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August 10, 2023


Our 'Animal Rights Event of the Year' with Priscilla Presley was a huge success!

Watch our video recap below.

A big thank you to Priscilla and her team for attending and allowing us to honor her for a lifetime of animal advocacy. Priscilla was ever so gracious with all of our guests. We are truly grateful for her support and unwavering love for animals.

A special thank you to our wonderful and always supportive hosts, Alya and Dr. Gary Michelson. They opened their beautiful home to all of us for an evening we won't forget! And of course thank you to our other honorees, Assemblymembers Wendy Carrillo and Marie Waldron, for standing up for animals in Sacramento!

Finally, a standing ovation to all of you that were able to join or contributed to the event. We cannot do what we do for animals without your support!

Please watch the recap video of the event above, and check out the photos on our Facebook page.

Breaking News!

City of Laguna Beach Puts Restrictions on Riding a Bike with a Leashed Dog!

man cycling with a dog bike leash _ or man cycling with his border collie tied to  the bicycle

Have you ever seen someone riding a bike and dragging their dog along on a leash, sometimes literally dragging them? I have. I begged the cyclist to stop and offered to walk the dog myself. She didn't even acknowledge me. I pleaded the case to animal control, who then spoke to the neighbor. Unfortunately, they said they couldn't cite her because there was no law on the books to stop her. So I decided to ask the City Council to pass an ordinance to protect the poor voiceless dogs and the public.

Thank you to Mayor Pro Tem Sue Kempf, who championed the ordinance, and the rest of the City Council for voting to pass it.

The new ordinance will protect dogs who are not big enough or do not have the physical capacity needed to keep up with a moving bicycle, as well as protect the public from accidents. The City of Laguna Beach ordinance is the first of its kind in putting restrictions on riding a bike, including e-bikes, with a tethered dog based on the well-being of the animal.

The ordinance states that, "No person shall tie any animal to any moving bicycle or moving vehicle if doing so endangers the health and well-being of the animal or the public."

The penalty could be an administrative citation for which the fines are $100 for a 1st offense, $200 for a 2nd offense, and $500 for 3rd and subsequent offenses within a 12-month period. The City has the option to bring criminal charges as well.


Social Compassion in Legislation's Sponsored Bills Need Your Call By August 25th!

The legislature is returning from summer recess next week. The Senate Appropriations Committee will be deciding the fate of both AB 332 (Lee), the Shelter Animal Data Collection Act, and AB 829 (Waldron), the Animal Cruelty & Violence Intervention Act.

Please call ALL of the Senators if you can, but if not, please prioritize the Chair and Vice Chair.

Urge them to:

"Please vote YES on AB 332 & AB 829!"

Chair Anthony Portantino


Vice Chair Brian Jones


Senator Angelique Ashby


Senator Aisha Wahab


Senator Steven Bradford


Senator Kelly Seyarto


Senator Scott Weiner



Lastly, we want to share an email that Contra Costa Animal Shelter sent out to their rescue partners. Many of you that are in the rescue and sheltering communities already know this, but we are sharing to illustrate for those that are not as intimately involved in rescuing just how dire the situation is in our animal shelters across the state. This highlights the the need for robust action, including those laid out in our sponsored ACR 86.

We need your voices and financial support. Please, if you care about what we do and want to help us to keep working for the voiceless, donate today.

Thank you so much,

Judie Mancuso, founder/CEO/president

Social Compassion in Legislation

Social Compassion in Legislation
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