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September 2015 - Issue 122
In This Issue
A column dedicated entirely to you and your observations as a gifted individual.  

Want your voice heard? Share your personal experience and insights as a gifted and talented child, teen, adult or elder, and we may just feature your story in our monthly newsletter SENGVine.

We will consider a variety of different submission including stories, articles, 
poetry and art so don't be shy.   

SENGinar Logo with box
October 6, 2015

If I'm So Smart, Then Why Am I So Dumb?
Paula Prober, M.S., M.Ed. 

Paula Prober, M.S., M.Ed. is a licensed counselor in private practice in Eugene, Oregon.  For over the 30 years Paula has worked with the gifted> She has been a teacher, consultant, adjunct instructor with the University of Oregon, and a guest presenter at Pacific University and Oregon State University.

Presently, Ms. Prober she is counseling gifted adults and youth and consulting with parents of gifted children. Her blog (Your Rainforest Mind) is about gifted adults. Her book, Your Rainforest Mind: A Guide to the Well-Being of Gifted Adults and Youth will be released by GHF Press in the Spring of 2016. 

Join Paula on Tuesday October 6, 2015 for a candid presentation on, "If I's so Smart, Then Why Am I so Dumb." 

Coming Up: 

November 10, 2015
Gifted Elders (2015 Adult Gifted Series)
Presenter: Joy Navan

December 17, 2015
Motivation and Underachievement
Presenter: Jim Webb

You Can Make A Difference

SENG (Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted) relies on contributions from friends, corporations and foundations to support its operations. 

Fees from conferences, SENGinars and other awareness efforts only cover a small portion of our programs and other educational offerings.  Donations allow us to enhance our existing programming, establish new programs and plan for our future. 

You can make a DIFFERENCE.  Consider making a tax deductible donation to SENG today.   More ...   


Dear SENG Friends,

The sounds of students fill campus' once again, and everyone is getting back into the "swing" of school routines. 

From kindergarten to college, the challenges are the same with gifted individuals searching for like minded peers, appropriate engagement and compelling material. 

Embrace the journey and understand that SENG is there to help.  From SENG Model Parent Groups, to SENGinars and Conference,  our mission is to empower families to guide gifted and talented individuals to reach their goals: intellectually, physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually.  

Our best wishes for a successful school year, 

Elizabeth A. Ringlee
SENG Interim Administrator 

Feature Article

Indian View On Creativity and Sensitivity

By Abba Bhagwat

A child that did not score well in school is not considered intelligent. The education system in India has created a modern caste system by dividing children in different groups; such as those who go to English medium schools or Vernacular medium schools and score above 90% above 80% or below 75% etc. This hierarchy puts a lot of pressure on children making their spirits fragile while making the souls pathetic. I could have been one such victim who could never score above 70% but was always passionate about fine arts. I was lucky enough to be saved by good teachers and my visionary parents who believed in me.     More ...
Director's Corner 

Inclusive Communities Say "No" 

By Kate Bachtel

Many among us have fantasized about a world where there is only one rule: "Be Kind." We imagine a utopic society where everyone is held in a global embrace. Connection to others is immeasurably important, especially for outliers whose developmental uniqueness is socially isolating by definition. Arguably, feeling connected to community is the single most important predictor of healthy emotional development and achievement for gifted learners. As global citizens, each of us is tasked with creating more inclusive communities.  

In schools, bullying is an important topic of conversation. Gifted learners can camouflage suffering or be manipulative - the child claiming they are being bullied could be engaging in relational aggression, and likewise, the student who says nothing, may be in desperate need of help. Furthermore, gifted children's sensitivities and perfectionism can negatively influence how they interpret social exchanges.   More ...


September Back-To-School Suggestions

By Wenda Sheard

SENG's vision is a world where gifted, talented, and creative individuals are supported to build gratifying, meaningful lives and contribute to the well-being of others.

How can parents best support their gifted, talented, and creative children at the beginning of the school year? I offer three suggestions.

Teach Children Philosophies of Education

I suggest that parents discuss with their children the purpose of education. Exposing young children to what great philosophers have thought about education not only teaches children history, philosophy, and education, but also helps them to create their own educational goals-goals that may differ significantly from the goals of other children. More...  

I am Ryan

An Anonymous Submission
I am curious, different.
I wonder about death.
I hear clapping.
I see ghosts.
I want to be a Director or films.
I am curious, different.

I pretend my sheets are my cubby house
I feel love toward my toys.
I worry about life.
I cry about my family members being hurt.
I am curious, different.

I understand I can't save everyone.
I say "I love you"
I dream about fantasy.
I try to believe in myself.
I hope for peace in the world.
I am curious, different.

I am Ryan. 

100 Words of Wisdom: Rose Blackett

Giftedness is quirky; she wears her unique feather cloak with abandon. She cares little for how others judge her as she dances her own sequence through a colourful life. Giftedness has learned to accept her intensity but often still feels vulnerable. When she enters a room, others notice her peculiar movements; she cannot be the chameleon and just blend. She is close friends with Talent and Ability, although they sometimes find her too sensitive. She uses humour with skill and although popular, wonders if the impostor she hides beneath her unusual exterior will one day be revealed to the world ...


Rose Blackett is the president of the New Zealand Association for Gifted Children (NZAGC). She is an Educational Psychologist based in Masterton, New Zealand and is a current director on the SENG Board. Rose and her husband are kept grounded by parenting two gifted children.

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Copyright © 2015
SENG / Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted

A 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
P.O. Box 488, Poughquag, NY 12570 | | (844)488-SENG
The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of individual authors and do not necessarily reflect SENG's position.