Let's show some LOVE for the SCMA Vaccine Clinic Volunteers!

The SCMA Vaccine clinic started out as an effort to serve the physicians and the forward patient facing staff. I sent the email to the constant contact physician distribution list, and somehow my email went VIRAL. My emails to you were posted in the Bodega Bay community sites, the Bennett Ridge Community, a motorcycle group, on NextDoor and on Facebook, just to name a few. The Clinics were booked solid for four weeks within 12 hours. I have tried to open appointments, but the community is strong and watchful. As soon as I open appointments, they are booked. We have now been asked to strictly limit to medical professionals and those 75 years of age and older. This should be an interesting week as we ask those who do not fit in this category to please step aside and let those 75 and older get vaccinated. If you hear bad press on SCMA this week, please note that those who are angry are much louder than those who are happy. I have found this out first hand these past few weeks.

SCMA has vaccinated almost 4k people to date. We have almost 30 volunteers PER DAY at the clinic, from intake, vaccination, post vaccine monitors, 2nd dose schedulers and exit reporting to the State. We started small at the Chanate Road Health Lab with 200 per day and moved to the Sonoma County Fairgrounds where we will be vaccinating 600 per day beginning Feb. 2nd. This is such a big ask for SCMA and our volunteers. The staff and volunteer team are working close to 24/7 trying to make this process appear as seamless as possible. We have had feedback about how terrific the clinics are and we have complaints. We are not perfect. I don't think any of this can be perfect right now. It is too fluid to be a perfect process. If you are feeling stressed and strained by the process, please know you are not alone. We know the challenges with the State registration system. Please know, SCMA too must endure and can NOT fix it. We implore you to please stop the emails and phone calls telling us what is wrong with the system. You are not the first one to identify the challenges. We can not change it and it is not an SCMA process. okay? Can we move on now?

Let's talk about our volunteers! Many have come with a mission of service to the community and are committed to working at the vaccine clinic as long as possible. Like I mentioned above, we have almost 30 volunteers serving 600 per day. These days are long and hard and so very rewarding! Please join me in Thanking everyone for their time and commitment. It truly is a beautiful thing!
If you too want to volunteer your time at the clinic, please email volunteer@scma.org. Fill in the auto response google sign up form and our team will get back to you for scheduling soon. This is going to be a marathon, not a race and it is going to take a very large team to pull this off.

Have some feedback for me? I welcome your thoughts and hope you too feel that this is a service to our members and fits within the mission of our organization as it pertains to the "health of our community."

Note: While we appreciate your emails and phone calls, we are unable to respond to all emails and phone calls at this time due to our time at the clinic.

Yours in health and service,

Wendy Young, Executive Director

SCMA opens second clinic for physicians,
healthcare providers and more
SCMA's second vaccination clinic for healthcare providers opened on Monday, Jan. 25, at Santa Rosa Fairgrounds Grace Pavilion. All slots through Feb. 25th have been filled, but we hope to soon announce March availability.

Our clinics are APPOINTMENT only. As mentioned earlier, we are currently vaccinating physicians, dentists, specialty care clinics and patient-facing staff who fall within federally mandated Phase 1a. We are also asked to only vaccinate those in Phase 1b whom are 75 and older. We will pivot when the County gives us the approval.

We have been asked to cancel those who do not fit in the above categories. We hope for grace and patience as we focus on those in the health care profession and 75 and older.


Want to be a part of the solution? Can you volunteer to work at the SCMA clinics? Please email volunteer@scma.org to connect with volunteer coordinators who can help you with pre-clinic participation training modules and walk you through clinic training. Our coordinators will help you find a clinic role that serves you best.

Want to donate clinic supplies or discuss a potential location for a future SCMA vaccination clinic? Please contact our clinics logistics director at cliniclogistics@scma.org for details on what we need to continue to vaccinate the community.

Please consider making a donation to the SCMA COVID-19 clinic efforts. Your tax deductible donation will help us continue vaccine clinics for as long as it takes to get the job done here in Sonoma County.

You may also make a direct financial contribution or contact Rachel at 707-525-4375 or rachel@scma.org. You may also mail a check payable to Medical Society of Sonoma County to 1613 Madeira Circle, Petaluma, CA 94954. We will send you a receipt for your tax records.
"I'm In!" vaccination campaign continues
The "I'm in!" campaign moves into February with signage at vaccination sites and distribution of the initial campaign ad to additional media and healthcare organizations. A full-page ad ran in the Jan. 17 Press Democrat and featured the names of more than 450 medical professionals and healthcare organizations endorsing the campaign.

You can help by sharing the advertisement and/or posting your vaccination photo on social media with hashtag #ThisIsOurShot.

"I'm In!" was organized by Dr. Brian Prystowsky with support from SCMA in an effort to bring our local healthcare institutions together to build public confidence in the coronavirus vaccines. For more information about the campaign, reply to sonomacountyvaccines@gmail.com.
Vaccination hesitancy communication training
In conjunction with the "I'm In!" campaign, Dr. Prystowsky has developed a three-part training that demonstrates how to navigate SARS CoV-2 vaccine hesitancy discussions with patients.

The videos are accessible via the links below (not searchable to avoid public viewing and antivax activity). Please share freely with healthcare professionals who would benefit from this training. 

For searchable, patient-friendly "Doc and Elephant Explain Coronavirus Vaccine" videos, visit Dr. Prystowsky's YouTube channel.
COVID treatment 2021 video:
Outpatient Successes, Alternatives and Options
THANK YOU to the San Bernardino County Medical Society and Riverside County Medical Association for sharing their Jan. 21 video. Eric Hansen, DO, FAAFP, leads a panel discussion along with Roger Seheult, MD, and Ashwini Mallad, MD, exploring ways to successfully care for COVID patients with protocols and therapies that provide alternatives to standardized, limited treatments. Discussion centers around disparities in treatment options and alternative therapeutic approaches for patients in the outpatient setting. 

Watch the entire presentation on San Bernardino's YouTube channel.
County COVID-19 updates
Click the images below for current information and statistics in each county.

SCMA and MLCMS can still help you with PPE supplies.

Please complete the form in its entirety. For practices needing shipments to multiple offices, please complete a separate form for each location. We aim to approve orders within 24 hours and ship within 48 hours. Advance payment is not required.

If you have questions, please call 707-525-4375. Return your PPE Order via email to rachel@scma.org. Orders are processed on a first-come, first-served basis. We are happy to offer this continued opportunity for you to obtain PPE supplies at minimal cost.

Vaccination clinics and awards program
SCMA has recently received considerable media coverage related to our vaccination clinics and 2020 awards program. You may have heard the radio spots. Click the links below to see some of the articles, video and KPIX TV segment. Remember—you can always check SCMA’s Facebook page for posts and links.

SCMA vaccination clinic video. Lisa Johnson photography, Jan. 9, 2021

Sonoma County Medical Association honors healthcare providers. North Bay Business Journal e-edition, Jan. 9, 2021

9 Sonoma County professionals honored. North Bay Business Journal prin, Jan. 25, 2021
ACEs Aware initiative awards $30.8 million in grant funds
to strengthen trauma-informed networks of care
Further expanding the reach and impact of the ACEs Aware initiative, the Department of Health Care Services, in partnership with the Office of the California Surgeon General, has awarded $30.8 million in ACEs Aware grant funds to 35 organizations across California.

The grants will help build and strengthen robust networks of care to effectively respond to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress with community-based health and social supports that meet the needs of children, adults, and families. For a full list of the grantees and to learn more about the ACEs Aware grants program, visit www.ACEsAware.org/heal/grants.

Sonoma County received a share of the grants with implementation funds awarded to St. Joseph Health and key partners Redwood Community Health Network and Santa Rosa Community Health, and a planning grant given to Cardea with key partner Sonoma County Indian Health Project. Cardea will also coordinate planning funds with partners in Lake County. View the complete list of local grantees here.

Register now for CMA's February webinars
CMS Medicare Updates 2021
Information presented will be relevant to practicing clinicians, including an overview of the updates to the 2021 Physician Fee Schedule and an update on the agency COVID-19 response.
Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2021 • 12:15 – 1:15 p.m. REGISTER HERE

Telehealth Series (Part 10): Engaging Patients in Telehealth
As physicians make the transition to telehealth, one of their biggest challenges is maintaining the same level of patient engagement as they would see in a regular office visit. With the right tools and strategies, physicians can overcome this challenge.
Thursday, Feb. 4, 2021 • 12:15 – 1:15 p.m. REGISTER HERE

Virtual Grand Rounds: Strategies for turning a corner on COVID-19
Vaccine rollout, virus variants and vaccine hesitancy. CMA designates this live activity for a maximum of 1.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Moderator: Kimberly Newell Green, MD, Immediate Past President, San Francisco Marin Medical Society; Associate Clinical Professor, University of California, San Francisco
Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2021 • 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. REGISTER HERE
Join Shriners Hospitals for its 2021 Virtual Provider CME series—monthly webinars at no cost to providers beginning in February.

Pectus ExcavatumWhat Every Pediatric Provider Needs to Know
Special invitation to pediatricians, primary care providers, orthopaedic specialists, school-based nurses, RNs, and genetic specialists.
Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2021 • 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. REGISTER HERE

Pediatric Burns What Every Pediatric Provider Needs to Know
For pediatricians, primary care providers, RNs, and school-based nurses.
Tuesday, March 16, 2021 • 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. REGISTER HERE

AMA PRA Category 1 Credit Designation for 1.0 contact hour for each program.

Congratulations and welcome to our newest SCMA members! We are delighted to have you on board and look forward to supporting you and collaborating with you and your colleagues.
Family Medicine

Surgery of the Hand



Family Medicine
New health laws 2021: Are you ready?
The California Medical Association recently published a summary of the most significant new health laws of interest to physicians. Also included is a detailed summary from the AMA with a Medicare payment impact chart by specialty. For details, see CMA publishes year-end federal legislative summary.
CMA publishes 2020 Year in Review
The California Medical Association works tirelessly on behalf of its nearly 50,000 members to support physician-led advocacy from legislation and policy-making to regulatory and legal affairs to practice management and reimbursement assistance.

2020 was unlike any other year in CMA’s 164-year history. As an association largely founded during a cholera outbreak, it quickly rose to the challenge and shifted all gears to help physician members, elected officials and policymakers navigate the COVID-19 crisis. For a look back at 2020 and CMA's most notable achievements, see flier at the left or visit cmadocs.org/year-in-review.

Together, we are stronger
When you renew your membership or join the California Medical Association and SCMA or MLCMS, you add your voice to nearly 50,000 members statewide who are actively supporting the practice of medicine and public health initiatives like SCMA's COVID-19 vaccination clinics. Membership is affordable and easy to maintain; monthly payment plans are available. Call 800-786-4262 or click the button below to join online.
Free On-Demand Webcast:
Working with Your Medical Staff for Better Outcomes
Physicians can't do it all themselves, and sometimes their office staff go beyond the scope of their duties, which can open the door to increased medical liability risk. In the on-demand webcast, Patient Safety Beyond the Examining Room Door: Managing Your Medical Office and Staff, Gordon Ownby, General Counsel at the Cooperative of American Physicians (CAP), shares case studies highlighting how medical offices can reduce risk by establishing protocols, conducting ongoing training, and maintaining awareness of what occurs in the medical practice. 

Become a CAP member and begin saving today!
Contact: Dorine Leong | 650-543-2183 |DLeong@CAPphysicians.com

Dates have been announced for the next application cycle of the CalHealthCares educational loan repayment program for California physicians and dentists who provide care to Medi-Cal patients. Visit the CalHealthCares website for full program details, informational webinars and resources.

Application deadline: Feb. 12, 2021, 11:59 p.m. (PST)
Awardee announcement: May 31, 2021
Contract begins: July 1, 2021

Operation Access is seeking volunteer physicians to provide surgical and specialty care for low-income and uninsured adults in Northern California. You determine the frequency of participation and types of cases you accept. Please get in touch with us to learn more about how you can get involved. Call 415-733-0052, email info@operationaccess.org or visit our website.


For updates on future SCMA vaccination clinic appointments and volunteer opportunities, please join our mailing list. When you sign up for our email communications list, you'll receive the latest information and resources from SCMA and MLCMS.
SCMA and MLCMS members can place FREE classified ads in News Briefs. (Cost for nonmember physicians and the general public is $1 per word.) To place a classified ad or display banner, contact Susan Gumucio at susan@scma.org or 707-481-8995.

When you shop at smile.amazon.com and designate the Medical Society of Sonoma County as your charitable organization, a percentage of your purchases is donated to MSSC—which works in tandem with SCMA to support physicians and healthcare professionals in Sonoma County. THANK YOU and HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY from the SCMA Team!
Help us help others!
Join SCMA's Business Partner Program
All hands on deck during the pandemic crisis! We need your support. SCMA Business Partners help us provide community resources like the COVID-19 vaccination clinics. The partnerships also offer services and benefits to our member physicians throughout the year—with exclusive visibility and connection to this important group of professionals.

As a mission-focused nonprofit organization, we welcome partners who share our vision of service to the practice of medicine and community.

Download the brochure and program application here, and see our partner listings on SCMA's website. For questions, contact Wendy Young at exec@scma.org or 707-620-0808.
Contact SCMA|MLCMS: exec@scma.org
or: rachel@scma.org | 707-525-4375