SERC-TERC Updates: March 2024
SERCs, TERCs, and Federal Partners: Please forward this monthly update to your stakeholders

Mention of non-EPA documents, presentations, training opportunities and conferences does not constitute an U.S. EPA endorsement of their contents, only an acknowledgment that they exist and may be relevant to the SERC-TERC audience.

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Regulatory and Policy Information Related to Chemical Safety & Security
EPA Finalizes RMP Rule Changes, Strengthening Safety Standards to Protect At-Risk Communities from Chemical Accidents
On March 1, EPA announced the Safer Communities by Chemical Accident Prevention rule, which will strengthen the safety provisions in the Risk Management Program (RMP) rule and addresses climate change and adds further protections for local communities including communities with environmental justice concerns. This rule will make communities safer by helping to reduce the frequency of chemical releases and their adverse effects. 

The rule strengthens the existing program and includes new safeguards, such as identifying safer technologies and chemical alternatives, requiring implementation of safeguard measures in certain cases, more thorough incident investigations, and third-party auditing, all of which should benefit nearby communities. The rule also empowers workers in safety decisions and expands transparency by increasing access to RMP facility information for communities nearby. 

Also on March 1, the EPA launched the Risk Management Public Data Tool, which enables the public to view certain data elements from facility Risk Management Plans, such as names of regulated substances and associated safety and health information, accident history and emergency response information. The RMP data tool promotes environmental justice through increased availability of information.
Hot Topics
USDOT Opens Applications for $18 Million in Funding Opportunities to Support Hazardous Materials Transportation and Pipeline Safety Activities Nationwide
The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) has published multiple Notices of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs) to award $18 million in grants through its pipeline and hazardous materials safety programs. These funding opportunities are open to states, local communities, tribal entities, universities, and non-profit organizations to support pipeline and hazardous materials safety programs across the country. Funding will be used to improve community and environmental safety through projects that train first responders, educate the public on local safety initiatives, encourage the development of new pipeline technologies, and more. Visit for more information.

FEMA’s National Integration Center Releases Updated NIMS Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Skillsets for National Engagement
FEMA’s National Integration Center (NIC) is releasing updated NIMS Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Skillsets for national engagement. The NIC has updated the NIMS EOC Skillsets that were originally published in 2018 in coordination with external stakeholders and subject matter experts. Comments on these updates will be accepted until March 28, 2024.

CSB Issues Investigation Update into November 2023 Fire at the Marathon Renewables Facility in Martinez, California
The U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB) released an update on the agency’s investigation of a November 19, 2023, fire at the Martinez Renewables facility in Martinez, California. The CSB’s investigation has found that a metal tube ruptured within a reactor charge furnace during a unit startup. The furnace pre-heats renewable feedstock, recycled renewable diesel, and hydrogen before subsequent processing. The ruptured tube released hot renewable diesel and hydrogen, resulting in a fire that seriously injured one Marathon employee who suffered third-degree burns to most of his face and body.

Please visit For more information, contact Communications Manager Hillary Cohen at [email protected].

Seven Months Since Lapse in CFATS Reauthorization
It has now been more than seven months since Congress allowed the statutory authority for the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) program (6 CFR Part 27) to expire on July 28, 2023. More than 89 million people in the United States live or work within two miles of a high-risk chemical facility, and CISA has now missed 1,050 compliance inspections at these facilities, leaving our communities vulnerable to exploitation of unidentified and unresolved security gaps. CISA continues to urge Congress to reauthorize the CFATS program in order to better protect our communities against the threat of chemical terrorism. 
Training Opportunities and Conferences
2024 NASTTPO Annual Workshop; April 22 - 25, 2024; Charlotte-Southpark, NC
The National Association of SARA Title III Program Officials (NASTTPO) is made up of members and staff of SERCs, TERCs, LEPCs, various federal agencies, and private industry. Members include state, tribal or local government employees with Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know (EPCRA) program responsibilities, such as health, occupational safety, first response, environmental, and emergency management agencies. Find more information and register here.

Webinars: Target Investment Areas - Community Change Grants
EPA will hold a series of informational webinars on the $2 billion Community Change Grants (CCG) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the five Target Investment Areas (TIA). Each webinar will last between 60-90 minutes and will cover similar content including what is in the NOFO, application requirements, eligible entities, eligible project activities, and other helpful information on the specific TIAs. While each session is geared towards a TIA, please join any webinar at your convenience. 
Question-and-answer portions will also be dedicated to questions from the audience. Please note that EPA cannot answer individualized questions specific to one application or comment on the merits of an application or an applicant’s competition strategy.

TIA B: Tribes in the Continental United States
When: Mar 6, 2024 - 12:00 PM PST; 1:00 PM MST; 2:00 PM CST; 3:00 PM ET
TIA C: Territories (specifically Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands)
When: Mar 18, 2024 - 3:00 PM ET; 3:00 PM AST
TIA C: Territories (specifically American Samoa, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands)
When: March 18, 2024 - 2:00 PM SST; 7:00 PM ET; March 19, 2024 - 11 AM ChST
TIA D: Disadvantaged Unincorporated Communities (in-person and virtual)
When: March 27 & 28, 2024 (Lower Rio Grande Valley, TX) and May 8 & 9, 2024 (El Centro/Imperial Valley, CA)
TIA E: United States – Southern Border Communities
When: Mar 25, 2024 - 12:00 PM PST; 1:00 PM MST; 2:00 PM CST; 3:00 PM ET

If you have questions, please email Karina Baker at [email protected]. For more information on the CCG NOFO, please visit:

FEMA National Resource Hub: Resource Typing Library Tool (RTLT) Webinars, March 13 and 19, 1-2 pm ET
The webinar will cover the basic capabilities and functions of the RTLT and explore new functions recently added to the tool. Resource management is the cornerstone of preparing for and responding to incidents that require mutual aid among agencies and jurisdictions. RTLT is a web-based catalog and authoritative source for all FEMA National Incident Management System (NIMS) and National Qualification System (NQS) resource types. RTLT includes Resource Typing Definitions, Job Titles/Position Qualification Sheets, and Position Task Book Templates. RTLT presents these resources in a format that is easy to search and discover, empowering resource managers and users to plan for mutual aid efforts.

For more details on these and other events please visit the FEMA Events webpage: Resource Typing Library Tool Webinars.

ChemLock: Introduction to Chemical Security Training Course, Virtual
This course provides an introduction to identifying, assessing, evaluating, and mitigating chemical security risks. This easy-to-understand overview identifies key components and best practices of chemical security awareness and planning to help kickstart chemical security discussions at a facility. This course runs 1-2 hours in length and is appropriate for all personnel regardless of their level of involvement with dangerous chemicals.
ChemLock: Secure Your Chemicals Security Planning Training Course, Virtual
This course walks through how to create a tailored, scalable security plan that meets the business model and unique circumstances of a facility. Participants will learn the key elements of a chemical security plan and benefit from examples, lessons learned, and best practices. The course runs 2-3 hours in length and is designed to help leadership, facility security personnel, and other applicable personnel understand, develop, and implement a facility security plan.
For more information or to request a specific training for your facility, please visit the ChemLock Training webpage.

CAMEO for Planning
Understand the hazardous material threat in your jurisdiction. Experienced instructors will train
you how to use the Computer Aided Management of Emergency Operations (CAMEO) Suite software to facilitate planning for hazardous material incidents. This training focuses on CAMEO Data Manager (DM), CAMEO Chemicals, and MARPLOT. Find more information and register here.

This month-long class includes: online classroom with 24/7 access to weekly lessons, videos & activities; weekly, scheduled live Q&A webinars; 1-hour Zoom call on the first day of class; four 2-hour webinars on the remaining 4 days. Three sessions in 2024:
  • Session 1: March 19 – April 16 (Tuesday webinars)
  • Session 2: May 28 – June 25 (Tuesday webinars)
  • Session 3: Oct. 17 – Nov. 14 (Thursday webinars)

2024 Tribal Assistance Coordination Group Conference; May 6 - May 10, 2024; Phoenix, AZ
The Tribal Assistance Coordination Group Conference brings together tribal emergency managers and program personnel, federal emergency management personnel, volunteer organization active in disasters personnel, state, local and non-government organizations involved in emergency management professionals to share the latest program information and best practices for all hazard emergencies and disasters.

Click here for more information and to register.
Ammonia Safety & Training Institute (ASTI) presents Safety Day training and chemical Tabletop Exercises (TTX) available to local industry and community responders
  • ASTI formed the National Safety Day Coalition together with IIAR, RETA, and GCCA to present safety and emergency response preparedness training at minimal cost to the attendees.
  • ASTI worked with Region 9 EPA to create ammonia Tabletop Exercises based upon the One Plan four stages of response; focused on engaging local, state, and federal emergency response plans.
  • ASTI organizes and leads a local committee of industry, public safety, and governmental leaders to create Safety Day presentations and Tabletop Exercises.
  • Sample topics include: hazard analysis, health & safety concerns, critical task readiness, e.g., emergency system control, rapid “grab and go” rescue by first responders, and methods of containment and control of ammonia events using proper methods e.g., personnel protective equipment, decontamination, teaming agreement with public safety responders, monitoring systems, and command team coordination and communications readiness to address on-site and off-site life safety and environmental receptors.

Event schedule updated regularly on ASTI website at
For a current list of events: Event Schedule
Contact ASTI via email at [email protected] or call 831-761-2935 for more information.
More Information
Environmental Protection Agency / Department of Homeland Security & US Coast Guard
Department of Labor & Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Department of Transportation / Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives/ Department of Agriculture