SCIS Parent Message
#Be The Difference 

SCIS Parent Message
SCIS Parent Message

Principal's Message
SCIS Parents, 

I know my three kiddos are looking forward to traveling to Michigan over the break to see our family and hopefully do some sledding.  Our youngest, Genevieve (3) has never seen snow so were looking forward to those new experiences at Grandpa and Gramma's house. 

I hope that your family has a safe and relaxing holiday break.  I especially appreciate our parents who chose not to check their kids out early for an extended vacation beyond the 8 day break.  This not only helps our attendance and funding but equally important is that student do not miss a day of learning. Friday will be a normal day of learning at SCIS, thank you having your student here each day of school. 

I hope you will watch the video above regarding the following details: 

1. Fine Arts Festival 
On Friday November 30th and Saturday December 1st we having our district fine arts festival at LHS. Please look for communication from your child's Fine Arts Teacher for the details. 

2. Volleyball Playoffs
Congratulations to the LHS Varsity Volleyball team for advancing to the State Tournament this weekend at the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland.  The semi-final game is at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, and students will be able to attend the game and receive an excused absence.  To do this they must:
  • Be signed out by parent or authorized pickup
  • Check out after 3rd period (Class is over at 10:07)
  • Bring their ticket stub from the game, and submit it to the attendance office when they return to school after the Thanksgiving Break.  PLEASE NOTE: TICKET MUST HAVE STUDENTS NAME WRITTEN ON IT.
3. Principal's Coffee:
On Friday, December 7th, at 9:00 a.m. we will be hosting  Sarah Pierson who is the community educator at the collin county youth advocacy center. She does a great presentation on how to keep your students safe online and what to be aware of at home in terms of the internet.  This is a presentation you don't want to miss~ 

Parenting The Digital Generation- Sarah Pierson- December 7th @ 9:00 a.m.
This course informs parents and caregivers on how to protect children as they navigate the digital world. The program covers the four biggest risks for children online and the conversations you need to be having with them. Recommendations will be given on how you may utilize technology to better protect your children.  

4. 2018-2019 SCIS YEARBOOKS are on sale now!
We are proud to announce that this year's book will be hardbound.  Our student staff is busy working to create the best yearbook we have ever had here at SCIS.  Online ordering opens up on November 1 and will continue until November 30 with the early-bird price of $28.  To make your purchase, click  here or go to

With an Attitude of Gratitude,

Ray Winkler

American Heart Challenge
We have started our annual American Heart Challenge program and we couldn't be more excited!  Over the next few weeks, students will learn the importance of taking care of their bodies and minds - all while having a fun time and helping support the American Heart Association!
How to Join:
Sign up online at  http://www .  or download the APP for free: Search American Heart Challenge in the app store.
Students earn prizes for donating to the American Heart Association and if we all work together, we can reach our goal to raise $4,000 as a school.  Click the link above and go online, download the app, and ask friends and family to donate or use the envelope to collect cash and checks.   You donations help OUR SCHOOL earn money to buy PE equipment for OUR students!
Thank you so much!

Coach Will Davis

Adopt a Lovejoy Family
We are so thankful to have such wonderful families here in Lovejoy ISD.  Anytime we ask for help you deliver.  We are looking for current Lovejoy Families who would like to extend a warm welcome to families new to Lovejoy.   
As you all know, moving to a new place whether it be a new school, district, or state can be a daunting task.  There are many new things to navigate.  We are looking for families who would be willing to serve as a resource for new families by "adopting" a new family and helping them find their way in the community.  This could be by helping steer them in the right direction and through any unfamiliar territory, or by just helping them broaden their contacts. Since you have been in the community and your children have been in Lovejoy ISD, we are considering that you are the experts that just might be able to help with the transition for our new families.  If you are interested please click the link below. 
please click here: 

Lovejoy Fine Arts K.12 Save the Date! November 30 & December 1, 2018
The Lovejoy ISD Fine Arts Festival is around the corner. The Festival team will need a great deal of donations and volunteers to make this year's event a success. If you have a student in the visual or performing arts, please take time to review the following and lend your support.
Festival Adult Volunteers:
Student Volunteers: Sign up will begin on November 26.
Click here for updates on performance schedules, art galleries, and more.

A Sloan Creek STEM student and her mom learning to code together.
SCIS Upcoming Events

Date Event Time
11/19-23 Thanksgiving Break
11/26 SCC Rehearsal  3:00 pm - 3:45 pm
11/27 Band Concert Rehearsal  3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
11/28 Student Lighthouse Meeting 3:00 pm - 3:00 pm
11/29 6th Grade combined choir rehearsal 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
12/03 SCC Rehearsal  3:00 pm - 3:45 pm
12/07 Principal's Coffee 9:00 am - 10:30 am
12/10 Chess Club 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
12/14 Service Learning - Numana
12/19 SCIS Early Release 11:45 am
12/19 Q2 Grading Period Ends
12/20-01/04 Christmas Break
01/07 SCIS Regular School Day 
01/08 Hearing and Vision Screening
01/10 Report Cards sent home
01/11 Principal's Coffee 9:00 am - 10:30 am
01/14 Leadership Awards
01/18 5th Grade Fie Arts Preview @ WSMS school day
01/21 Student Holiday - MLK Day
01/28 Chess Club 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
01/30 Student Lighthouse 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
01/31 Progress Reports sent home

Bookmark the Sloan Creek PTA website for easy connectivity and the latest information.

Foundation for Lovejoy Schools
Black Friday Shopping Benefits the Foundation Friday, November 23
Stay home and do your Black Friday shopping on AmazonSmile. Did you know your purchases could make a difference? AmazonSmile donates to the Foundation for Lovejoy Schools when you shop at

Giving Tuesday Tuesday, November 27
The Tuesday after Thanksgiving is Giving Tuesday, which is a perfect time to give a gift to the Foundation's Annual Appeal campaign. If you haven't made your gift this year, now is the time. Help us close the gap between the $181,500 already given and the $200,000 goal. Only $18,500 is needed. Follow the #GivingTuesday link to make your generous donation.

Denim and Diamonds The Party Saturday, February 2
The Foundation for Lovejoy Schools is planning a great party on February 2. Everyone is invited to participate. The Party is being held at the Marriott Legacy in Plano at 7:30 PM. There are no reserved tables this year. Buy your ticket and come have fun trying our new food stations, music, drinks, a poker tournament, casino games and live and silent auctions. Click here for additional information.
We need your help to make The Party a success. Sponsorships are needed to pay for the cost of the venue, food, etc. so that proceeds from the event will go directly to support Lovejoy schools. Click here and here for details.  Your donations are needed for the silent and live auctions. Vacations, parties, fun items, restaurant gift cards, etc. are needed. Click here for details. You may visit the Foundation website for additional information.
Thank you in advance for making this the best Denim & Diamonds party we've ever had.

Kendra Scott Gives Back Party Thursday, December 13
Benefitting the Foundation for Lovejoy Schools

The Foundation Board of Directors is beginning a search for an Executive Director. Vicki Deerman is serving as the Interim Executive Director and may be reached at  or 469.742.8043.
Student Nutrition
District News
Senior Project Benefitting Archway Hospice Center
LHS Senior Amanda Gibson is asking for your help with her Senior Project:
"Hi, my name is Amanda Gibson and I am currently looking for donations. For my Senior Project, I am making fleece blankets for the Archway Hospice Center in Prestonwood. I am looking for fleece donations for blankets preferably 1 to 2 yards long. The donations may be dropped off at Lovejoy High School, attention Mrs. McClelland's room B124."

Lovejoy Family Requests Assistance in Remembering Our Troops
The Heckman Family, with students at Puster Elementary and Sloan Creek Intermediate, is requesting your assistance in providing stuffed stockings to a military intelligence unit deployed in the Middle East. Click here for full details regarding how you may help.

SafeSchools App Now Available
SafeSchools has launched their new mobile application for anonymous reporting. You may  click here for the SafeSchools Alert Mobile Application Download Instructions.

Google Classroom Email Summaries for Parents/ Guardians
In the next few days, you may receive an invitation to subscribe to summaries from your student's Google Classroom classes if your email address is in PowerSchool. As a parent/ guardian, you may receive email summaries showing your student's progress in Google Classroom. You may choose daily or weekly emails, and unsubscribe or remove yourself from Google Classroom anytime. Guardian summaries include missing work, upcoming work, and class activity. As a parent/ guardian, you must receive and accept an email invitation before you receive email summaries. If you accepted an invitation last year, you will have remained connected to your student and continued to receive email updates. When accepting the invitation if you are logged into Google on the web browser, the Google account logged into will be accept the invitation instead of the email address the invitation was sent to. Please make sure you are not logged into a different Google account than the email was sent to when accepting the invitation. Following is a sample of the email invitation you may receive:

Circle of Partners

On behalf of Lovejoy ISD we would like to thank  Accent Landscape Management  
for participating in the Lovejoy ISD Circle of Partners . We thank  Accent Landscape Management for their support of Lovejoy ISD and the important value they place on the education of our children.
Accent Landscape Management pledges 10% of gross revenues on work performed within Lovejoy ISD. Accent provides landscaping, irrigation and lawn maintenance services for commercial and residential properties. Their website may be found at Accent Landscape Management. Owners, Phillip and April Sheppard, are proud Hart parents of second grader, Kaiser, and Kindergartener, Sebastian, with two-year-old Charlotte soon to follow.

Lovejoy ISD is pleased to welcome Tutoring 101 to the Circle of Partners. Tutoring 101 and Lovejoy ISD have formed a revenue generating/sharing partnership to bring their services to Lovejoy families. Please see below for several offerings.
Private tutoring is available for students in grades K-12 in all subjects. Tutoring 101 recommends once a week tutoring for an hour to increase grades and learn subject matter more deeply. A once a week appointment usually results in an increase of one letter grade or more. Turn those C's into B's.
What is your SAT/ACT score? Want a better one? What do you need it to be?
Invest in a PSAT/SAT/ACT Prep program not just a class. Tutoring 101 helps high scorers get top scores, average students raise their scores and poor test takers achieve the scores colleges want. Tutoring 101 students have earned admissions and scholarships, and have saved thousands of tuition dollars every year. 
  • Specialize in working with individual students and their specific needs
  • Day-of-test strategies
  • One-on-one/small groups
  • PSAT/SAT Classes: Tues or Thurs or Saturdays
  • ACT Prep Classes: Mon/Wed or Sat
  • One on One and Online Prep also available
  • School District Employee Discount
Learn about Tutoring 101's all-inclusive PSAT/SAT/ACT programs:
  • 11th-12th Grade SAT/ACT  
  • 10th-12th PSAT/SAT/ACT 
  • 9th-12th Grade PSAT/NMSQT/SAT/ACT 
  • Duke Tip (7th Grade) 
Classes are conveniently located at Lovejoy High School. Call 972.359.0222 or email for additional information

Stay Connected
Here are the 4 easy steps:
1. Send a text message to the number:40404
2. Type this message:Follow @sloancreekis
3. Send the message above to the 40404 number
4. You will receive a daily update/reminder about SCIS
Be sure to take a moment to sign up, on the Lovejoy ISD website, to receive Mr. Moore's as well as my weekly e-mails.   Click here to sign up

We cross post our daily updates on Twitter and Facebook. Parents are encouraged to follow our social media sites: