SEEDS of Learning Cohort for 3 to 5-year-olds coming Spring 2023
SEEDS of Learning focuses on teaching the whole child through: Sensitivity, Encouragement, Education, Development through Doing and Self-Image while incorporating the Big 5 Literacy and Math skills.
Currently, there are two cohorts with 43 preschool educators and 10 family childcare providers. Preschool educators participate in four, in-person training days along with monthly peer learning groups online and monthly one-on-one coaching. Family childcare providers complete the majority of their learning through the asynchronous platform, monthly online peer learning groups, and monthly one-on-one coaching. Once they have completed the course in May, each classroom will be awarded $5,000 for preschool sites and $2,000 for family child care providers.
Here is what one veteran preschool had to say about one of the SEEDS strategies she has already implemented in her classroom:
“SEEDS sign-in does work! My class picked up on it after 2 times of doing it. It might seem overwhelming at first, but it is so worth it! Do what works best for you and your class. The kids LOVE the one-on-one time that they get with you while they are practicing writing their names. I have not had a class learn how to write their names this quickly in the school year and I know they caught on so quickly because of the SEEDS sign-in strategy!” –Darcie Besette