Webinars, New York Heritage, library news, and more.


September 8, 2023


Cheery Friday Greetings,

It has been a very busy month so far, though we're barely a week in! We’re working on all things annual—the annual report, the annual work plan, your individual member benefits and contribution statements, and our annual meeting. We are also working with another group of Cornell students from Building Racial Equity in Organizations. Already, it is a productive and exciting fall and summer still has a couple more weeks to go!

Regarding the annual meeting, we are pleased to announce that it will be in person for the first time since 2019-- on Friday, October 27 at the Museum of the Earth in Ithaca. Our keynote speaker is Dr. Rachel Ivy Clarke presenting It's Not Rocket Library Science: Reconceptualizing American Librarianship as a Design Field. She is planning a very interactive program, and I hope you will join us for learning, exploring, networking--plus, if you’re a voting representative, for voting! Note that our annual meeting is open to everyone, not just to the voting representatives. Although we’ll be looking at librarianship as a design profession, this has relevance for all types of members (note that some of the activities will involve the museum exhibits!).

Follow the link below for more information and to register.

Other events out there include the annual Resource Sharing Users Group meeting (registration below) and an article discussion planned for November. Stay tuned!

SCRLC librarians are going back out on the road for field visits in the upcoming months. I am completely looking forward to a new round! We’ll be contacting members, but if you have a specific time or topic that you would like to discuss with us, please fill in a field visit request form.

Today, she and I attended the inauguration of the HH Dalai Lama Library and Research Center on Ithaca’s South Hill. The vision of the Library and Research Center is to “be a transformational hub of compassionate and humane education to help unify our increasingly divided world.”

The last item to share for today is that on Tuesday, September 19 from 4:30-6:00 p.m., Elaine Westbrooks, Cornell University's Carl A. Kroch University Librarian and Vice Provost at Cornell University, will host a fireside chat with Dorothy Berry, Digital Curator for the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture "and influential writer and thinker in the fields of archives, libraries, African American history, and public access." Thank you so much to Elaine for extending this invitation to SCRLC members! I will be forwarding the announcement via to scrlc-l yet today. An RSVP is requested (the link will be in the email).

Wishing everyone a lovely weekend and Yours in partnership,


Mary-Carol Lindbloom

Executive Director


Check great free resources from the Equity Literacy Project.

They also offer a free 3-4 hour course called Learning to be a Threat to Inequity: Intro to Equity Literacy.

Thanks to Virgilio Pinto at Ithaca College Library for sharing!


From SUNY Corning Community College, Librarian Sarah Tronkowski has been promoted to Assistant Director of Library Services. In addition, Sarah was named to the first cohort of the NYS Community College Student Success Leadership Academy. The cohort is comprised of a diverse group of professional backgrounds from colleges throughout the state. The program is designed to provide a solid understanding of critical student success and change management concepts with assistance from the National Center for Inquiry & Improvement (NCII), Aspen, and the Ohio Success Center.

Library Staff welcomed the campus IT department to the library building over the summer. This co-location will improve student access to necessary IT support services and improved workflows within our departments. Library staff worked closely with our Physical Plant to design new office and circulation spaces in the library’s lower level. The Arthur A. Houghton Jr. Library is now home to Library Services, the Learning Commons, Information Technology, and the Center for Teaching Innovation and Excellence (CTIE).

Tompkins County Public Library of the Finger Lakes Library System is closing for two weeks beginning September 15 for renovations and HVAC repairs.

Best wishes to Deb Dalton at the New York Center for Agricultural Medicine & Health Library on her retirement!

Have news? Please share it with us!


We traveled to Waterloo Library & Historical Society to return their collection of Tattler magazines, freshly digitized, and marveled at the height of those sunflowers!

Cyndi Parks-Sheils is both the director of the library and the director of the historical society, which has a full-sized museum in the back half of this beautiful (and surely difficult to maintain!) Queen Anne Victorian mansion.

Next, we visited Candor Free Library to pick up our circulating Immigration exhibit. Even a small library like Candor can display these tall, thin vinyl panels.

Right behind the panels, we noticed a very cute idea: magnet poetry! If you have metal shelving, try this out.

Of course, we were also excited to see our telehealth kits being promoted. The entrance to this library is chock full of helpful fliers and community information.

Welcome to Donna Schwender, the new director at Candor Free Library!

Our Hurricane Agnes exhibit is now on display at the NYS Academy of Fire Science Library in Montour Falls. Jai Blackburn gave us a tour and talked about some of the challenges she's had as a solo librarian, like considering a new ILS and accessing OCLC services. These conversations are crucial for us at the library council as we think about our Plan of Service.

We love a good READ posted, naturally!

The Academy has an alcove dedicated to fallen firefighters, listed by year, and it's very moving to visit.

Near the library, the walls of the hallway are adorned with all the NYS firefighting company patches.


View events from all 9 Councils on the ESLN Continuing Education Calendar.

Events produced by the other councils are open for SCRLC members to attend.

NYS Historic Newspapers- Spotlight on New Tools

September 13, 10:00 - 11:00am


Annual Resource Sharing Users Group Meeting

Books Opening Doors: Prisons, Libraries and the Resources We Share

October 12, 1:00 - 4:00pm


Making Health Literacy Local

October 19, 10:00 - 11:30am


Annual Membership Meeting

Friday, October 27, 9:00am - 2:30 pm

with Rachel Ivy Clarke presenting

It's Not Rocket Library Science: Reconceptualizing American Librarianship as a Design Field

at the Museum of the Earth


SCRLC members can access Tech-Talk.com's library of technology and communication tutorials.

Upcoming Tech-Talk Webinars

Supercharge Your Productivity, Tech-Talk’s Favorite Tips for Success, Part 1

September 13 at 3pm

Supercharge Your Productivity, Tech-Talk’s Favorite Tips for Success, Part 2

September 27 at 3pm

Creating Simple Tool Kits Using Three-Minute Tutorials

October 11 at 3pm

From Still to Thrill: Create Moving Images That Will Bring Your Content to Life

October 25 at 3pm

The Friends of Libraries Section of the New York Library Association (FLS/NYLA) presents

"Getting Started: Creating and Supporting a Friends Group for Your Library, a two-hour presentation focusing on the benefits of organizing community volunteers to support a library’s programs and services.

September 18, 10am - Noon

Guernsey Memorial Library in Norwich

Hosted by The Four County Library System (4CLS)

The SUNY Center for Professional Development and the SUNY Office of Library and Information Services have developed the framework for a "Library Leadership and Management Certificate Program.Certificate participants will gain a foundation in management and leadership while also be given opportunities to apply this knowledge in library-specific contexts and areas.

The first course on Library Assessment begins October 3

Registration is open for NYLA's 2023 Annual Conference & Trade Show, November 1-4 in Saratoga Springs. The Empire State Library Network is hosting two programs at conference:

ESLN Luncheon

Building Power and Community During Crisis Times: The Work of Library Freedom Project

November 2, Noon - 1:30pm

ESLN Showcase of Collaborative Resources Available to New York Libraries

November 3, 11:00am - 12:15pm


Library Juice Academy offers a range of online professional development courses.

For 20% off all LJA courses, email jphilippe@scrlc.org

Archived Webinars

See SCRLC Webinars & ESLN Events on YouTube

Recent additions include Reintroduction to New York State Historic Newspapers with Chuck Henry.

Two Farmers and a Hay Rake Wheel

Farms of Caroline / Town of Caroline Historical Room

New Collection: The Tattler Collection

Magazines created by the students at Waterloo High School between 1919 and 1925, which fresh jokes like:

Mr Foley (in Physics) - If heat causes things to expand what does cold do?

Julia Maloney - It makes the days shorter.

This collection was digitized by SCLRC with a 2023 grant from SCRLC to the Waterloo Library & Historical Society. Have a collection like this? Reach out to Claire to get a quote.

New Collection: Migrant Workers of Steuben County

This collection was scanned with support from the Consider the Source project. Many thanks to Kirk House of the Steuben County Historical Society for highlighting this amazing collection, which shows the migrant workers of the 1940s and of the 1980s. Browse to see how the workers lived and worked. Many of the later photographs were taken by the migrant workers themselves as part of a photography class.

New Collection: Old Home Days Collection

Newfield's Old Home Days is an enormous annual event, and every year, the organizing committee has printed a lengthy program booklet. This booklet includes information for the festival, ads from the many sponsors, historical articles and personal reminiscences. The decades' worth of booklets serve as a directory and historical record for Newfield.

New Collection: Greek Life of SUNY Oneonta

Thanks to Heather Stalter and SUNY Oneonta student Emily Lyons for digitizing this great collection of photos from sororities and fraternities at SUNY Oneonta. The collection goes back to the 19th century and is a great resource for genealogists!

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