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Secret Santa Gift Exchange

Secret Santa Meaning: a person who gives a Christmas present to another anonymously as part of a gift exchange arrangement within a group.

We are putting a little twist on the secret Santa gift this year. This is our way of paying it forward and ending the year 2021 in hopes to send a blessing to someone special and brighten their lives during the toughest year for most of us.


Place an order today, December 18th, 2021. Enter a persons name and email address that you want to gift. We will send a gift voucher to this person in the same total that you ordered. (example: if you order $20 in items for yourself - we will send a $20 gift voucher to someone special in your life) The person can use this voucher for any items on our website. This is our little way of paying it forward. ♥

Note: You may not send the gift voucher to yourself. It has to go to someone else.

Click Here To Visit Our Secret Santa Page
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