Register Today for the Mid-Session Summit!
Southeast Conference looks forward to your participation during our Mid-Session Summit, February 9-11 via Zoom. While the Capitol is expected to be closed to the public, Southeast Conference is inviting legislative leaders to engage with us virtually to discuss policy issues and Resiliency in Southeast Alaska. The agenda will be published soon.
Southeast Alaska AK Cares Success!
The Alaska Cares program is on it's last fumes and Southeast has done very well thanks to amazing teamwork. Rather than the approximately $28 million "expected" to come into the region, we saw 1,388 businesses awarded a total of $67,219,459.88!!!!!
Statewide AK CARES numbers as of COB Monday, January 4th:
Applications Received: 6,719

Amount Requested: 
$298.5 million

Applications Approved/Disbursed: 5,751

Total Amount Approved: $281.9 million
Application Denied: 389
The last application processed was submitted on September 4th, so applications submitted after September 4th that have not yet heard from a grant processor will most likely not be processed or funded. Final word will come soon from the State.

As we wrap up this program, we would like to get quotes from you, colleagues and businesses that these funds made a difference for. Would you drop us a line with a few sentences on how meaningful this program was? Also let us know what type of assistance is most useful and necessary to survive the coming months. Email
Member Milestones
SEC's Newest Member, Foraged & Found
Foraged & Found is a Ketchikan, AK-based company founded in 2016 on the principles of sustainability, health, and transforming the unusual into the approachable. They source wild food ingredients that are native to Alaska and turn them into elevated, flavorful food products that the average American household consumes on a weekly basis. These ingredients pack a health punch that is nearly impossible to find in traditionally-farmed foods and which make them both appealing and on-trend. Founded by former advertising exec and private chef Jenn Brown, and joined by two Alaskan-born women, Chelsea Goucher and Ciarra Perro, Foraged & Found's partners share a passion for their bountiful home and the delicious and healthy food it provides. Jenn and partners are excited to be a part of Southeast Conference and its mission of promoting economic growth in the region. The company’s goals are in sync with the triple-bottom-line approach to doing business, and its owners are eager to work within the region to create jobs, diversify fisheries, define and refine value chains, and promote the possibility of manufacturing in Alaska. Following them on Instagram @foragednfoundak.
Alaska Legislature Ramping up for the 32nd Session
The Alaska legislature released its first round of pre-filed bills in preparation for the start of the 32nd Alaska legislature. There are 53 House bills and 1 House Joint Resolution and 38 Senate bills along with 4 Senate Joint Resolutions on the list. The pre-filed bills get read across the House or Senate floor on the first day of session and begins the process of committee hearings. The next pre-file release date is Friday, January 15. Session gavels in on Tuesday, January 19. Southeast Conference will monitor the legislation that affects the region's priority issues. 
2021 Seaweed Farm Start-up Training Program
Alaska Sea Grant and partners are excited to announce the 2021 Seaweed Farm Start-up Training Program to be held for Alaska residents interested in starting their own seaweed farm in Alaska.

February 2, 2021 4-6 pm
Become a Member of Southeast Conference!
The mission of Southeast Conference is to undertake and support activities that promote strong economies, healthy communities and a quality environment in Southeast Alaska.
If you or your organization is interested in joining, please visit our website or contact the office:
Upcoming Committee Meetings
Be Part of the Solution!
Stay informed and weigh-in on the issues facing the industries that matter the most to you! Join the conversation at the next Southeast Conference Committee meeting! All meetings take place via Zoom.
If you would like to join these stellar organizations and be a sponsor, contact Southeast Conference ( or visit our website .