graphics


School Dude


The Payments Company

The Walker Company 

Total Comfort Solutions

UnitedHealthcare Student Solutions

VeriStor Systems, Inc.

Vulcan Materials

Walsh Consulting Group, LLC
Wyche Law Firm


Click here to view a full listing of SCICU Business partners...
Private College Purchasing Coalition:
The Coalition for College Cost Savings is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping SCICU members reduce and contain costs through collaboration.
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Budget Heads to Governor's Desk

With one day left in the 2014 session, the South Carolina House and Senate on Wednesday agreed on a spending plan for the fiscal year beginning July 1. The state budget for FY 2014-15 goes to Gov. Nikki Haley for her consideration.


For programs of interest to the independent higher education community, the final version of the budget adds $258,784 to the $8.0 million in lottery funds previously appropriated to the Higher Education Tuition Grants Commission.  The additional funds will allow the agency to increase the maximum Tuition Grant from $2,900 to $3,000 for academic year beginning this fall.


The committee's proposed budget fully funds the state's merit scholarship programs and directs an additional $2.6 million in nonrecurring state appropriations to the need-based grants program at the Commission on Higher Education. The Tuition Grants Commission will receive a proportionate share -approximately $400,000- of the new money allocated to CHE's need-based grants. The House budget also recommends that PASCAL be given #1 priority consideration for up to $1.5 million in excess unclaimed lottery prize money above the $8.0 million certified level.


The General Assembly returns to Columbia on June 17 to consider any budget vetoes issued by the Governor. We do not expect the vetoes to impact funding for scholarships.

Looking for a Few Good Men and Women


Nominations to the SCICU Board of Trustees close on June 13, 2014. The Nominating Committee expects several vacancies for 3-year terms beginning September 1. Trustees are requested to send recommendations to Mike LeFever at


Two SCICU Presidents Named to National Panel


Dr. Elizabeth Fleming of Converse College and Dr. Henry Tisdale of Claflin University have been named to a new steering committee of college and university presidents that will assess the future of independent colleges. The Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) has organized the 22-member panel to develop a plan that encourages independent colleges and universities to revitalize their missions and business models. The project on the Future of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges is funded by the Lumina Foundation.


With the guidance of the steering committee, the project will explore new approaches to higher education, alternative college business models, and potentially disruptive trends in American society and education along with the traditional characteristics and missions of independent liberal arts colleges that are regarded as essential to their success. The project will provide a new opportunity for CIC members to lead the national conversation about what it means to offer a high-quality education in the 21st century.


"Predictions about the future of higher education by politicians, journalists, and policy analysts often disregard or deride the effectiveness of traditional colleges and universities," said CIC President Richard Ekman. "CIC, however, has always tried to find an appropriate balance between innovations in higher education that show real promise for the future and the existing features of member institutions that have long demonstrated their value. In this spirit, CIC's new project will explore the future of independent colleges."  


During its initial meeting -which will convene September 16-17, 2014, in Washington, DC -the steering committee will focus on the development of a research agenda for the coming year. CIC staff and others will then conduct the research and prepare several framing papers based on the steering committee's guidance. The committee's second meeting will be devoted to development of an action plan to help CIC member institutions reexamine their missions and long-term strategic plans in intentional ways. 


The Future of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges Steering Committee


Steven C. Bahls, President, Augustana College (IL)

Luis Maria R. Calingo, President, Woodbury University (CA)

Ronald L. Carter, President, Johnson C. Smith University (NC)

Roger N. Casey, President, McDaniel College (MD)

Margaret L. Drugovich, President, Hartwick College (NY)

Elizabeth A. Fleming, President, Converse College (SC)

Thomas F. Flynn, President, Alvernia University (PA)

Christopher B. Howard, President, Hampden-Sydney College (VA)

Todd S. Hutton, President, Utica College (NY)

Chris Kimball, President, California Lutheran University

Walter M. Kimbrough, President, Dillard University (LA)

Larry D. Large, President, Oregon Alliance of Independent Colleges and Universities

Paul J. LeBlanc, President, Southern New Hampshire University

Mary B. Marcy, President, Dominican University of California

John McCardell, President and Vice Chancellor, Sewanee: The University of the South (TN)

Kevin M. Ross, President, Lynn University (FL)

Ed L. Schrader, President, Brenau University (GA)

Elizabeth J. Stroble, President, Webster University (MO)

Henry N. Tisdale, President, Claflin University (SC)

Edwin H. Welch, President, University of Charleston (WV)

John S. Wilson, President, Morehouse College (GA)

Cynthia Zane, President, Hilbert College (NY)

The Council of Independent Colleges is an association of 744 nonprofit independent colleges and universities and higher education affiliates and organizations that has worked since 1956 to support college and university leadership, advance institutional excellence, and enhance public understanding of private higher education's contributions to society. CIC is the major national organization that focuses on providing services to leaders of independent colleges and universities as well as conferences, seminars, and other programs that help institutions to improve educational quality, administrative and financial performance, and institutional visibility. CIC also provides support to state fundraising associations that organize programs and generate contributions for private colleges and universities. The Council is headquartered at One Dupont Circle in Washington, DC. For more information, visit  

Member College News

We love to post accomplishments of our members on our Member College News section of our website and feature a few of the outstanding links in our monthly newsletter.


Here are some of the articles we featured this month:

Let us share your news and celebrate your successes. Send your releases to Stephenie Bergen at 


To see all of our Member College News, please click here

SCICU Business Partners

We are pleased to announce the following companies 

have renewed their partnerships 


HRP Associates

Total Comfort Solutions


 A complete listing of all the Business Partners may be found in the left margin of News & Notes or by clicking here

News & Notes is published by the South Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities, Inc. Please send all comments or questions to SCICU President & CEO Mike LeFever at or 803-799-7122. Mailing address: P.O. Box 12007, Columbia, SC 29211