Standardized Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging (CMR) Protocols: 2020 Update - Now Available

Figure 1
Authors: Christopher M. Kramer, Jörg Barkhausen, Chiara Bucciarelli-Ducci, Scott D. Flamm, Raymond J. Kim & Eike Nagel

This document is an update to the 2013 publication of the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (SCMR) Board of Trustees Task Force on Standardized Protocols. The section on general principles and techniques has been expanded as more of the techniques common to CMR have been standardized. A section on imaging in patients with devices has been added as this is increasingly seen in day-to-day clinical practice. The authors hope that this document continues to standardize and simplify the patient-based approach to clinical CMR. It will be updated at regular intervals as the field of CMR advances.

SCMR Scientific Session Award Recipients & Abstracts 

"The Great Mitral Wave"
Gilles Jean Eugene
Soulat Northwestern University
Over 1,400 participants gathered in sunny Orlando, Florida for the SCMR 23rd Annual Scientific Sessions. If you missed this year's meeting, visit the SCMR website to view the entire listing of our abstract proceedings and award recipients, including the winner of our Best Image Contest shown here . Photos from the meeting can be found here.

Selected sessions from the meeting have been recorded and will be posted to the online learning portal's "Event Recordings"  in mid-March.

Save the date for the SCMR 24th Annual Scientific Sessions that will be held in San Diego, California from February 17-20, 2021.

The Gold Medal is the highest award given by the SCMR to an individual for distinguished and extraordinary service to the field of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance and to the Society. 

This year's Gold Medal Award was presented to Dr. Peter Kellman and Dr. Jeanette Schulz-Menger. 

Dr. Peter Kellman  is the Director of the Medical Signal and Image Processing Program at the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute in the United States, a Visiting Professor at the University College London and at the University of Leeds, and a honorary visiting scientist at the Bart's Heart Center, Royal Free Hospital, and the Royal Brompton Hospital. 

Dr. Jeanette Schulz-Menger is a cardiologist and currently a full professor of the medical faculty at the Humboldt University, and affiliated with Charité Campus Buch and Helios Clinics, Berlin. 

NEW - JCMR Journal Club

JCMR Journal Club is an expert online discussion with JCMR editors and authors - anyone can join! JCMR editors pick recently published articles and discuss outcomes with the authors.

The first JCMR Journal Club will take place on March 11, 2020 at 10 AM EST.

Click here to register online.

The article "Hyper acute cardiovascular magnetic resonance T1 mapping predicts infarct characteristics in patients with ST elevation myocardial infarction" will be discussed with the first author Mohammad Alkhalil from the Acute Vascular Imaging Centre at University of Oxford, UK. 

JCMR Articles

Christopher M. Kramer, et al.
Published on: 24 February 2020

Kuniaki Hirai, et al.
Published on: 13 February 2020

Gordon A. Begg, et al.
Published on: 10 Feburary 2020

Melanie T.P. Le, et al.
Published on: 06 February 2020

Haikun Qi, et al.
Published on: 03 February 2020

Laura J. Olivieri, et al.
Published on: 03 February 2020

Thu-Thao Le, et al.
Published on: 03 February 2020