Editor's Note
In this study, a quick, simple and accurate method was established to determine the components of ferulic acid, coniferyl ferulate and ligustilidein  Angelicae Sinensis  Radix. Using dimethyl sulfoxide-d 6 (DMSO-d 6 ) as the test solvent and pyrazine as the internal standard substance, 1H-qNMR (quantitative nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy) measurement was performed on a 600MHz spectrometer. The linear relationship, limit of detection, limit of quantification, precision, stability and recovery were verified and the results were good. On the other hand, it was verified by High-performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC), and the HPLC used for verification passed the methodological investigation of linearity, precision, repeatability, stability and recovery, and the results were good. The method can be used for simultaneous determination of 3 active components, and providing a scientific basis for the overall quality evaluation and quality control of  Angelicae Sinensis  Radix.

In this study, a quick, simple and accurate method was established to determine the components of ferulic acid, coniferyl ferulate and ligustilidein  Angelicae Sinensis  Radix.

Using dimethyl sulfoxide-d 6 (DMSO-d 6 ) as the test solvent and pyrazine as the internal standard substance, 1H-qNMR measurement was performed on a 600MHz spectrometer. The quantitative resonance peaks of pyrazine, ferulic acid, ligustilide, and coniferyl ferulate were at δ 8.66 ppm, δ 6.35-6.37 ppm, δ 5.53-5.55 ppm, δ 6.50-6.53 ppm, respectively.

The linear relationship, limit of detection, limit of quantification, precision, stability and recovery were verified and the results were good. On the other hand, it was verified by HPLC, and the HPLC used for verification passed the methodological investigation of linearity, precision, repeatability, stability and recovery, and the results were good. In addition, no significant difference of results was found between 1H-qNMR method and HPLC-UV in determining the content of 3 components in 3 batches  Angelicae Sinensis  Radix.

The method can be used for simultaneous determination of 3 active components, and providing a scientific basis for the overall quality evaluation and quality control of  Angelicae Sinensis  Radix.

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