December 2024 Newsletter

*See Concert Lineup Below

11:00 Show -

(Arrive 10:30am)

1.  Teachers Dance

2.Diamond/Emerald Team Musical Theatre

3.Wed/Sat Age 2/3

4.Wed Grades 2-4 Jazz

5.Mon/Wed Age 3/4 Ballet

6.Adult Tap

7.Crystal/Amethyst Team Ballet

8.Peridot Team Tap

9.Wed Age 4/5 Tap

10.Topaz Team Jazz

11.Mon/Wed 9&Under/K-1 Hip Hop

12.Sapphire Team Jazz

*Finale-everyone on stage

1:00 Show -

(Arrive 12:30pm)

1.  Teachers Dance

2.Diamond/Emerald Team Musical Theatre

3.  Tues 5:30pm Age 2/3

4. All Tues Hip Hop

5.All First Steps

6.Tues Age 3/4 Ballet

7.Crystal/Amethyst Ballet  

8.Mon Grades 2-4 Jazz 9.  Peridot Tap

10.  Topaz Jazz

11.  Age 4/5 Tap

12.  Grades 3-5 Jazz

13. MS/HS Ballet

14. Sapphire Team Jazz

*Finale- everyone on stage 

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • 11:00am Performers should arrive at 10:30am
  • 1:00pm Performers should arrive at 12:30pm
  • Once you park there will be signs posted guiding you where to enter.
  • There will be signs for the Dressing Room and our Show Order throughout so you know where to go.
  • Each show will last about 45 minutes.
  • If you are are donating a gift, please bring it unwrapped. There will be an area in the lobby for you to drop off your gift or gift card.
  • We are not selling tickets. It's FREE to the Public. Feel free to invite your family and friends.
  • There will not be a videographer for our shows. You may video your dancer. All we ask is that you be courteous of those behind you so they can see the show as well.
  • If taking pictures - please no flash photography as that can be distracting to the dancers.
  • If your dancer is borrowing a costume and accessories for the show, please leave them on the rack in the Dressing Room before you leave.
  • You will need to check in your dancer at the check in table located in the hallway.
  • Escort your dancer to the dressing room.
  • Enjoy the show!
  • Your dancers will remain on stage after Finale for us to introduce a "Special Guest."
  • Our guest will be escorted to the lobby by faculty.
  • Staff will escort your dancer back to the dressing room.
  • Parents who escorted dancer to dressing room will meet them in the dressing room.
  • Change out of their SEDA costume and hang it on the rack provided in dressing room.
  • Check out dancer at the table in the hallway & receive your Christmas gift from SEDA!
  • Go visit Santa in lobby.
  • Miss Lynn 910-264-1777
  • Miss Sherry 910-297-0575

What to Wear for Dress Rehearsal & Concert

Monday & Tuesday First Steps: "Dancing With My Elf"

You Provide: Adorable Christmas Outfit with Pink Ballet Slippers for girls, black ballet slippers for boys – casual or dressy- Hairbows or Headbands are optional. Any color- any style. 

Dress them up and show them off! Adults - Red or Green Shirts

We Provide: Elf Headbands (for Adults)


Tuesday, Wednesday & Saturday Age 2/3 Creative Movement: "Milton The Dancing Christmas Mouse"                                            

You Provide: Pink tights and pink ballet slippers for girls, black ballet slippers, black socks, and black pants for boys.

We Provide: Mouse Costume, ears, and tail.


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Age 3/4 Ballet:

"I Want A Hippopatamus for Christmas"

You Provide: Pink tights and pink ballet shoes, and a red hairbow for girls. Black ballet shoes, black socks, and black pants for boys.

We Provide: Leotard and skirt for girls. White dress shirt and plaid vest for boys.

Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday Age 4/5 Tap:

"I Want A Teddy For Christmas"

You Provide: Tan tights, tan tap shoes, red hairbow and BYO Teddy Bear

We Provide: Black leotard and Buffalo plaid skirts

Monday 9 & Under Hip Hop & Wednesday K-1 Hip Hop: "Drummer Boy"

You Provide: Blue jeans, black socks, all black sneakers, and white hair bow.

We Provide: Red/Green T-shirts

Tuesday 7 & 7:30 Hip Hop: "All I Really Want For Christmas"

You Provide: Jeans, all black hip hop sneakers, and white hair bow

We Provide: Blue snowflake shirts.

Monday & Wednesday 2-4 Jazz: "Sparklejollytwinklejingley"

You Provide: Black leggings, fun christmas socks, Red hairbow and tan jazz shoes.

We Provide: Red/White Rhinestone Thermal shirt

Tuesday Grades 3-5 Jazz: "Kids On Christmas"

You Provide: Christmas PJ's, White Hairbow and Tan Jazz Shoes

Tuesday MS/HS Ballet: "Toyland"

You Provide: Pink tights, pink ballet shoes, White hair bow (hair in a bun).

 We Provide: Red Cami Leotard and Tutu

Tuesday Adult Tap: "Holly Jolly Christmas"

You Provide: Red or Green sequin shirt, Black pants, Black Socks and Black Tap Shoes.

What to Wear TEAMS 

Topaz Team Jazz: "Toys Toys Toys"

You Provide: Tan jazz shoes, Tan tights, Team necklace, earrings, red lips. Hair half up, half down.

We Provide: Red Leotard, Skirt, and headpiece

Petite Tap: "Elves Just Want To Have Fun"                       

You Provide: Tan tights, tan tap shoes, Team earrings, necklace, and red lipstick

We Provide: Red sequin leotard with Bustle, Arm mitts, Elves Headband

Crystal & Amethyst Ballet: "Nutcracker - The Children's Galop"

You Provide: Christmas Dress/Holiday Attire, pink tights, pink ballet shoes, Team earrings, white hairbow and red lipstick, hair half up, half down

Diamonds & Emeralds Musical Theatre: "Christmas Touch"

You Provide: Team earrings & red lipstick; Hair mid-bun w/middle part.

Costumes: *Reference Sheet*

Sapphire Jazz: "Man With The Bag"

You Provide: Girls: Tan tights, tan bloch neoflex jazz shoes, team earrings, team necklace, and red lipstick. Boys: Red Dress shirt, black pants, black socks, black jazz shoes

Our SEDA Christmas Charity this season is Toys for Tots. Donation is completely optional and not required for entry to the show- just simply our way of giving back to those children in need locally.

Don't forget to stop in the Lobby at the Christmas Concert before the show!

The SEDA Booster Club will be selling Raffle Tickets for 5 colorful themed baskets to be drawn at each show. The color themes are Gold, Red, Green, Silver and Blue. These baskets will be full of gift cards, cozy homegoods, candles, wine and candies.

Concessions will also be available for sale in the Lobby.

$5 each or 3 for $10

*Can pay Cash, Check or Venmo to @SedaBoosterClub

Merry Christmas

Performing Team Party: 

Thursday, December 19th from 7:00pm-8:30pm


The Studio will be closed for the Holidays 

Saturday, December 21st - Saturday, January 3rd


Merry Christmas &  Happy New Year!


Classes will resume on Saturday, January 4th


Please check your Mailbox - This is how we get information to you!

Make sure your dancer's name is in all of their shoes. 


Send all dancer's to class in appropriate attire

Tights, Leotard and hair pulled up - 

either bun or ponytail.


Come to class on time. Entering late is very disruptive especially for our youngest dancers. 



Dec 7th Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

Dec 7th Hanukkah (first day)

Dec 10th Human Rights Day

Dec 11th Green Monday

Dec 15th National Ugly Sweater Day

Dec 21st Winter Solstice

Dec 25th Christmas Day

Dec 25th Hanukkah (first day)

Dec 26th National Thank You Note Day

Dec 31st New Year's Day

Palmer Bolan

Alivia Carrasco

Miller Chase

Jayden Durst

Estrella Hernandez

Ella Hilliard

Araina Hinds

Alexandra Holman

Hazel Jones

Mona Jones

Helena Kratsa

Emerson Mitchell

Sloane Plotner

Ansley Segars

Mackenzie Starbuck

Russell Stevens

Cynthia Swanson

Karolina Vincent

Don't forget to turn in your report card if you would like to be included as an Honorable Dancer!  

Honorable Dancers 

(As of 11/30/2024)

Brooklynn Bell

Charleigh Grace Howard

Miller Chase

Kendall Moore

Lola Rioux

Kids & Staff In The News 

Our Carolina Dance Masters Junior Member- Russell Stevens performed in CDM Banquet in November. Russell also won the CDM Essay Content! Congratulations, Russ!

Performing Team Members Peyton Sellers, Mia Raley, and Camry Miller all competed in the Carolina Dance Masters Solo Title Competition in November.

Mia Raley was 1st runner up in the Teen Miss Dance division. 

We are so very proud of ALL of our contestants! 

Performing Team Member, and Senior, Callie Cromartie won 1st Runner up in the Miss Garner Scholarship Competition.

We are so proud of you, Callie!

Alexus Harris competeted in the Miss North Carolina Volunteer Pageant and recieved an invitation with a $1,000 scholarship to compete in another Pageant in Flordia. We are proud of you Alexus!

Miss Isa performed at Dancealorus in November here in Wilmington. We are proud of Isa!


* If there is someone's achievements we missed, please let us know and we will add it in the next newsletter. We are so very proud of each and every dancer at SEDA!! 


May your days be filled with peace, hope, and joy this holiday season.

As always, thank you for your business, loyalty, and support.


All of us at South East Dance Academy

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