Registration Fee: $155.00 (Class limited to 40 students. Register soon!)
ATC Field Manuals (order by February 18th to allow time for shipping):
ATC-20-1 Field Manual: postearthquake safety evaluation of buildings (second edition) $24.00
ATC-45 Field manual: safety evaluation of buildings after windstorms and floods $27.00
The ATC Field Manuals can be ordered during registration They will be distributed at the class. For working in the field as a Building Safety Evaluator, we recommend having as a minimum the ATC-20-1 Field Manual (post-earthquake).
Paul Brallier, PE, SE
Paul has been a member of the SEAW Disaster Preparedness & Response Committee for more than 25 years, including serving as Chair for 15. He is the lead WAsafe Coordinator for SEAW. He has taught ATC-20, Cal OES SAP Evaluator, and the WAsafe BSE (ATC 20/45 Plus) classes as our post-disaster program has evolved. Paul is a former member of the Washington Urban Search and Rescue Task Force. In 2011, he traveled to Japan, to observe the effects of the Tohoku Earthquake. Last year, when he volunteered with a disaster relief organization operating in Kahramanmaraş, Turkey, Paul witnessed the damage caused by the devastating February 2023 earthquakes in southern Turkey.
Greg Hensley, PE, SE
Greg has been a member of the SEAW Disaster Preparedness & Response Committee for several years and serves as a WAsafe Coordinator and Trainer. He has 20 years of design experience across both coasts, including over a decade in Washington. Greg’s professional practice includes seismic evaluation and retrofit of buildings, and he’s engineered solutions for historic structures dating to the early 1800s.
For more information about the WAsafe program, see