ATLANTA—Today, the Georgia State Senate Majority Caucus launched its inaugural leadership committees for the 2022 cycle. The committees, Citizens for a Greater Georgia and Georgia Republican Senatorial Committee, will each be dedicated to preserving and growing the Republican majority in the State Senate. They will supply the infrastructure, manpower, and support required to ensure electoral victories and to enable the caucus to continue advancing conservative legislation on behalf of every Georgia family. 

Citizens for a Greater Georgia, which represents a partnership between the caucus and former U.S. Senator Kelly Loeffler, will immediately begin to build a seven-figure, statewide field operation to support conservative candidates with full-time staff and resources ahead of November. This latest effort builds on Loeffler's existing Greater Georgia voter mobilization group, a separate 501(c)(4) nonprofit that cannot legally coordinate with political campaigns.

"Every day, the radical agenda of the far-Left creeps further into our state – threatening our schools, our communities, our businesses, and our families. With the unprecedented resources, infrastructure, and financial support of Citizens for a Greater Georgia, we'll be able to put a stop to the liberal takeover – and secure Georgia as a stronghold for conservative values," said Senator John F. Kennedy, Senate Majority Caucus Chair and Chairman of Citizens for a Greater Georgia. "Together, we're building a statewide apparatus that will stop the tide of the blue wave, and make important gains for the GOP at the local level – so that every Georgia family can continue to grow and prosper under strong, Republican leadership."

"Real change happens at the local level, and the Left knows that, which is why they have been investing heavily in local elections, including State Senate races across the country," said Senator Dean Burke, Majority Caucus Secretary and Chairman of the Georgia Republican Senatorial Committee. "With the creation of these new committees and our proven legislative track record, our caucus is leading the charge to defend Georgia's conservative senate majority. We'll be holding the line against the liberal agenda in our senate districts across this state – to ensure that we can continue to do good work for the people of Georgia for years to come."  


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