2024 Annual Meeting Abstract Submission Deadline
is Monday, October 2, 2023 at 5:00 pm ET.
We will have another Annual Meeting Planning newsletter on October 15. Until then, everything you need to know is on the on the SEACSM Annual Meeting website.
ACSM Foundation 2024 Research Grants
Every year, the ACSM Foundation awards thousands of dollars in research grants to student researchers and young investigators. The deadline to apply for the 2024 grants is November 10, 2023.
Students who are ACSM members are eligible. Students who aren't ACSM members can join for $30 for the first year. ACSM student membership is available to eligible undergraduate, graduate and medical students and includes access to career development resources and opportunities that will help them in and out of the classroom.
This grant will be designated for human research on the impacts of minimalist footwear on biomechanics, performance, injury and physical activity across the lifespan.
This award is meant to encourage human research in the area of physical activity, training and human performance relative to athletic events (e.g., track and field, hiking, trail running, road races, walking).
This award is meant to encourage research in thermoregulation, exercise and hydration.
One project focused on advancing research into the health benefits — physical, mental and emotional — of physical activity and sports will be funded.
This award is meant to encourage researchers early in their careers to become involved with physical activity epidemiology.
This award is meant to encourage the research of mechanistic, hypothesis-driven, basic and applied research in exercise science.
SEACSM Minority and Health Research Special Interest Group
The SEACSM Minority and Health Research Special Interest Group (MHR-SIG) supports the National ACSM MHR-SIG’s purpose of providing a multidisciplinary forum for focused discussion and collaborative research on minority health issues, with particular emphasis on preventable disease conditions and cardiovascular disease risk factors. The new co-chairs are Lauren Reid, MPH, PhD and Kristin Mendez, MS, CSCS.
For more information about this SIG, please follow both the SEACSM and ACSM MHR-SIG on Instagram: @southeastern_acsm and @acsm_mhrsig. Our annual meeting will be held during the SEACSM conference in February 2024. We hope to see you there!
ACSM-EIM Mascot Challenge
All EIM-OC registered campuses are invited to participate by creating a short video addressing this year’s theme, “Together We Move.”
The winner will earn ultimate bragging rights and $1,000 in prize money! Second and third-place schools will also receive prizes.
New job and graduate program postings
Employers and program coordinators: Instructions for sharing your job, internship, and graduate program opportunities are available there, too.
ACSM Career Center
ACSM has a new career center to connect you with your next job. There are currently over 600 job listings, including 150 in the Southeast region.
Mentoring opportunity through the ACSM Strategic Health Initiative for Women, Sport, and Physical Activity
The goal of the ACSM Strategic Health Initiative for Women, Sport, and Physical Activity (SHI-Women) is to address current issues facing women's health and fitness through clinical practice, research, public information, advocacy, and leadership/mentoring programs. Currently, females represent approximately 50% of the ACSM membership. Yet, less than 25% of those women have achieved fellowship status. Please consider volunteering to help the SHI-Women in building its mentoring program.
Any ACSM member in good standing who has achieved fellowship status is eligible to be a mentor. The commitment to serve is for a minimum of 3 months. For more specific information regarding the Mentoring Women to Fellowship Program, you can view the ACSM Become a Mentor webpage.
Congratulations to new ACSM Fellows from the Southeast region!
Elizabeth Ackley, Ph.D. Roanoke College
David Fukuda, Ph.D. University of Central Florida
Zachary Kerr, Ph.D. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Zacharias Papadakis, Ph.D. Barry University
Brandt Pence, Ph.D. University of Memphis
Kimberly Reich, Ph.D. High Point University
Paula Seffens, Ph.D. University of North Georgia
Andrew Shanely, Ph.D. Appalachian State University
Toni Torres-McGehee, Ph.D. University of South Carolina
Srikant Vallabhajosula, Ph.D. Elon University
Danielle Wadsworth, Ph.D. Auburn University
Susan Yeargin, Ph.D. University of South Carolina
Southeast ACSM Program/Lab Showcase
This year we want to connect members in the region by inviting departments/labs in the Southeast Chapter to be featured on our social media platforms! We would post your department/lab on social media based on the information you send. If you would like your department/lab showcased, please contact our Student Representative, Alyssa Parten at aparten@una.edu.
Please include the following information:
- Pictures you would like included of your lab or department. Some ideas for photos could include the type of research conducted, group photos of faculty/staff/students, logos, or even photos of buildings, etc.
- Descriptions of the research that is conducted in the department/lab and the programs offered within the department.
- If your department has opportunities for students (graduate program, GA/TA) please incorporate that information in the description.
SEACSM Executive Board
Jonathan Wingo, President. University of Alabama, jwingo@ua.edu
Danielle Wadsworth, Past-President. Auburn University, wadswdd@auburn.edu
Kim Reich, President-Elect. High Point University, kreich@highpoint.edu
Gordon Fisher, At-Large Member. University of Alabama-Birmingham, grdnfs@uab.edu
Mallory Marshall, At-Large Member. Samford University, mmarshal@samford.edu
Sam Buckner, At-Large Member. University of South Florida, slbuckner@usf.edu
Scott Lyons, At-Large Member. University of North Alabama, slyons1@una.edu
Julie Marino, At-Large Member. University of North Carolina Charlotte, jmarin11@charlotte.edu
Alyssa Parten, Student Representative. University of North Alabama, aparten@una.edu
Adam Ibrahim, Student Representative. University of Tennessee, aibrah11@vol.utk.edu
Ryan Draper, Sports Medicine Physician Representative. Cone Health, timothyd72@yahoo.com Carolynn Berry, Executive Director. Winston-Salem State University, berryc@wssu.edu
Michael Berry, Exhibits, Sponsorships and Fund Raising. Wake Forest University, berry@wfu.edu
Lynn Panton, Representative to ACSM. Florida State University, lpanton@fsu.edu
Brian Parr, Communication Director. University of South Carolina Aiken, brianp@usca.edu