"Christ shows himself to Thomas"
National Cathedral
APRIL 16, 2023
Click our PRIDE logo for news from the Open & Affirming Coalition
10:30 AM
Christ the Lord is Risen Today, Alleluia
“These Things Did Thomas Count as Real”
"The Day of Resurrection"
This week's Hymns sheet music is ready! Click the MUSIC image.
Special Music links redirect to videos.

We are so glad you are here!”

As we enter our church, as we live as members, as we experience important life-cycle events (falling in love, marrying, parenting, baptism, coming out, transitioning, etc.), words of welcome and support, understanding and love are what we all long for. This manifestation of God’s Extravagant Welcome and the justice and social witness that accompany it are the heart of what we hope to show our community and all who walk through the doors of Christ Congregational United Church of Christ.

April 14, 2023
Dear Congregation,
Easter greetings! What a wonderful time we had together in worship last Sunday celebrating Jesus’ resurrection! Thanks to all who contributed to the joy by sharing their various talents.
The sanctuary was graced by 21 Easter lilies donated in loving memory or in honor of special people. Thinking of their beauty and symbolism, I’m sharing with you this reflection by Quinn Caldwell of the Still Speaking Writers’ Group. I think there is a lot of wisdom in it.

“Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin.” – Luke 12:27 (NRSV)
Maybe the lilies of the field grow without toil, but that sure isn’t true of the ones currently on our chancels. Getting millions of specimens of a narrowly-naturally-distributed southeast Asian plant to open all their little trumpets out of season, far from home, on exactly the same weekend (and a different weekend each year at that) is no joke. Even less so when you realize that each bulb takes three years to bloom.

Over those three years, the slowly developing bulbs are planted, dug up, moved, replanted, checked, replanted again. They say that each bulb will have been touched by a human 40 different times before it’s sent off (though that number might be a Lent-based exaggeration). The bulbs then arrive at commercial greenhouses all over the country, who are even more keenly aware of each year’s Easter date than your pastor is. There, through careful manipulation of temperature, humidity, and other factors, the bulbs are coaxed to bloom just in time to be sent off to churches and chapels everywhere.
And right about the time the Altar Guild decides this year’s flowers are looking ratty and need to be tossed, the staff on a bunch of far-away farms are starting to tend the lilies for Easter 2026, right next to the ones for 2024 and 2025.
Of all the reasons that lilies make good Easter flowers, perhaps the best one is this: they don’t happen accidentally. Or easily. Or quickly. They demand the investment of many lives. They require an extraordinary amount of tending.
Like the resurrection. Like the revolution it portends. Like anything worth proclaiming, or celebrating.

Let me do my part to tend the revolution and bring it to flower. Amen.
I hope to see you in worship this Sunday as we continue remembering
Jesus’ post-resurrection appearances and their meaning for us today.
God Bless You!
In Christ’s love.
Pastor Candy
Detail of mural in Christchurch, New Zealand

Sun. 16 | 10:30 am
Worship in the Sanctuary
& Facebook Live

Mon. 17 | 6:30 pm
Bible Study on Zoom

Sun. 23 | 10:30 am
Worship in the Sanctuary
 & Facebook Live
This Sunday, several of our church members and friends are marching alongside the PFLAG Miami Chapter as LGBTQ+ allies to show our support at the Miami Beach Pride Parade 2023. We will remember them in prayer and thank them for representing CCC! If you would like a ride, please contact Bianca Montenegro ([email protected]) or
Tracy Nodarse ([email protected]. The parade route runs along Ocean Drive, from 5th to 15th Street. 
GET ON THE BUS! Contact Miriam Grissett if you want to join her at the Poor People's Campaign "Moral March and
Mass Assembly" at our State Capitol in Tallahassee.
Last night Gov. DeSantis signed one of the nation's most restrictive bans on Women's Reproductive Health Care into law. Feel called to respond? Let us connect you with actions for Justice and Kin-dom's sake!

Global Ministries offers a weekly prayer for one of our global mission partners. This week's prayer is with East Timor
The Protestant Church of Timor-Leste (IPTL) motto is to be the light and salt of the land where it is situated. IPTL is quite different from other partners of Global Ministries. The partnership that IPTL continues to have with Global Ministries has been aimed at enabling IPTL to become an independent church by having its own capacity to manage its resources and affairs, just like other churches in the world. The support that the United Church of Christ and the Disciples of Christ provide through Global Ministries strengthens the congregation and its ministers. Our partnership through providing scholarships for IPTL youth is undoubtedly helping the church. Many who have gone for various educational fields are currently back in the church and serving various fields. The partnership that IPTL has had with Global Ministries on various social issues of injustice, including human trafficking, continues to raise awareness of this issue in society.
Find all UCC podcasts in one feed!

"Into the Mystic" with Rev. Dr. John Dorhauer's weekly podcast where "the art and practice of spiritual reflection is modeled as a priority and not just a part-time avocation."

INTRODUCING: "Seeds and Ways," a weekly reflection for worship preparation. This series provides an audio reflection for each week's "Sermon Seeds" and "Weekly Seeds." These resources are created by the UCC, based on the Revised Common Lectionary.
CJ Logo and images are all linked for action. Register for the newsletter or the CJ Earth Day Service, and access April actions for creation care!
Katerina Gea shares a reflection about her work with Creation Justice Ministries.
Have a heart for Creation Justice. We want to hear from you and help you take action in community.
Subscribe using these links. Why miss out on the latest Florida news?

Jay Harragin, Joan Hansen, Maggie McDowell, Daniel Best,
J.J. Ketzle, Jim and Cindy Ketzle, Carol McCreary, Mary Ellen Prather, Kevin Zhang, Neal and Pam Watkins & family, Frank Tirb,
George Colimorio, Bradley Everhardt and Marsi Ott Miranda
and Rhonda Johnstone Cespedes’ Family and Friends

For Pastoral Care Needs, please call Pastor Candy directly at 925-640-9289 or you may call and leave a message with the Church Office, 305-235-9381.

Thank you so much for the generous gifts of your time, treasure and talent in pursuit of A Just World For All!
Online Giving – We invite you to use our online giving option as a quick, simple, and secure method to make your pledges and ancillary gifts.

*Please indicate when your giving is other than pledge or plate.*

You may click this image or the
"Online Giving" link on the upper right of our website.
The Rev. Candace Thomas | Pastor

Graham Bryan | Moderator & President

Jay Harragin | Music Director

Miriam Grissett | Editor