30 September 2022

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2023 Scientific Sessions

Join Us for the 2023 Scientific Sessions!

Plan ahead to attend the 2023 SCMR Annual Scientific Sessions in San Diego, California, 25–28 January, 2023. Come together in sunny San Diego to experience innovative events, new insights and valuable opportunities in the CMR field. The SCMR Scientific Sessions is a global gathering of physicians, scientists, technologists, and industry. Reconnect with colleagues, advance your career, and build your network at this year’s event in San Diego. Registration will open in October.

Hear from SCMR's Science Co-Chair, Tobias Schaeffter, PhD, about the incredible science that will be presented at #SCMR2023!

Learn more about #SCMR23 and keep up to date with any news on the upcoming conference by checking out the new conference websiteRemember to use the hashtag #SCMR23 on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn to get your colleagues and peers excited for this year’s sessions!

Bookmark the Conference Website

Call for Late Breaking Research

Call for Late-Breaking Research Sessions

SCMR is proud to announce a Late-Breaking Research Session at the SCMR 2023 Scientific Sessions comprised of 4 presentations! The submission window for this special session will open mid-October and be open through 15 November 2022, and will involve a different submission process from the regular abstracts.


Only submissions related to the following topics will be considered for this session:

  • large clinical trials
  • large research studies
  • large registries.


Entries submitted ONLY for the Late-Breaking Research Session will not be considered for acceptance to the regular SCMR Scientific Sessions, so be sure to submit your best science for the Scientific Sessions!

2022 Gold Medal Award Recipients

Don't Miss the Gold Medal Lectures, Only at #SCMR23

The Gold Medal is awarded by the SCMR to an individual for distinguished and extraordinary service to the field of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance and to the Society. This highest form of recognition by the SCMR is intended to be given to individuals who have both made outstanding contributions to the field of CMR as well as provided exemplary service to the SCMR.

The 2022 recipients of the Gold Medal Award, Robert R. Edelman, MD, and James C. Moon, MD, will be presenting on Friday, 27 January 2023, at the SCMR Scientific Sessions. 

Robert R. Edelman, MD

James C. Moon, MD

2023 Seed Grants

Call for 2023 Seed Grants Applications

SCMR is pleased to announce the call for this year's Seed Grant Program. The goal of the program is to foster research that advances technical advanced and translational application of CMR. The intention is to award up to two grants with either a “basic”(technical) or “clinical” (translational) research focus. Consistent with this year’s SCMR meeting theme of “Changing Global Clinical Practice,” applicants are encouraged to clearly delineate how research proposals address key knowledge gaps and/or needs in patient-focused CMR. Examples of possible topics include (but are not limited to) proposals to develop and/or validate novel pulse sequences or demonstrate incremental diagnostic and/or prognostic utility of innovative CMR approaches as applied to population-based clinical cohorts. Seed grant proposals may be either single center or multicenter in scope.

The SCMR encourages early career investigators to identify pilot projects for which Seed Grant funding will directly foster competitive research applications to larger scale governmental (e.g., US NIH, EU, British Heart Foundation) and/or other extramural grant programs. Successful investigators will be invited to present their progress at the subsequent SCMR Annual Scientific Sessions in 2024.

Learn More

2023 Travel Grants

Exciting Opportunity for Members with Accepted Abstracts

In October, SCMR is going to launch a generous regional worldwide travel grant scheme to support your in-person attendance at SCMR 2023, particularly for those with an accepted abstract.


Travel Grant Availability

SCMR will once again be offering a limited number of travel grants for the Annual Scientific Sessions. The purpose of the travel grant is to encourage students, trainees, technologists, and young professionals to attend the Annual Scientific Sessions and become active in SCMR. They are offered to defray travel and lodging costs associated with attendance at this important CMR meeting. The application period for the Travel Grant program will be available shortly after abstract decisions have concluded. 

Exhibit and Sponsorship Opportunities

Exhibit at the SCMR 26th Annual Scientific Sessions

Exhibiting or sponsoring at the SCMR Annual Scientific Sessions puts your organization in front of more than 1,400 CMR professionals from our international audience attending both in-person and virtually. SCMR is the leading organization of global healthcare professionals committed to furthering the development and clinical application of CMR.

Join other imaging, pharmaceutical, medical device, clinical diagnostic, software, publishing, not-for-profit, and recruiting organizations while making connections with important industry leaders to showcase your company’s products and services.

Dates: Wednesday, 25 January–Saturday, 28 January 2023

Location: Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina, San Diego, CA, USA

For information on exhibitor and sponsorship opportunities, view the 2023 Exhibitor Prospectus and contact Adrianne Stokes, Manager of Professional Relations, at [email protected].

2023 Membership Renewal

Members, don't forget to renew here! Do you live in any of these World Bank Category countries? If so, you can save on your renewal and should click now before the end of the year! We are excited to continue to provide you with workshops, Scientific Sessions discounts, and FSCMR recognition!

Don't forget to click on the Facebook and Twitter icons to stay updated between newsletters. Thank you all for your continued enthusiasm and advocacy for CMR!

Renew Your Membership

Call for Board Nominations

Dear SCMR Member,


As the Immediate Past President and Chair of the 2022-23 Nominating Committee, I would like to encourage all SCMR members to submit nominations for the open positions on the Board of Trustees in our upcoming SCMR election. 


First, I would like to acknowledge Jen Bryant, PhD, FSCMR, Paul Finn, MD, Marianna Fontana, MD, PhD, and Claudia Prieto. Their terms on the Board of Trustees will conclude at the end of the 2023 Annual Scientific Sessions, and we thank them for their time and dedicated service to SCMR. 


The resulting four (4) vacant board positions to be filled are as follows: one (1) technologist, one (1) U.S. radiologist, one (1) non-U.S. cardiologist, and one (1) non-U.S. scientist who will each serve three-year term (2023-2025).


These open board positions are a great way to become more involved in the Society. Serving on the Board of Trustees means you can help guide the growth and development of not only the Society, but the field of CMR as well.


To nominate yourself or another SCMR member for one of these open positions, please submit via email to SCMR HQ ([email protected]) the following:


  • The nominee’s agreement to run for the position with a 250-word biography, including volunteering activities for SCMR.
  • 5 supporting statements from SCMR members in good standing, which should include at least the statement from former (not current) board members, highlighting the added value the candidate brings to the Society. These should be sent by the candidate alongside the candidate’s biography and agreement.


Former Board members are eligible for nomination at least two years after leaving office. You will find a list of all past and present Board members on the SCMR website.


The Nominating Committee is also responsible for slotting two (2) candidates to the Vice Secretary Treasurer ballot. Only members who are currently or who have previously served on the Board are eligible to run for this position. Per SCMR bylaws, the Vice President and Vice Secretary/Treasurer will succeed to President and Secretary/Treasurer, respectively, on vacancy of those offices.


Please send in your nominations by Sunday, 16 October 2022 at 11:59 pm CT. All nominations and supporting material should be sent to SCMR Headquarters at [email protected]. Late submissions will not be considered.

I sincerely hope you will consider nominating yourself or another SCMR member to join us on the Board of Trustees.


Thank you,


Subha Raman, MS, MSEE, MSCMR

SCMR Nominating Committee Chair

Immediate Past President

Submit a Nomination

Current News

Upcoming SCMR Level I Course

SCMR Level I Course in Baltimore

Join us for this SCMR Level I CMR certification workshop (19-20 November 2022, Baltimore, MD), as experts guide the participants through the fundamentals of cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR), reflecting on the added value of using CMR in clinical practice with an emphasis on the clinical applications of CMR. Clinical cases will be used liberally throughout the course to emphasize key concepts. In addition, there will be interactive Q & A, case-based learning and networking opportunities. In addition to Level I certification, participants will be eligible to claim CME credits. This course is appropriate for radiologists, cardiologists, technicians and trainees at all levels. Course Co-Directors are Allison G. Hays, MD, FSCMR (Cardiology) and Stefan L. Zimmerman, MD (Radiology) from Johns Hopkins. Register now and to learn CMR, and enjoy the Baltimore culture and restaurant scene during your visit.

Allison G. Hays, MD, FSCMR

Stefan L. Zimmerman, MD


SCMR-DIC Leadership Meeting

SCMR and DIC Leadership Meeting


SCMR representatives participated in the Department of Cardiovascular Imaging of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology (DIC) annual meeting held in São Paulo in July. During the meeting, the leadership of the two societies met to discuss further collaboration in the field of cardiovascular imaging, with the ultimate goal to promote and enhance their mission. Both entities have a long history of cooperation, and the current goal is to formalize a memorandum of agreement and energize their relationships with defined goals and strategies. Two clear mutual benefits are SCMR's increase footprint in Brazil and Latin America and DIC's participation as a partner and stakeholder in the SCMR global network. We foresee an extremely fruitful collaboration that will benefit our CMR community worldwide.

Left to right: Otavio Rizzi Coelho Filho, Vice-President for CMR at DIC-SBC; André Almeida, Presidente of DIC-SBC; Marcio Bittencourt, Vice-President for CCT at DIC-SBC; Carlos Rochitte, Immediate Past-Chair of DIC-SBC; Karen Ordovas, Vice-President of SCMR; Marly Uellendahl, President of DIC2022 Scientific Meeting and Past Vice-President for CMR at DIC-SBC

MRI in Patients with Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices

Joining Together to Improve Provision: Publication of Joint British Society Consensus Recommendations for MRI in Patients with Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices


Globally, provision of MRI to cardiac device patients remains limited – particularly for patients with MR-Unlabelled (non-MR conditional) devices. Multiple reasons contribute to this, however a lack of agreement between healthcare professionals involved with service delivery is commonly a limiting factor.


The Joint British Society Working Group for Cardiac Device MRI was developed to address this, with representation from 11 national societies including radiology, electrophysiology, medical physics, radiographer and patient groups. Their consensus recommendations have recently been published in Heart and provide clear guidance regarding protocols, roles and responsibilities, and expanded data on scanning patients with MR-Unlabelled devices. The document highlights the spectrum of risk involved with scanning these devices, summarising available evidence for individual scenarios (such as abandoned leads) and providing suggested consent statements. New recommendations for electrophysiologists include patient education and consent at device implant if MR Unlabelled devices are to be implanted, alongside supporting device re-programming to facilitate MRI.


The authors hope that by involving all relevant stakeholders in the development of the document, many of the barriers to provision of MRI to cardiac device patients will reduce.

Figure 1 Recommendations for MRI workflows in patients with cardiac implantable electronic devices. *Higher risk scenarios include the presence of fractured, epicardial, abandoned leads; recent implantation; battery at elective replacement indicator; deactivated systems; lead parameters outside manufacturer recommendations, other implants present. ACLS, adult cardiac life support; BLS, basic life support; SAR, specific absorption rate.

Read the Recommendations

Congenital Heart Disease Corner

Looking forward to the 2023 SCMR Scientific Sessions! 

We’re excited to announce that the 2023 SCMR Scientific Sessions will include a total of 16 hours of Peds/CHD content, including 9 hours in the preconference plus 7 hours within the main conference! In the pre-conference, look for traditional talks such as imaging techniques and lesion specific lectures as well as more novel topics such as MR in patients with pacemakers, how cardiac CT can complement CMR in 2023, low and high field scanning, and how to run a CMR scan remotely. The main conference will feature sessions on CMR for the end-user, AI in CHD CMR, 3D+ innovations, fetal CMR, and a “Great Contrast Debate”. Finally, we will again have dedicated Peds/CHD abstracts and cases sessions.


Pediatric Cardiac Research Initiative in Imaging to Support Mentoring (PRIISM)

We had a really informative PRIISM Symposium at Cardiology 2022 in Huntington Beach on 1 September. The talks were focused on career development, mid-career transition, social determinants of health, and common challenges that arise in clinical research and how to overcome them. In addition, we had representation from the different imaging societies about opportunities in #CHD. Our own Joshua Robinson gave a great overview of all SCMR has to offer for the PCHD community!

Here is a tweetorial regarding the different talks: https://twitter.com/Kfarooqi/status/1569796763904786433

Visit us at priismgroup.com. The recordings will be available on our site in the coming weeks!


SCMR Education Corner

Long Axis Positioning

Accurate positioning of the three long axis is paramount to achieving a good quality CMR examination. Below is a quick, but helpful reference guide for all technologists new to CMR.


Cardiac MR Evaluation in Patient with Single Ventricle and MR Lymphangiogram Evaluation Webinar Recording Now Available

On Demand

Moderators: Dr. LaDonna Malone, Children's Hospital Colorado, USA; and Dr. Simon Lee, Nationwide Children's Hospital, USA.


Speakers: Dr. Rahul Rathod, Boston Children's Hospital, USA; and Dr. David Bilko, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, USA

Couldn’t make it to this webinar on 14 September? You can still see it for free by accessing the recording. This 1-hour webinar includes two 20-minute talks. The first talk covers cardiac MR evaluation in single ventricle patient with focus on anatomy and physiology in clinical use. The second talk focuses on the use of MR lymphangiogram for evaluation and treatment planning for lymphatic diseases.

Access the Recording

Educational Opportunities



1-3 OCTOBER 2022


The course is a minimum of two full days of intensive, live instruction in the indications, methods, and applications of CMR. Sessions will be presented as both didactic lecture and as case studies.


13-15 October 2022

Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro will be the stage of one of the largest and most important cardiology events of the year: the 77th Brazilian Congress of Cardiology together with the World Congress of Cardiology, organized by the Brazilian Society of Cardiology in partnership with the World Heart Federation. Join us to discover the latest in global cardiovascular health.


24-26 OCTOBER 2022


The Amsterdam Cardiac MRI course is especially designed for cardiologists and radiologists seeking Level 1 training in this advanced imaging modality. A combination of lectures with hands-on sessions is utilized to gain experience and confidence for the interpretation of cardiac MRI scans.



15-17 NOVEMBER 2022


The course covers the basic principles of CMR, its clinical indications and role in a multi-modality imaging environment. Delegates will learn in lectures and interactive sessions, at the end of the course they will have a solid understanding of when to refer a patient for Cardiovascular MRI and how to interpret CMR images and reporting. This established 3-day course has been running for 12 years at King's, with an exceptional faculty of internationally renowned experts in the field of cardiac MRI.

Journal Clubs

Join Live at cmrjournalclub.com
Register for the JCMR Journal Club

Cases of SCMR


A 60 year-old woman was referred to cardiology clinic to investigate asymptomatic ECG abnormalities detected during workup for elective hemicolectomy for malignancy. Her medical history included rheumatoid arthritis, obstructive sleep apnoea, osteoarthritis and obesity. Her younger half-brother died in his 50’s from sudden cardiac death whilst playing sports. Medications included metoprolol XL and warfarin. Physical examination was unremarkable.

Movie 1 and 2: Transthoracic echocardiogram 4 chamber without and with Definity contrast enhancement demonstrating asymmetrical severely increased left ventricular wall thickness, akinesia of apical segments, and small hypointense mass in the apex. 

Read the Full Case
View All Cases of CMR
Sylvia Chen, MBBS
Cases of SCMR
Jason N. Johnson, MD, MHS
Deputy Editor
Cases of SCMR
Cases of SCMR

SCMR is looking for interesting CMR cases for publication on Cases of SCMR. We are particularly interested in cases where CMR was essential in diagnosis and management. Submission of multi-imaging modality cases are encouraged.

Submitted cases will be peer-reviewed by the web committee before acceptance and can be listed as a peer reviewed web publication on CVs. Cases published or under consideration for publication elsewhere or that have been previously presented at SCMR Scientific Sessions will not be accepted.

Submit a Case of the Week
Cardiac MR Eyes (👀)

What Caught Our Cardiac MR Eyes This Month?

by Manish Motwani, Newsletter Editor

Twitter-based #WhyCMR journal watch 📚⌚join the online discussion!

  1. Blast from the past: viability 🚀⏲
  2. Recommendations for CMR in patients with pacemakers/ICDSs 📎🧲
  3. A sarcoidosis thread: CMR phenotypes & long-term prognosis 🧵💚
  4. High-yield MINOCA assessment within 14-days 📅🧲💙
  5. CMR for cardiac metabolism 👩‍🔬👨‍🔬⚛
  6. Better together: multi-societal hybrid imaging credentialing 🧲⚛💫💞
  7. Back to school: stress CMR for the general cardiologist! 🏫🧲💦
  8. Predicting your future with native T1 mapping 🔮🥠🧲🗺

#WhyCMR | Social Media

1 September to

29 August 2022

#WhyCMR Activity

Each month our social media committee correspondents update us on the latest #WhyCMR activity stats and most popular tweets or threads. Join the conversation and use the #WhyCMR in your social media posts and follow @SCMRorg!

Tweet of the Month

See all #WhyCMR Tweets

Just for Fun


JCMR Articles


Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy in clinical long-COVID-19 syndrome: a prospective case–control study

Gorecka, et al.

Published on: 12 September 2022


Rationale and clinical applications of 4D flow cardiovascular magnetic resonance in assessment of valvular heart disease: a comprehensive review

Gorecka, et al.

Published on: 22 August 2022


Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) of the cardiovascular system: challenges and perspectives

Aimo, et al.

Published on: 18 August 2022

Technical notes

An inline deep learning based free-breathing ECG-free cine for exercise cardiovascular magnetic resonance

Morales, et al.

Published on: 11 August 2022


Le Cœur en Sabot: shape associations with adverse events in repaired tetralogy of Fallot

Mîra, et al.

Published on: 4 August 2022


Functional and structural reverse myocardial remodeling following transcatheter aortic valve replacement: a prospective cardiovascular magnetic resonance study

Lange, et al.

Published on: 28 July 2022

CMR Literature Search

Please use this link for a filtered PubMed list of all CMR-related manuscripts for August 2022—more than 400 in total!

SCMR Career Center

Visit the SCMR Career Center Today!

Looking for an all-in-one resource to advance your career in CMR? SCMR’s Career Center offers great resources for resume review, workplace wellness, career growth, virtual networking, and more. Visit the Career Center to stay on top of job openings in the CMR field. Browse for new opportunities by job function or location.

Employers can search for resumes in our Resume Bank and view complete resumes for free. Job seekers can check out the Featured Career Advice section for essential tips on interviewing, networking, personal branding, and more. Give your career a boost today and discover all the opportunities at the Career Center.

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Manish Motwani
Newsletter Editor