Beat the Bloat CHI - ZOOM Class

Saturday November 25th

Hi Everyone,

Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving, and if you’re not in the US, maybe you’ll eat some big meals anyway, and join me for this Saturday morning’s “Beat the Bloat CHI,” a class designed to “move things along….” We will focus on moving Energy in all forms, which also includes firing up our core and metabolism. Tai Chi is known to boost the metabolism, so let’s do it!!!

See you Saturday morning at 8:30 West Coast time on Saturday November 25th for “Beat the Bloat CHI.”


Beat the Bloat CHI - Zoom Class

Saturday, November 25 at 8:30 AM

Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Saturday Nov 25

at 8:30am

(PT = California / West Coast Time)


ZOOM Codes:

Meeting ID: 811 2777 8245

Passcode: 158028

Please keep in mind that your donations make these Zoom classes possible.

Donation Options...

I appreciate your donations for class, they are what allow me to schedule the class, pay the Zoom fees, keep my Saturday morning available, send out fun e-blasts, etc.

We are currently accepting

PayPal ( click donation, not service,

Venmo (@Scott-Cole-118)

and mail-in donations only.

Thank you!

Scott's business address is now:

Scott Cole

PO Box 4277

Idyllwild CA 92549

Let's Stay in Touch on Facebook
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