
"The beautiful spring came, and when nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also."

Harriet Ann Jacobs, American Abolitionist and Autobiographer

A Business Update from Nancy Skeans, CEO
As Spring emerges from what may be branded as the world's longest winter (March 2020 – March 2021?), I am penning what I hope is my last pandemic, stuck-working-from-home, business update.

Has it really been a year? Actually, it has been longer for some countries and some states in the U.S. While our friends in Florida and Texas have been fairly open for months, Pennsylvania, along with New York, Ohio, and Michigan have been among the states that have had some of the most stringent restrictions. Spring seems to favor the southern states as well.

Many of you know that I reside in downtown Pittsburgh, barely a city block from our offices in One PPG Place. From my home office window on this day in April 2021, I am gazing out at my office window in One PPG Place and pondering a couple of questions. Is it going to snow again (yes, it snowed here a few days ago)? And, will SDWMA and our colleagues at Schneider Downs & Co. ever be back together in our offices? I don't know about the snow, but the answer to the second question is absolutely YES.

Even in Pittsburgh as the snow flies, green shoots are appearing. The city, which has been ghostly quiet for the last year, is also showing signs of life. I know this because it is no longer safe to cross a street without looking both ways, and even better, when the sun does grace our sky, Point Park, the bike trail around the city, and Market Square are all teaming with people.

The world’s longest winter and the pandemic (we all hope) are coming to an end, and SDWMA’s team is counting down the days to the return to our Pittsburgh and Columbus offices. The target time is July, after the holiday weekend. I feel certain that this time, the date will stick. (If you want to know how successful I am at making predictions, please refer back to my last business update.)

While virtual meetings are probably here to stay, get ready to welcome back in-person reunions in our Pittsburgh and Columbus offices, at your homes, or better yet, at your favorite restaurants. 

We can’t wait to be with you again!

In closing, I just want to thank our teammate Vicky Rogers for her 17.5 years of dedicated service to SDWMA and to all of you. Vicky retired on Wednesday, March 31st and for those of you who did not see it, we are sharing the link to her goodbye letter below. Vicky is loved and will be missed by all. Her contributions to SDWMA are too numerous to count. Suffice it to say, “Vicky, you helped make SDWMA the wonderful firm it is today!”

Enjoy the Spring of 2021. As Lady Bird Johnson once said, “Where flowers bloom so does hope.”



Last week we announced the departure of one of our longest-tenured team members, Victoria Rogers, who retired on March 31, 2021.

We know that Vicky will be missed by co-workers and clients alike. Please rest assured that she has spent a lot of time training the advisors who will be taking over her client relationships and the operations staff who will be taking over her technology responsibilities.

If you missed Vicky's goodbye letter in your inbox, you can click here to read it.

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The Federal tax deadline has been extended to May 17, 2021.
To read more, follow the link below to the IRS press release.

ICYMI! Our Most Recent Communications

It seems these days that you can’t turn on CNBC or read the Wall Street Journal without seeing Bitcoin (BTC) in one of the headlines. The usual headline reads, “Bitcoin Surges” or, “Bitcoin Plummets.” These articles tend to get a lot of interest and make for a great story, one that does not seem likely to end any time soon. But that begs the questions, what really is Bitcoin and why all the excitement?
When planning an exit from a business, there are numerous factors to consider. While many of these factors pertain to the business itself, I would argue that a personal financial plan (often overlooked) is a significant factor in exiting a business successfully. In turn, this article will focus on the quantitative and qualitative factors that pertain to a personal financial plan.

We would like to know what information is most pertinent to you.

In 2021, which of the following topics would you like to hear from us about?
The Political Landscape
The State of the Economy
Where Capital Markets are Headed
Alternative Investments
Financial Planning Topics

(1) 5.5 oz Pkg Instant Sugar Free
Vanilla Pudding
(3) C 1% Low-Fat Milk
(4) Bananas, Sliced
(8) oz Whipped Topping
(4) Servings Reduced Fat Nilla Wafers

Prepare pudding according to package instructions, using milk; fold in 1 cup whipped topping. Layer wafers in bottom of a 2-quart round baking dish, then sliced bananas and pudding. Continue to layer wafers, bananas, and pudding, ending with pudding on top. Spread remaining whipped topping over top of pudding. Chill 3 hours or until serving time.

Catch up on our Financial Boot Camp series and check out our 2021 topics!


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Schneider Downs Wealth Management Advisors, LP (SDWMA) is a registered investment adviser with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). SDWMA provides fee-based investment management services and financial planning services, along with fee-based retirement advisory and consulting services. Material discussed is meant for informational purposes only, and it is not to be construed as investment, tax or legal advice. Please note that individual situations can vary. Therefore, this information should be relied upon when coordinated with individual professional advice. Registration with the SEC does not imply any level of skill or training.
Schneider Downs Wealth Management Advisors, LP
1 PPG Place, Suite 1700
Pittsburgh, PA 15222