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The Compliance Exchange News AlertJanuary 15, 2014
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Securities regulators may have a new target in their sights: compliance officers at hedge-funds.

Brokers who give retiring workers bad advice about what to do with their 401(k) plans should expect some headaches: U.S. securities regulators are taking a closer look at what happens when investors roll their workplace balances into private individual retirement accounts.


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Bloomberg News reports that the Serious Fraud Office sent notices to the people in the U.S. and U.K. over the last six weeks, telling them to come in to be questioned under caution as part of a global investigation into rate-rigging, said the person, who asked not to be named because the requests are private.

The billionaire businessman behind Beanie Babies learned Tuesday that he won't go to prison for hiding at least $25 million from U.S. tax authorities, and the judge who gave him two years' probation instead went to great lengths to praise his charitable giving.



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Two primary regulators of Wall Street are preparing, once again, to make the most of scarce resources.

"If you love what you do, it's not 'work,'" David M. Rubenstein, co-founder and co-chief executive of the private equity giant Carlyle Group, told CNBC's Squawk Box on Tuesday.
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Wall Street traders may be manipulating a key derivatives market and front running Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, hurting the US-owned mortgage giants in the process, according to an FBI intelligence bulletin reviewed by Reuters.

Five U.S. bank regulatory agencies on Tuesday approved a tweak to the Volcker rule that would allow banks to keep interests in certain funds backed by trust-preferred securities.

Bloomberg News reports that JPMorgan Chase's corporate and investment bank allocated 4.2% less for employee compensation last year as the division's revenue was little changed.

The newest employee perk for young staffers on Wall Street: weekends.
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01-15-2014 11:04:38 AM

How the big banks got a reputation makeoverDespite ongoing scandals, banks are shaking their bad reputations....�


01-15-2014 11:04:12 AM

Insanely high temperatures in Melbourne had one player seeing Snoopy Grand Slam tennis is one of the most grueling things an athlete can go through. It is two weeks of high octane tennis, and you're alone on that island forced to run down shot after shot for hours on end...�



01-15-2014 10:07:00 AM

Ex-Dow Chemical exec, Raymond James settle SEC insider case: A former Dow Chemical Co executive......�



01-15-2014 07:23:00 AM

How to Answer: "What Have You Been Doing While Unemployed?": According to the latest reports from......�



01-15-2014 07:23:00 AM

Confessions of a Real-Life Bank of America Junior BankerB of A Junior Bankers Jumping for Joy Over Firm's Weekend Policy...�



01-15-2014 07:21:00 AM

Senate hearing to press for quicker commodity bank curbsMembers of the powerful U.S. Senate banking committee are set to grill financial regulators Wednesday on their plans to address the risks of Wall Street banks' involvement in physical commodities markets, fuelling pressure for a landmark crackdown.....�



01-14-2014 14:09:24 PM

tedx: We are deeply saddened to learn that TEDxMidAtlantic speaker Sam Berns passed away Friday night at age 17. Sam had progeria, a rare rapid aging disease that affects approximately one out of four to eight million children. Above, moments from Sam's TEDxMidAtlantic talk, in which he shares his advice for living happily, no matter the challenges....�



01-14-2014 14:08:31 PM

laughingsquid: Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David Are Writing a Script for a 'Big, Huge, Gigantic' Broadway Play ...�



01-14-2014 14:07:50 PM

rollingstone: Watch Kiss surprise fans at the former CBGB club for John Varvatos' new collection. ...�



01-14-2014 13:59:58 PM

tmz: Here's the thing. If in the course of the search cops find something illegal - like drugs - it's fair game.[Story]  ...�


When:  March 25-26, 2014
Where: The Princeton Club, NYC
15 West 43rd Street
New York, NY 10036

**CompliancEX subscribers are eligible for a 10% registration discount with Code FMP173**


Top Reasons to Attend:

  • Review upcoming regulatory developments, examine their impact on due diligence and strategize what you should be doing now to prepare
  • Network with your peers and discuss how and why their expectations for due diligence have changed
  • Map out effective tactics to obtain essential but undisclosed information
  • Discover strategies to avoid conflicts of interest resulting from consolidation and outsourcing
  • Identify important considerations when keeping vital corporate information in the cloud
  • Dig deeply into the nuances of pricing and valuation
  • Understand the industry impact as more institutional investors make direct investments
  • Discern the "yellow flags" involving counterparty risk that you should never ignore
  • Investigate the new best practices in hedge fund due diligence
  • Earn 14 CPE credits!

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