January 1, 2023
2023 SEACSM Annual Meeting Planning
February 23–25, 2023 | Hyatt Regency Greenville | Greenville, SC
Happy New Year!

We hope 2023 is off to a great start for you. We are looking forward to seeing you at the 2023 SEACSM Annual Meeting in February. In the meantime, good luck on your new years resolutions!
Preview Program is available now!

The 2023 SEACSM Annual Meeting Preview Program, including conference information, schedule, and session listings is available now at the the SEACSM Annual Meeting page. The final program with even more information and abstracts will be published in January.
Registration and Hotel Information

The 2023 SEACSM Annual Meeting will be held February 23–25, 2023 in at the Hyatt Regency Greenville in Greenville, SC.

Conference registration and hotel reservation information is available now on the SEACSM Annual Meeting website.
Special opportunities for students

Leadership and Diversity Training Program

Applications for the SEACSM Leadership and Diversity Training Program (LDTP) are being reviewed now. Students accepted into the program will be notified by mid-January 2023 and matched with a mentor. We are looking forward to meeting the 2023 LDTP class at the Annual Meeting!

Student AV Teams

The application for AV Teams is closed. Notifications and instructions will be sent in mid-December.

Student Bowl

All spots for the Student Bowl have been filled. Please join us at the Student Bowl on Friday, Feb. 24 to cheer on your school's team!

Graduate Program Fair 
The Graduate Program Fair is a great way to learn more about graduate programs in our region. (Plus there will be snacks!) We hope to see you there on Friday, Feb. 24!

Student Help Desk
Hi! We are looking for volunteers to help with the Student Help Desk at the SEACSM Annual Meeting. These slots are for 1-hour intervals, and you are more than welcome to sign up for multiple slots. You can sign up HERE. This is a great way to get involved at the conference!

If you have any questions - please email Katie (kzw0076@auburn.edu). We are looking forward to seeing y'all in February.
-- Katie Spring & Alyssa Parten, Student Representatives
Exhibitor, Sponsor, and Graduate Program Fair Information

Exhibitor and Sponsor Opportunities

The Southeast ACSM chapter has a variety of opportunities available for companies and organizations to market their products and services to sports medicine and exercise science professionals in the southeast and to gain local, regional, and national exposure for their company.

One of the highlights of the conference is the opportunity for one-on-one interactions with exhibitors participating in the meeting. The opportunity to learn more about the products and services that companies and organizations have to offer sports medicine and exercise science professionals is an important part of the meeting.

The sponsors and exhibitors that participate at the annual meeting are from a wide variety of industries and institutions. These vendors offer products, equipment or services that the conference attendees frequently use in their professions.

Please contact us if you or your company or institution would like to participate as a sponsor or exhibitor, or if you know of a company or institution that you would like to see at the meeting.

Contact Michael Berry (berry@wfu.edu) as soon as possible to learn more about these opportunities. More information is available at the SEACSM Annual Meeting website.

Graduate Program Fair 
We hope to see you at the Graduate Program Fair at the 2023 SEACSM Annual Meeting!

All available spaces have been filled, so this will be an exciting opportunity for students to learn about graduate programs in the region.

Contact Michael Berry at berry@wfu.edu if you have questions leading up to the event.
More important SEACSM information
Southeast ACSM Program/Lab Showcase

This year we want to connect members in the region by inviting departments/labs in the Southeast Chapter to be featured on our social media platforms! We plan to do this weekly through the regional meeting in February and the national meeting in May. We would post your department/lab on social media based on the information you send. If you would like your department/lab showcased, please contact our Student Representative, Katie Spring at kzw0076@auburn.edu.

Please include the following information:
  • Pictures you would like included of your lab or department. Some ideas for photos could include the type of research conducted, group photos of faculty/staff/students, logos, or even photos of buildings, etc.
  • Descriptions of the research that is conducted in the department/lab and the programs offered within the department.
  • If your department has opportunities for students (graduate program, GA/TA) please incorporate that information in the description.

Gatorade Sports Science Institute Faculty Teaching Resources

Looking for Sports Nutrition Lecture Materials? Check Out GSSIU.

For over 30 years, Gatorade Sports Science Institute (GSSI) has helped athletes optimize health and performance through industry-leading research. With GSSI University (GSSIU), educators can bring GSSI scientists’ expertise to their classrooms.

In addition to existing materials, GSSIU is launching new offerings, available on GSSIWeb.

The podcasts highlight various global experts in hydration.

Animated explainer videos provide a 90-second overview on various topics.

Virtual labs teach techniques through the lens of a nutrition or hydration research question.
Available in Beta version for the 2022-23 academic year while we build the library and gather feedback.

Check out GSSIU on GSSIWeb today.
Attention faculty: Tips for bringing students to the SEACSM Annual Meeting

One of the best parts of being a faculty mentor is taking students to regional conferences. You get to show them inspiring scientific content and introduce them to peers and colleagues who share their passion for sports medicine and exercise science.

SEACSM Executive Board Member at Large, Bhibha Das, and Student Representative, Katie Spring, wrote an article for the ACSM blog with 11 Tips for Instructors Bringing Students to ACSM Regional Chapter Meetings. Check it out!
Attention students: This would be a great time to join ACSM!

ACSM student membership is available to eligible undergraduate, graduate and medical students for just $30 for the entire first year. ACSM student membership also includes access to resources and opportunities that will help you in and out of the classroom. Learn more about the benefits of membership.
If you aren't already a Southeast chapter member (probably from the 2022 Annual Meeting), you should also join the Southeast chapter, too. That will save a step when you register for the 2023 Annual Meeting. 

Student ACSM members are also eligible for ACSM Foundation research grants worth between $5,000 and $10,000 to student researchers and young investigators.

Get involved with SEACSM

We are looking for volunteers to help with the annual meeting and beyond. The volunteer form is at: https://www.acsm.org/membership/regional-chapters/acsm-chapters/southeast/get-connected/volunteer-opportunities
SEACSM Executive Board

Danielle Wadsworth, President. Auburn University, wadswdd@auburn.edu
Matt Green, Past-President. University of North Alabama, jmgreen@una.edu
Jonathan Wingo, President-Elect. University of Alabama, jwingo@ua.edu
Bhibha Das, At-Large Member. East Carolina University, dasb@ecu.edu
Nicole Rendos, At-Large Member. Emory University, nrendos@emory.edu
Gordon Fisher, At-Large Member. University of Alabama-Birmingham, grdnfs@uab.edu
Mallory Marshall, At-Large Member. Samford University, mmarshal@samford.edu
Katie Spring, Student Representative. Auburn University, kzw0076@auburn.edu
Alyssa Parten, Student Representative. University of North Alabama, aparten@una.edu
Ryan Draper, Sports Medicine Physician Representative. Cone Health, timothyd72@yahoo.com Carolynn Berry, Executive Director. Winston-Salem State University, berryc@wssu.edu
Michael Berry, Exhibits, Sponsorships and Fund Raising. Wake Forest University, berry@wfu.edu
Lynn Panton, Representative to ACSM. Florida State University, lpanton@fsu.edu
Brian Parr, Communication Director. University of South Carolina Aiken, brianp@usca.edu
Keep in touch with us: SEACSM webpage | seacsmorg@gmail.com