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SEEC Monthly | news & updates

Welcome to the SEEC

Each year we have a few new faces in our region and others that are moving into a new district within the SEEC. 

This year we have SIX superintendents we want to give a shoutout to as they move into new roles.

Andrew Currie - Barnes County North

Janelle Helm - Carrington

Chip Sundberg - Ellendale

Phil Leitner - Montpelier

Anna Sell - Oakes

Michael Kaiser - Wahpeton

View all SEEC district superintendents on our website.

New SEEC Faces

You may notice a few new faces in the SEEC office, in your schools, and at training...

Faith Rieger - Child Care Aware Coaching Specialist

Angi Aamodt - NDPHIT Benefits & Compliance Coordinator

Maria Bigelow - ND Reading & Math Corps Program Coordinator

Melissa Mellgren-Hollerung - Events Coordinator

Learn more about each of them on our blog!

The SEEC Pulse

A pulse on what SEEC has been up to and where you may have seen our staff lately!


Conferences: NDMTSS, Governor's Summit, N. Cass Personalized Learning

NDSBL Workshops

FSCS Annual Meeting


PD: Foundations of Reading, SafetyCare, SEEDS

Back-to-School Inservice Days

ND OST Conference

Staff teambuilding

NDREA retreat


School-Based Medicaid Site Visits

Panel Participation

TSI/CSI - REA Liaison Training


School-Based Medicaid training

Reading/Math Corps Tutor training

Principal & Superintendent meetings

TSI/CSI - School Training

22-23 PD Cohort kickoffs: LETRS, Foundations of Reading, PBIS, Beginning Teacher Network

Bus Driver Training

Choice Ready

SEEC Strategic Planning

Read it all on our blog!

What's coming up?

Did you know that this fall districts within SEEC have a total of 317 First and Second-Year teachers?

What better way to encourage their growth and welcome them into this fantastic profession than to give them time and space to network with one another?

It isn't too late to register for SEEC's Beginning Teacher Network! 

SEEC's Beginning Teacher Network (BTN) is designed to support ongoing professional development offerings to new educators, providing them with opportunities throughout the year to enhance classroom practices.

In addition, the program seeks to provide first and second-year educators with an opportunity for dialogue, support, and guidance. We strive to meet every teacher where they are at and work with them to build on their skills and day-to-day successes in the classroom.

BTN provides support in three targeted areas: Classroom Management; Effective Teaching Practices; and Content-Specific PLC Support Sessions. 

Register for SEEC's Beginning Teacher Network!

Paraeducator and Tutor Online Training

In collaboration with the Department of Public Instruction, participation is completely FREE to all North Dakota paraeducators and tutors.

Paraeducators and tutors can engage in online course modules and complete 5 hours of learning [asynchronously (4 hours) and synchronously (1 hour…flexible check-ins)].

Title I: Supporting Instruction

Title I: Mathematical Skills

Instructional Support: Reading & Writing

Title I: Writing Skills

Title I: Reading Skills

Through the registration of this course, districts gain access to all of Master Teachers’ online modules free for one year for each participant that registers. Additional course modules are made available for paraeducators to take independently.

Currently, there are over 170 modules to learn from. Each module typically ranges from 45-60 minutes in length. Participants need an 80% to be considered proficient in the course material and receive a certificate of completion.

Register for Para/Tutor Training!

North Dakota Science of Reading - FREE opportunities available to all ND educators

NDSoR: A Shared Responsibility

Audience: K-3 Educators who DO NOT teach reading directly

 - Format: Online, Asynchronous via ND Educational Hub

 - As of Oct. 1, 555 educators have completed this 2-hour course!

Register for NDSoR: A Shared Responsiblity

NDSoR: Reaching All Learners

Audience: K-3 reading, special education, and English learner teachers that teach reading directly; K-3 principals; and Instructional Coaches leading literacy work.

 - Format: Online, Asynchronous via ND Educational Hub


As of Oct. 1, 893 educators have enrolled (38 completed) in this 20-hour course! Additionaly 49 are participating in the Community of PRactice webinars and 35 engaging in the Train the Trainer.

Register for NDSoR: Reaching All Learners

Improving Academic Literacy: Student Engagement & Academic Vocabulary

One of our most important roles as educators is to create an environment where ALL students can learn and be successful. 

This is the chance to work with a team of "master teachers" from multiple schools to combine research-based strategies with implementation, feedback, and coaching. Building admins invite master teachers based on expertise, leadership abilities, and willingness to be observed and give/receive feedback.

Both Student Engagement and Academic Vocabulary cohorts kick off in January 2023 with Fargo AND Jamestown locations!

Learn more here & Start planning today!

Register for Student Engagement!
Register for Academic Vocabulary!

ND School-Based OT & PT Symposium - The Well-Equipped Therapist

This is the essential course for every school-based OT & PT – whether you’re new to the practice, or you’re an experienced therapist seeking more ideas!

The Symposium consists of multiple seminar topics including prognosis & backward planning, tests & measures, executive functions, implementing assistive technology for students with multiple disabilities, embedded services, self-determination, self-management, post-school transitions, fine motor and visual perception skills, motor learning, and clinical decision-making. Come and learn from the leading experts in the field of school-based practice.

Register for the School-Based OT & PT Symposium!

SEEDS of Learning Cohort for 3 to 5-year-olds coming Spring 2023

SEEDS of Learning focuses on teaching the whole child through: Sensitivity, Encouragement, Education, Development through Doing and Self-Image while incorporating the Big 5 Literacy and Math skills.

Currently, there are two cohorts with 43 preschool educators and 10 family childcare providers. Preschool educators participate in four, in-person training days along with monthly peer learning groups online and monthly one-on-one coaching. Family childcare providers complete the majority of their learning through the asynchronous platform, monthly online peer learning groups, and monthly one-on-one coaching. Once they have completed the course in May, each classroom will be awarded $5,000 for preschool sites and $2,000 for family child care providers.

Here is what one veteran preschool had to say about one of the SEEDS strategies she has already implemented in her classroom:

“SEEDS sign-in does work! My class picked up on it after 2 times of doing it. It might seem overwhelming at first, but it is so worth it! Do what works best for you and your class. The kids LOVE the one-on-one time that they get with you while they are practicing writing their names. I have not had a class learn how to write their names this quickly in the school year and I know they caught on so quickly because of the SEEDS sign-in strategy!” –Darcie Besette

Register for SEEDS! 

Program Updates

Still Time to register your team for 22-23!


-Building Your System

-Academic Pathways

-Evaluating Your System

-Advanced Apps of DBDM


-Prevent Teach Reinforce

-PBIS Schoolwide Behavior Expectations

Assessing to Inform:

Phase 2 - Diagnostics... more info comgin soon!

Read NDMTSS news...

Lights on Afterschool

Oct. 20

Gov. Burgum Proclamation


ND Afterschool: Empowering Kindhearted Kids with Two by Two Character Development

-Nov. 17 | Virtual

Grants & Funding

-ND Arts in Afterschool

-Building, Sustaining, & Improving: Using Federal Funds in Afterschool

Read NDAN news...

Shared Services Grant

To create a shared services model for child care providers and programs in ND.


Two cohorts running with 43 preschool (3-5 year- olds) educators and 10 family child care providers. Completion in May awards $5,00 for preschool sites and $2,000 for FCC.

Spring Cohort open for registration!

Read CCA News...

Site Coordinator Appreciation Week

In September FSCS shared appreciation for their service to students a families!

NDFSCS Website

Get a preview of the FSCS website in development!

Read FSCS news...


Cross-over features of NDSBL with a few other key North Dakota focus areas: Culture & Climate, NDMTSS, ND Literacy Plan, ND Choice Ready, ND Personalized Competency Based Learning.

Read NDSBL news...

Still accepting applications!

We still have some slots to fill for ND Reading & Math Corps! 

Please spread the word or check out if it's a fit for you!

Stay up-to-date on Facebook and Twitter!

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