Happy fall! I look forward to the months of October and November, when the roads are covered with amber colored leaves that scatter as you drive through. Add a little rain and a pumpkin spice latte to the mix and we have an ahhhhh moment!

This month, to keep things brief, I will let the news topics and resources below stand for themselves without additional preamble. I hope you find a few ahhhhh moments yourself this fall. Happy to personally deliver a pumpkin spice latte upon request!

Happy Thanksgiving 2021
As always, the SCMA Team is here in service to you and our community. Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.
Yours in health and service,
Wendy Young, Executive Director
Sonoma County Medical Association
707-620-0808 | exec@scma.org

It's official! Beginning January 2022, you will see us as: