How will this act affect Sheffield? There will be an informational meeting here at Christ Trinity on Sunday, October 13 at 11:30. This will be an opportunity to have your questions answered about the implications and possibilities for this act. All are welcome to attend. A delicious Rhubarb Crumble will be served.
How Can The CPA Benefit Sheffield?
The CPA will provide funds for community-enriching projects that may otherwise never be realized. Examples include:
· Outdoor Recreation
Creating or rehabilitating: public parks, playgrounds, and trails, athletic fields for youth and adult sports, and canoe and kayak launches
Rehabilitating public recreation spaces for accessibility per the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
· Open Space Protection
Acquiring or preserving available land that directly impacts water supplies, and available lake and pond frontage for active or passive recreation and acquiring or preserving available parcels to protect as a nature preserve or for recreation
· Historic Preservation
Preserving qualifying historic buildings and structures, monuments, cemeteries, historical records and artifacts
· Community Housing
Creating low-income senior and other housing
Supporting housing assistance programs for qualifying residents
Acquiring historic structures for preservation and repurposing them for affordable housing
Link to a recent video presentation