SDMG General Meeting

Monday, March 25, 2024 

7pm SDMG building ~ Public Welcome!

Dave Smith, President

The Mineral & Fossil Co-op on Oracle Road in Tucson is a showcase of fantastic specimens as well as artifacts, beads, carvings and meteorites. Photo: Jim Parrish.

The guest speaker for our March meeting will be SDMG museum curator and past society president Jim Parrish. He will give a version of his annual Show 'N' Tell presentation: Eighteen Days in Tucson. Jim will share his impression of the shows he visited this year along with the unique and interesting mineral finds he discovered. Jim has an immersive knowledge of minerals and a great eye for fine specimens. The theme of the main show this year was pegmatite crystals, so Jim plans on showcasing some of the exemplary pegmatite minerals he saw on display

Smoky quartz in amazonite from Lake George, a new locality in Teller County, Colorado. Photo: Jim Parrish.

Public welcome! Please bring something to share at the meeting. Coffee, tea and punch will be provided. After completing preliminary business, we will hold a door prize drawing and then listen to our speaker.  

Parking is limited behind the SDMG Bldg, so it’s first come, first served. Look for additional parking in the Carousel parking lot near Park Blvd. or in the Zoo parking lot.


SDMG Equipment Sale

Sun, April 7, 2024

Clairemont location in San Diego

Details forthcoming, stay tuned


SDMG Barbeque

May 2024

San Diego Mineral & Gem Society |