Ken O'Dell, SE
To say this is an unusual time, may be a serious understatement. I write this after just receiving notice that my daughter’s high school will be closing until at least April 20. While I will come back to comments regarding converting challenges to opportunities, I first want to highlight some good news.
After convening over several diligent meetings, our nominations committee brought forth a fantastic slate of Board of Director candidates for ensuring the continuity of the Association’s mission. Under the guidance of Bob Lyons as Chair, our nominations committee (Kelsey Parolini, Matt Barnard, Brian Seamer, Lorena Arce, Liz Mahlow, Jesse Karns, Nils Fox, and Mehran Pourzanjani), with the Board’s concurrence, is pleased to put forth the following slate of nominees to serve as the 2020-2022 Director’s class, (as many will attest the term “class” is indeed appropriate given how much you learn as a Director).
Nominees for 2020-2021 Board Announced by Nomination Committee
The SEAOSC Nomination Committee, chaired by Past President Bob Lyons, S.E., has announced the following slate of nominations for the 2020-2021 Board of Directors:
- Patricia Harburg-Petrich, BuroHappold Engineering
- Brett Beekman, S.E., OSHPD
- Bernard Cruz, P.E., Hilti North American
- Susan Dowty, S.E., ICC
- Jesse Karns, S.E., MiTek USA, Inc.
All the board nominees bios and photos will be posted to our website at
. Officers for 2020-2021, according to the succession procedure, will be President Matt Barnard, S.E., President-Elect Kelsey Parolini, S.E., Treasurer Patricia Harburg-Petrich, S.E., and Ken O’Dell, S.E. will continue to serve on the Board of Directors as the Immediate Past President. Also, continuing on the Board of Directors will be Henry Burton, S.E., Kim Caravalho, S.E., Tom Harris, S.E., and Victor Cuevas., S.E.
Additional nominations for the office of President-Elect, Treasurer or Director may be submitted by the membership to the Nominations Committee Chair, Bob Lyons, S.E.,
, in accordance with procedures outlined in the SEAOSC Bylaws Article VI, Section 2. To allow sufficient time, the deadline for submitting additional nominees is extended to March 29, 2020. The committee's nominees and any nominees additional will be presented to the membership at the April 1, 2020 dinner meeting. The electronic ballot will be emailed to the membership in early May. Election results will be announced at the June 3, 2020 SEAOSC end of the fiscal year President’s Dinner. The newly elected directors will take office July 1, 2020 for a two-year term. Thank you to the following members of the Nominations Committee who selected nominees in accordance with the procedures outlined in the
Bylaws, Article VI, Section 1
Bob Lyons, S.E., Brandow & Johnston, Chair
Matt Barnard, S.E., Degenkolb Engineers
Kelsey Parolini, S.E., SSG Structural Engineer, LLP
Bryan Seamer, S.E., LPA
Lorena Arce, P.E., Lindapter International
Liz Mahlow, P.E., Nous Engineering
Jesse Karns, S.E., MiTek USA, Inc.
Nils Fox, Sika Corporation
Mehran Pourzanjani, S.E., Saiful/Bouquet Structural Engineers
Click Here
for EiSE Awards Program Entry Information
Safer Cities Advisory Program
SEAOSC’s Safer Cities Advisory Program provides the technical insights and creative minds of our membership to Cities and other regulatory bodies in Southern California, as Cities take proactive steps to significantly increase the seismic safety of our communities. The Safer Cities Advisory Program consists of qualified SEAOSC members, who are able and willing to review regulations and programs to assist Cities. The City of West Hollywood has been one of our partners in this effort in preparation of their mandatory seismic retrofit ordinances.
The City of West Hollywood invites proposals from qualified engineering consulting firms with experience and technical qualifications to respond to a Request for Proposals (RFP) to provide structural peer review and plan check services for seismic retrofits for three building types. The City is looking for Consultants with technical expertise in retrofits for non-ductile concrete (NDC) buildings, pre-Northridge steel moment frame (PNSMF) buildings, and existing wood-framed buildings with soft, weak or open front wall lines (SWOF) buildings. Consultants should be familiar with the City’s Mandatory Seismic Retrofit Ordinances and Design Guidelines and should have experience working with municipalities.
A copy of the RFP can also be downloaded from the City’s website at:
All submissions must be uploaded electronically through the PlanetBids portal only. The deadline for proposal submissions is:
Friday, March 27, 2020 at 5:00 pm PST
SEAOSC March 2020 Update from the Building Codes and Standards Committee
SEAOSC Building Codes and Standards Committee researches local, state, and national code, standard, ordinances and policy proposals and/or changes. The Committee periodically disseminates information on timelines and proposals and/or changes to the membership, solicits input, develops proposals and/or positions, and engages with the SEAOC code committees to improve the success potential for changes or positions developed for national codes and standards.
Currently, the focus is toward to 2024 IBC. To understand the process for advancing code change proposals, visit on line
and under tab ‘Products and Services’ click on ‘Code development’
For those who are interested in participating, the Committee’s teleconference meetings
are scheduled at 4:00 pm, third Thursday each month (click here to join the meeting).
In the past, we had guests from Long Beach Building Department, LA County, DSA and other jurisdictions, to present the code adoption and amending process for their specific jurisdiction. Looking forward to the next meetings, there will be guest speakers; representatives from ACI and AISC to discuss specific changes and updates for these material specifications.
SEAOSC Sustainability/Resilience Design Committee
If you are a structural engineer that loves this blue, green and grey rock flying around the sun at about 67,000 mph that we call home, you have found your calling. The Sustainability/Resilience Committee serves as activist, clearinghouse and learning center for the structural engineers ever increasing role in the sustainability and resiliency of our “built environment“. We are established to provide a regional expertise related to advancing the cause of sustainable design by making sustainability considerations an integral part of the Structural Engineer’s thinking and by providing tools to facilitate the Structural Engineer’s actions in advancing sustainable design.
We have been a consistently active committee in SEAOSC, offering presentations on sustainable design of all the major building materials – wood, concrete, steel and masonry – and info sessions on green building certification initiatives – LEED, Living Building and Green Globes, to name a few.
If you are interested (and who wouldn’t be really, especially if you have acronyms like LEED, LEED AP, BD&C, etc. after your name –
yes I am calling you out
), you are always welcome at our meetings. We switch between online meetings and in-person meetings every other month. We dedicate a portion of every meeting to a ’Live & Learn’ topic catered to introduce newcomers & educate experienced members on topics within the sustainability movement – think sustainability 101 The Sustainability/Resilience Design Committee brings valuable and tangible engineering options and references to all the membership as building owners and developers are looking to up their sustainable game in a market where it is being increasingly demanded. Reach out to us at
to be a part of the evolution.
Welcome New Members
Member SE
Adam Greco, AMG Structural Engineers
Jose Hernandez, LACSD
Mina Riad, Nabih Youssef and Associates
Vicente Lopez, Tuchscher Engineering Group, LLC
Young Associate
Antonio Baena, Englekirk Structural Engineers
Farsak Palia, John Labib Associates
Jordan Wolder, Insight Structural Engineers
Nathan Lai, Insight Structural Engineers
Sam O'Melveny, Walter P Moore
Ethan Tsai, Group Delta
Have you Renewed your 2019-2020 Membership?
Thank you for your continued membership support!
SEAOSC has the professional distinction and influence it does today because of our past leaders, you and 1,100 of our colleagues. Your membership strengthens our organization and helps to position it as the premier professional organization to which local structural engineers belong. SEAOSC represents you in the noble profession of structural engineering by fostering and promoting the contributions of structural engineers to society.
To maximize your membership, we encourage you take advantage of the many of the member benefits intended for you and these are shown in our
Make an Impact
membership flyer. One of the benefits available to
SE and PE members for a fee is the ability to participate in the online
Member Search service
. This service is intended to help the public find Structural Engineers and Professional Engineers specializing in a particular area of structural engineering.
Your membership and participation helps increase the visibility of our profession and its value as well as increasing our influence and impact to make a greater positive difference together than we could individually.
Renewals are now due on the anniversary of your join date so you will receive the full one-year benefit of your membership.
SEAOSC March Dinner Event - Considerations for Seismic Risk Reduction in Steel Moment Frames
SEAOSC is happy to have hosted Ashwani (Ashi) Dhalwala, SE, Principal of AEC Solutions, to share his insight and knowledge into the unique nature of steel moment frame design in Southern California. His accounts of past experience and early career achievements to his work now with the SEAOSC Steel Committee provided the audience with an intimate look into the past, present, and future of one of the most widely used structural framing systems. In addition to the night’s presentation from Ashi, Ken O’Dell announced the 2020 Board of Directors nominees and recognized Optimum Seismic for their continued support for SEAOSC and the structural engineering industry.
MARCH 25, 2020
This event is now being offered as a webinar
APRIL 1, 2020
This event is now being offered as a webinar.
AUGUST 10, 2020
2020 SEAOSC Golf Tournament
Save-the-Date: SEAOC Maui Convention 2020!
Join us during the week of Labor Day for five glorious days of continuing education and entertainment at the southern tip of Kaanapali on the western shore of the Maui. Our convention will offer:
- Three days of three-track technical sessions featuring the latest in structural engineering research, structural engineering practice, and business development
- A trade show featuring exhibitors of companies from all over the world that produce important products and services for our industry
- The presentation of our annual Excellence in Engineering Awards winners Our Annual Business Lunch where we will hear from our outgoing President on the state of our Association and install our incoming SEAOC President and the latest inductees to the SEAOC College of Fellows....
SEAOSC Members can opt-in to the Referral Program for $100 annually. You may opt-in anytime by contacting the SEAOSC office at
. A listing will appear on which includes your name, license number, business address and your selected categories.
While California not does have mandatory continuing education for your license renewal, SEAOSC created this voluntary program to recognize and record members’ seminar attendance. You can enroll for $50 annually during dues renewals. Credit is issued for your attendance at qualifying dinner meetings, seminars and educational events based on 1 credit for each contact hour of continuing education.
Click Here
to learn more.
2019-2020 Board of Directors
Kenneth O'Dell, S.E.
MHP, Inc. Structural Engineers
Matt Barnard, S.E.
Degenkolb Engineers
President Elect
Kelsey Anne Parolini, S.E.
SSG Structural Engineers
Mehran Pourzanjani, S.E.
Saiful Bouquet
Immediate Past President
Bryan Seamer, S.E.
LPA Inc.
Garrett Mills, S.E.
Taylor & Syfan
Consulting Engineers
Henry Burton, Ph.D., S.E.
University of California,
Los Angeles
Kim Caravalho, S.E.
Brandow & Johnston
Tim Kaucher, P.E.
Simpson Strong-Tie
Tom Harris, S.E.
California Code Check
Victor Cuevas P.E.
Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety
Wayne Chang, S.E.
Structural Focus
437 S. Cataract Avenue, #4B
San Dimas, CA 91773