Letter from the President
Janessa Bixel, SDAEYC President
A lot has been happening across our state in the world of early learning over the last year. With the help of our partners at the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), we were able to utilize funds from the 2019 grant, “A Mulit-Pronged Approach to Increasing Equitable Access to High-Quality Childcare” to meet many of our goals for 2019. We continue to have advocates from a variety of educational, political, and professional backgrounds from across the state that have come together to continue talks of how we can work together to bring quality early learning to the state of South Dakota. What started as a group of people who are passionate about early learning coming together for discussions has become a grass roots movement called Early Learner South Dakota. Check out our website referred to below.
We have worked with the United Way of the Black Hills to create “I’m an Early Learner” marketing videos to show that all children, no matter their environment, are early learners. We created a website
to be a go-to source for quality information for communities, providers and parents. Rapid City has been diligently working on becoming an Early Learner community and is paving the way and sharing their processes with other communities who would like to join the movement. We are encouraging communities across South Dakota to become an Early Learner community. There is information about the current communities and even a tool kit that was created to help if you want to get involved. Currently there are funds available through the United Way Black Hills Reads program to help communities in the Black Hills to begin their journey.
As we look toward the upcoming year, SDAEYC will continue to provide many opportunities to get involved. We are in the process of receiving a second year grant for 2020 to continue the momentum of the work we began in 2019. If you would like to be a part of our movement we have the following committees; Public Policy, Data, and Marketing. Please send a message to
and let them know where you would like to help.
On another note, a lot has been happening nationally with the Power to the Profession. If you have not looked into what it is all about, I highly encourage you to do so! Hearing Rhian Evans Allvin, CEO of NAEYC, and three people on the Power to the Profession speak at a the BUILD QRIS conference re-ignited my passion to learn more about what is going on nation wide in our field. You can find more information on the
website under the “Our Work” tab. (See photo below - Janessa Bixel & Rhian Evans Allvin).
Along with the Power to the Profession movement, the Council for Professional Recognition (CFPR) and the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) have been awarded a contract to conduct a feasibility study on Lead Teacher Certification. The CFPR, is the organization that issues Child Development Associate (CDA) credentials. There may be positive changes coming in the future for early childhood educators, and I for one look forward to seeing how the national movement will help support us here in South Dakota!
Janessa Bixel
A Message from the Vice President
Fran Apland, SDAEYC Vice President
As a member of SDAEYC you know the magnitude of having quality programs - we change the lives of children and families. After a long day at work, taking care of your family, and paying bills it can be a struggle to do one more thing. Yet, I ask that you advocate for your profession and for Early Learners by spending just 15 minutes a day exploring what you can do to advocate.
If we don’t advocate, then who? If we don’t act now, then when? I encourage you to get to know your state representatives and how they are voting record on Early Learner issues. Last year, House Bill 1175 - to create and Early Learning Advisory Council (ELAC) was brought before the South Dakota Legislature. This bill would help to manage grant funds received from the federal government for Early Learning programs. - your programs. Without an ELAC, at a cost of $14-$20,000 South Dakota Early Learners are positioned to lose grant funding from the federal government. In December 2019 more than $1 Billion increase for Early Learning and Child Care was approved at the federal level. Regardless of your views on government oversight, socialism, or capitalism, this is not a partisan issue but a non-partisan issue - a public good. I believe that it is my calling to teach and guide young children so that one day they will be able to contribute to society and to know their way to success - Do you too, have this value? If so, I encourage you to reach out to your state house and legislative representatives and let them know your values and that you recognize their voting record. Share your expectations of these folks that hold office. Meet your representative(s) for coffee, reach out through email, or make a phone call. Next, look to see if they were present to vote on issues that matter. I know that if I didn’t show up for what I was directly hired to do there would be unfavorable consequences. If you have never looked at the roll call for votes is an easy process. Search for the bill (House Bill 1175 in 2019) and then look for your district with your representative(s) information including their vote. It will be clearly represented in the legislative record. If you were happy with their vote please write and tell them your thoughts. If you’re not happy with their vote please and tell how you feel. It is only when we hold our legislators accountable for the extraordinary meaningful work that we do and they do every day will we make a difference.
In the 2020 legislative session Representative Erin Healy is looking at returning the ELAC House Bill for the fourth year in a row. Let’s take a stand and let our state government legislators know our thoughts. Encourage legislators to co-sponsor the bill, show up, and vote for approval.
If you find yourself inclined to be involved in advocacy know that there are opportunities to attend the NAEYC 2020 Public Policy Forum (PPF) this February. The forum is held in Washington DC and it is a great way to learn more about the legislative process through a hands-on view. You will actually be talking to lawmakers and their legislative aids. Another opportunity is to support the Early Learner Day at the capitol on 6 February. Lastly, consider joining the Public Policy Committee that meets as needed via telephone call from anywhere in the state.
If you are interested in these opportunities, reach out to me soonest at
Check out more Advocacy information at
. Post local and state Early Learning issues to the SDAEYC FaceBook page or send my email.
Happy New Year!
Fran Apland,
Executive Board:
President - Janessa Bixel
Vice President - Fran Apland
Past President - Sherrie Bosse
Treasurer - Susan Ratkovsky
Secretary - Marcy Drew
Operations Manager - Ellen Schlosser
Conference Coordinator - Patricia Buechler
Governing Board:
Member at Large - Nicole Weiss
Member at Large - (Open - fill term)
Accreditation Chair - Nancy Schlichenmayer
Membership Chair - Jodi Butzer
Public Policy Chair - Fran Apland
Student Group Chair - Sherrie Bosse
Student Chapter Representative - open
SDAEYC Board Openings in 2020
Board Positions Up for Election
SDAEYC will be looking for individuals that are interested in being part of the organization, for the 2020-2022 term.
Elected Positions are:
Vice- President
Member at Large
Appointed Positions are:
Membership Chair
Public Policy Chair
Student Chapter Representative
Please contact Sherrie Bosse if you are interested in any of these positions.
(click name to email).
Membership - Join/Renewal
Time to renew your membership? Visit
and click Join/Renew in the top right of the screen. We have heard from several new and renewing members that the website is not working correctly. Sometimes their payments do not process, so their memberships do not take effect. Others have reported that they are not given the option to choose South Dakota as their affiliate, which means they will not get updates and information from our state! If you experience any issues, please call NAEYC customer service at
1-800-424-2460 so they can help you directly. Our Operations Manager and President have both been in contact with NAEYC regarding this, and they are working on the issue. In the meantime, please give NAEYC a call so your membership stays up-to-date!
2020 SDECE Annual Conference
SD Early Childhood Education Conference 2020
Developing Brains Matter!
ril 23-25, 2020 at the Sioux Falls Convention Center
Join us for our annual conference as we learn about brain development and innovative ways to help children develop and foster their brain growth.
We had a great turn out for early bird call for presentation proposals. We need more though! If you have some great information and ideas to share in the areas of infant/toddler care, professionalism, diversity, program management and leadership, or child abuse/neglect, please consider sharing to help others cultivate their abilities to care for children and help parents. See link at the bottom. DUE on JANUARY 17
We are also looking for more exhibitors! If you know of someone who could share their items or information with early childhood educators, see the link at the bottom.
Registrations will be out by January 15th. Save the link at the bottom so you can sign up for early bird rates!
You can reserve your hotel rooms online at the Sheraton! Our group discount of $110 is already in their system! Easy to click and reserve! See link at the bottom.
We will be posting more presentation breakout sessions on our website in the next month. Please keep that site open for all information related to the conference.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
See you in April!
SDAEYC Conference Coordinator
Use the menu on the top to go to the link you need!
SDAEYC Service Awards
Marcy Drew, SDAEYC Secretary
2020 Excellence in Early Childhood Awards
Do you know of someone deserving recognition for his or her service to children or the field of Early Childhood Education? Consider nominating him or her for a 2020 SDAEYC Award!
Award categories include:
Professional Service Award
(SDAEYC membership required to receive this award)
The individuals who have provided outstanding service in the following types of professional roles are eligible for these awards:
Early Educators & Caregivers, Early Childhood Leaders, Higher Education Instructors and Early Childhood Trainers,
Program Administrators.
Citizen’s Award
(SDAEYC membership not required)
a. Members of the South Dakota news media for increasing public awareness of children’s rights and needs during the past year.
b. Public Officials on the local, state or national levels representing South Dakota who have been sensitive to children’s issues during the past year.
c. Community leaders who consistently act as child advocates.
d. Authors from South Dakota who have excited the minds of young children or early childhood professionals.
e. Artists (dancers, actor, etc.) who have creatively expressed issues of children or who have helped children discover a fresh way to learn.
f. Inventors who have created toys or equipment from exceptionally safe, creative learning opportunities.
Year Early Education Teacher Award
(SDAEYC membership not required)
Individuals who are in their first year of teaching children birth through age 8 (2
Has shown exceptional skills in teaching developmentally appropriate lessons, being an advocate for young children and/or a thoughtful and caring relationship with children, families, and other professionals in the field.
Early Education Student Award
(SDAEYC membership not required)
A student studying early childhood education in a South Dakota university, CDA or continuing education program.
Individuals who show exceptional skills in planning and teaching developmentally appropriate lessons and/or are a strong advocate for young children and family issues.
Nominations are due by March 1
, 2020
For an application go to
click on "What We Do" (at the top) and then on "SDAEYC Awards".
If you have any questions, please contact:
Nancy Schlichenmayer, Accreditation Chair
Is NAEYC accreditation one of your program’s goals for 2020?
Log into
to view the introductory video which explains the process.
According to NAEYC, “the portal is now live! Access your basic program records, add more data, and move through the accreditation process at your own pace.”
Accreditation will “empower your program's success! Equip your program with the tools to provide the best learning experiences for young children and provide the highest quality professional preparation of educators by meeting national standards of quality.”
There are scholarships available up to $500 per year. The application is on the SDAEYC website. Programs can receive one scholarship per year, the money can be used for preparations for Accreditation, annual report fees, Accreditation fees and other approved costs that are approved by SDAEYC leaders.
For more information please contact Nancy Schlichenmayer 605-380-1974
Upcoming National and State AEYC Conferences
Public Policy Forum: Arlington, VA;
February 23rd-25th, 2020
SDECE: Sioux Falls, SD; April 23-25, 2020
NAEYC Professional Learning Institute (PLI): New Orleans, LA
June 7th-10th, 2020
NAEYC Annual Conference: Anaheim, CA; November 4-7,2020
SDAEYC Chapter Events & Happenings
Capitol Connections:
In 2020, the Capitol Connection chapter is planning a book club discussion using the book, Teaching Kids to Thrive – Essential Skills for Success by Debra Silver and Deidra Stafford. We will continue to explore opportunities for family engagement activities in our communities.
Dakota Midland:
Dakota Midland is in the planning stages of having a booth at Read Across America, this event is hosted by the NSU SDEA Students. It is held at the Aberdeen Mall, the end of February in honor of Dr. Seuss's birthday. The event is to help encourage early literacy for children from ages birth - 3rd grade.
East Central:
Members’ Meeting in February will be on Monday, Feb. 17
at 6:30 pm. We will be exploring Robotics, Coding & Making in the Classroom. It will be at the Children’s Museum of South Dakota’s Maker’s Space. Pizza will be served. Come take part in a ‘hands on’ robotics, coding, and making experience!
Members’ Meeting in April will be on Monday, April 20
at 6:30 pm. We will be hosting an Autism Awareness family members’ panel and individuals from Spectrum 605, a nonprofit group raising awareness of the Spectrum elements. The focus of the discussion will be to bring awareness of elements of Spectrum disabilities when planning experiences in the community/classroom for individuals who have Spectrum Disabilities.
In December, we discussed leadership roles for the East Central Chapter. Carrie Benson will be taking on the role of membership coordinator and Debra Rutledge will be taking on the role of finance coordinator. Mary Bowne will continue as the student organization advisor. The incoming leaders will have six months of co-leading with Kay Cutler and Laura Gloege, the outgoing coordinators, and will begin their full leadership role in May 2020.
Check either for latest updates!
Missouri Valley:
The Missouri Valley Chapter of SDAEYC will be partnering with the Vermillion Cultural Association to host a screening of the documentary "No Small Matter" at the Coyote Theatre in downtown Vermillion on Monday, March 23
. The film highlights the impact of quality early learning environments in the early years. Doors will open at 6:30 pm for attendees to view displays provided by early learning programs in the area, followed by the film at 7:00 pm. A special SDAEYC member dessert social and discussion will take place in the adjoining gallery at 8:15. The event is free to the public.
Save the date for Sioux Falls WOW!
SF WOW will be held on Saturday, February 1st, 2020.
Dr. Anne Meeker will be speaking about "Sing, Play, Love."
The deadline to sign-up is, Sunday, January 19th, so sign up now!
$8.00 for members with code:
, $30.00 for non-members.
For further information contact
South Dakota Association for the Education of Young Children
Time to renew your membership? Visit
and click Join/Renew in the top right of the screen. We have heard from several new and renewing members that the website is not working correctly. Sometimes their payments do not process, so their memberships do not take effect. Others have reported that they are not given the option to choose South Dakota as their affiliate, which means they will not get updates and information from our state! If you experience any issues, please call NAEYC customer service at 1-800-424-2460 so they can help you directly. Our Operations Manager and President have both been in contact with NAEYC regarding this, and they are working on the issue. In the meantime, please give NAEYC a call so your membership stays up-to-date!