June 5, 2020
In an effort to protect the safety of all participants, the 2020 SC Launch Summit is being held virtually. It will feature a panel of keynote speakers on June 23 , and a SC Launch & Learn four-part Summit Series. W e invite you to have lunch while participating from the comfort of your home.
ABii now available for home purchase
SCRA-funded Company, Vän Robotics is now offering an ABii Home Version . ABii supports students on their learning journey, whether they are catching up or forging ahead to the next level! ABii also reports on multiple measures of student performance and attention to help students build confidence and core subjects mastery. Learn more.

Two New Client Companies Accepted
The SCRA announced the recent acceptance of two Client Companies into its entrepreneurial program, SC Launch: Foresight Data Systems in Columbia and  Custom Donations  in Florence.
Charleston opens WestEdge Incubator
The Charleston Digital Corridor has opened a new incubator that focuses primarily on life sciences in the mixed-use WestEdge development. Vikor Scientific , a SC Facilities tenant, has leased 20,000 square feet of commercial space. Zeriscope , an SCRA funded company, is also a tenant at WestEdge. Read more.
JUNE 10 @8:30 a.m.
Reopening the Region for Business Livestream Learn more.
JUNE 11 @ 12:30 p.m .
McClatchy Media: COVID-19 Bending the Curve Virtual Event Series – Impact to Health Care Policy. Learn more.
JUNE 12 @ 12:00 p.m .
Southeast Life Sciences Webinar: Your Rx for Leading During Difficult Times. Learn more.
JUNE 23 @ 11:00 a.m .
SC Launch Virtual Summit 2020 . Portfolio Company panel to discuss hindsight & foresight through their entrepreneur journey. Learn more.
UofSC to offer cybersecurity webinar for lawyers. The UofSC School of Law Cybersecurity Legal Task Force  and the  American Bar Ass ociation Cyberse curity Legal Task Force  will host a webinar from noon to 1:30 p.m. on June 9.   The webinar  is approved for continuing legal education credit . Registration is  available online , and the presentation is being recorded for future viewing. Learn more.
Good news for small businesses as Senate passes PPP reform bill. Business owners who received a forgivable loan through the PPP are likely getting more leeway on how to spend those funds.The Senate  passed legislation  that restructures how entrepreneurs can use loans issued through a new federal relief program for small businesses ailing from the economic contagion unleashed by the coronavirus pandemic. Read more.