January 23, 2023

Supply Chain Management News

January 2023

Dear Campus Community,


Supply Chain Management (SCM) would like to inform you of important updates and events. 

This month's features:  

  • REMINDER: BearBUY Orders and Common Chart of Accounts (CCOA) Updates
  • BearBUY, BFS, BLU, and BearBUY Outage on Friday, January 27, 2023
  • Linde (Formerly Praxair) Potential Service Disruption

If you have any questions, please contact the BearBUY Help Desk at 

510-664-9000 (options 1, 2) or for immediate assistance.

Thank you for your continued support, 

Supply Chain Management

Visit Our Website

REMINDER: BearBUY Orders and

Common Chart of Accounts (CCOA) Updates

Due to the addition of the required Business Unit in BearBUY to support the CCOA updates, no changes (additional funds, changes to chartstrings or adding new PO lines) may be made to any purchase order created before May 27, 2022. 

ATTENTION: If you need to make any changes to a purchase order that does not have a Business Unit, please do the following:

  1. Create a new requisition.
  2. Add the Business Unit to the new requisition.
  3. Move any unspent monies from the old purchase order to the new requisition. 
  4. Since the requisition will go through the entire financial approval process, we recommend that you add a comment stating that the new requisition is to replace a purchase order that did not have the required Business Unit.
  5. Notify the supplier in writing on the PO that this is for payment purposes only and not a new order.
  6. Note: Suppliers will inadvertently duplicate Catalog orders (hosted or punchout) as these are processed automatically and not reviewed by the supplier’s staff. Do not attempt to change financial accounting information on a catalog order. Use general ledger adjustments to move funding sources on catalog orders and create new POs for new items that you need delivered.

As part of the standard PO closing process, Supply Chain Management will continue to close all purchase orders that have had no activity in the last 18 months and/or are fully invoiced, regardless of the lien balance status.

BFS, BLU, and BearBUY Outage on Friday, January 27, 2023

Please note that BFS, BLU and BearBUY will not be available on Friday, January 27, 2023 from 6:00 AM - 6:00 PM due to regularly scheduled system maintenance.

Please prepare for planned system downtimes and visit the Controller’s Office website for the planned 2023 BFS maintenance schedule.

Linde (Formerly Praxair) Potential Service Disruption

Have you purchased from Linde (formerly Praxair)? After declining to extend their contract, Linde has informed the University of California that any Linde accounts with invoices UP TO 60 days past due will be placed on a hard hold, effective January 10, 2023. These accounts will require payment up front before the product is released.

All accounts that are MORE than 60 days past due will be placed on hold by Linde as of January 10, 2023.

Moving forward, Linde will require a credit card on file from the department and/or lab to support their subaccounts. Departments are responsible for maintaining their open Linde accounts.

IMPORTANT - Please Note: 

  • To avoid delays and potential service disruptions with your orders, please contact Linde Staff: Melissa Berzett ( or Sharaya Myers ( at your earliest convenience with any questions that you may have about your account’s status.
  • If you happen to have an account that is over 60 days past due, please have them paid to avoid/remove CIA status as soon as possible.
Helpful Hints
Order Status

If you need assistance with determining the status of your order in BearBUY, visit the How to Find the Status of Your Order page on the SCM website

Please note that your SCM assigned Buyer will not receive the requisition until it has been approved by the department Org Node approver.
Expediting an Order

If an order warrants expedited handling, please change the priority on the requisition to "Urgent". If you have already submitted the requisition, please contact your assigned Buyer via email and be sure to include the requisition number.
Who is My Department's Assigned Buyer?

If you are unsure of how to start your purchasing transaction, contact your Buyer for assistance by using your Org Node and Department Name to find your assigned Buyer located in this matrix.
Splitting Chart of Accounts (COA) At Header Level Vs. Line Level

Splitting COA at the Header Level will apply the split to all lines on the PO. 

Splitting COA by Line Level allows you to customize COA percentage allocated to that specific line.

BEST PRACTICE for Subawards
  • Line 2 should always be set at the Header Level Chartstring using Account Code 57810.
  • Line 1 should be overridden at the Line Level Chartstring using Account Code 57811.

For any questions on how to split a COA, please contact your regional purchasing team:
SCM Service Level Turnaround Times

Urgent requests will be handled on a first-in-first-out basis. Standard turnaround time (Service Level Agreements) for purchase and contract types are available on our Service Level web page

Please be aware that contract negotiations with suppliers may cause delays.
Ship To Address vs Final Destination

A Ship To Address is the address that is sent to the supplier. When the supplier is delivering items, they will deliver to the ship to address (which is also visible on the PO they receive).

A Final Destination code is an address only associated to UC Berkeley. Final destination code are used when departments have a central receiving location. The ship to address is the central receiving facility. When the packages are received, the department central receiver looks the PO up in BearBUY and looks for the final destination code. The final destination code is then the office/room number of where shopper needs the items. Final destination codes are never sent to the supplier and are NOT reflected anywhere on the PO.  
BearBUY Resources
Below are links to the BearBUY homepage, instructional aids, training courses, and information on how to create Service Now tickets for BearBUY related issues. 
Whether you are an experienced or a new BearBUY shopper, it is always best practice to take the BearBUY: Basics for Shoppers training if you haven't already.

To take this ESSENTIAL training, please click on this course #: BEESS950-Online