Lincoln Library News & Events
May 2022
Don't miss the most fun book group in town, True Crime and Brew Time. Last Wednesday of the month at 8pm. Join by zoom with a drink in hand!
Story Time on Lincoln's Lawn is back! Join us every Thursday at 10:30 starting May 5th. Bring a blanket and join us for stories, songs, and a silly good time!
SAVE THE DATE: Summer Reading Starts June 1st, with Bubble Bus Kick-off Party June 10th 2-4!
Looking for something fun to do?
Monday, May 16, 6:00pm - 7:00pm in the Bicentennial Room.

Come together with other local writers for feedback, inspiration, and collaboration in your written works. Craft your craft!
Tuesday, May 31, 2022
6:00pm - 7:00pm Carnegie North

David Finnigan will talk about the architectural precedents both in the US and in Europe which inspired the design of the new Illinois Capitol.
Visit Us
326 S. 7th Street
Springfield, IL 62701
(217) 753-4900

Mon- Wed 10-8
Thur-Sat 10- 5

Curbside Hours:
Mon-Wed 10-6:45
Thur-Fri: 10-4:45