Read the third installment in our Thought Leadership Series, in partnership with SC Biz News. Part three of six was authored by our very own Cole Dudley, Director of SC Industry Solutions. In this segment Cole discusses finding investors and getting access to capital. Read more.
SCRA Member Company Wins MUSC Innovation Award
Dr. Cephus Simmons, Sr., CEO of SealCath LLC, an SCRA Member Company, was awarded the 2021 MUSC Foundation for Research Development Adm. Albert J. Baciocco Innovation Award for the Cephus Catheter. SealCath is a medical device company with a unique patented double balloon catheter known as the Cephus Catheter. The catheter can improve the process for a variety of gastrointestinal procedures. The innovative technology allows for greater effectiveness and efficiency in medical procedures. Learn more about SealCath.
SCRA Portfolio Company Featured on NPR Radio Show
Nicole Johnson, Co-Founder of Boyd Cycling, an SC Launch, Inc. Portfolio Company, was recently featured on NPR's SC Business Review. Listen as host Mike Switzer and Nicole discuss the history of Boyd Cycling and their hand built, high quality bicycle wheels. Listen to the episode.
SCRA Exoskeleton Demo at the SC Manufacturing Conference
November 11 | 9:30am-12:30pm | 1:30-4:30pm
Exoskeletons are an emerging wearables technology to reduce workforce fatigue and workplace injuries in manufacturing, logistics, construction, and other industries. From industry requests, SCRA will host this exoskeleton demonstration for industry participants to gain access to different exoskeleton devices, reducing the cost and time of trials. In this EXO DEMO, participants will experiment with EXO devices for lower back and upper extremities from multiple vendors. Click here to learn more and register.