This just in: The Sonoma County Medical Association has [Johnson & Johnson - Janssen] single dose vaccine appointments for Sonoma County senior residents over the age of 70 open for March 11th and March 12, 2021.

Sonoma County Physicians and practices: Please share this with your patients that meet this criteria. If you have multiple patients that fit within this criteria, please contact me for the registration link. We invite you to connect with your patients to help them register.

We will be running our usual walk-in clinic on Thursday at Grace Pavilion and a special drive up clinic [targeted at seniors with mobility issues] on Friday.

Must have an appointment. No cost.

To schedule an appointment:
Call: (707) 525-4375 or (707) 620-0808

Yours in health and service,
Wendy Young, Executive Director
707-620-0808 |
Dr. Steve Olson, (pictured left) is a retired Kaiser physician and regular vaccinator volunteer at the clinic. Steve is posing with an image from our art installation at the clinic encouraging vaccinations in the Latino community. SCMA partnered with the Sonoma County Winegrowers Association and the Sonoma County Vintners Association, opening two days at 600 appointments each day for winery production workers and Sonoma County agricultural field workers.

If you are a Spanish-speaking physician, NP, or RN and/or can join us as a Spanish translator for the March 18 and 19 clinics, please contact SCMA at Please add in the subject line of your email “March 18-19 Spanish-Speaking Volunteer.” THANK YOU to all the physicians and healthcare volunteers staffing the vaccination clinics! We can’t do this without you.
Please consider a donation to the Medical Society of Sonoma County! Your tax deductible donations help us to continue our clinic initiative!
Click the button above or to donate by check or credit card,

Please mail checks payable to ‘Medical Society of Sonoma County’ to
1613 Madeira Circle, Petaluma, CA 94954.
If requested, we are happy to send you a receipt for your tax records.
Contact Rachel at 707-525-4375 or

Want to be a part of the solution? Volunteer to help at the SCMA clinics! Please email to connect with volunteer coordinators who can help you with pre-clinic participation training modules. Our coordinators will help you find a clinic role that serves you best.

Want to donate supplies or provide lunch for the staff/volunteers for a future SCMA vaccination clinic? Please contact our clinics logistics director at for details on what current needs are or how to donate lunch! We have approximately 30 staff/volunteers each day and try to treat them well!
SCMA’s red carpet
Clinic mixologist
Post-vaccine waiting area
County COVID-19 updates
Click the images below for current information and statistics in each county.

For updates on future SCMA vaccination clinics and volunteer opportunities, please join our mailing list. When you sign up for our email communications list, you'll receive the latest information and resources from SCMA and MLCMS.
You can place your ad in our new News Briefs. (Cost for nonmember physicians and the general public is $1 per word. Member cost: No charge!)
To place a classified ad or display banner, contact Susan Gumucio at or 707-481-8995.
When you shop at and designate the Medical Society of Sonoma County as your charitable organization, a percentage of your purchases is donated to MSSC—which works in tandem with SCMA to support physicians and healthcare professionals in Sonoma County. Thank you and HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY from the SCMA Team!
Together, we are taller and stronger
When you renew your membership or join the California Medical Association and SCMA or MLCMS, you add your voice to nearly 50,000 members statewide who are actively supporting the practice of medicine and public health initiatives like SCMA's COVID-19 vaccination clinics. Membership is affordable and easy to maintain; monthly payment plans are available. Call 800-786-4262 or click the button below to join online.
SCMA’s Business Partner Program is dedicated to offering products and services designed to support the business and personal needs of practicing physicians. Physicians benefit from discounts and referrals to quality services, and partners benefit from ongoing visibility with the medical community.

Endorsed Partner and Partner levels are available to qualified companies. The programs are open continuously for new annual memberships beginning at the date of approval. Download the application and the brochure to apply or contact Susan Gumucio at (707) 525-4375 or
or | 707-525-4375