SETH Update

Here is our sweet boy Seth playing outside being a normal puppy.  As far as he is concerned, nothing is wrong.  His rear legs have begun to give him some discomfort and are being closely monitored.  His front legs are very bowed out but do not seem to be causing him any issues at this time.  We finally got the biopsies back and have had them analyzed by lots of specialist.  The conclusion right now is that he has 1) Dermatomyositis: 2) Vasculitis: 3) Pemphigus Foliaceus 4) Discoid Lupus Erythematosus   5)  Mites.   Needless to say, he has a lot on his plate that his little body is working to overcome.   All of the above conditions are causing him to have a lot of muscle atrophy and swelling in the joints.  The Specialists have come up with a medical plan for him that we are following.  So far, his eye and ear lesions have started to show some improvement.  Our long-term goal is to get him as healthy as we can with these conditions and then come up with a long-term plan to keep him healthy.  We are also putting him on a holistic protocol to keep his immune system strong to enable him to fight this as much as possible.   We have dealt with a lot of these skin issues individually in dogs but not all in one dog.  The best news is that we now know what he has and are not guessing.  The cultures were inconclusive which is why we did the biopsies.   Seth is one of the most incredible little dogs.  He is going to make some wonderful Family very happy with his incredible zest for life and loving ways.  Thanks for caring and helping us with his medical needs.



"Think occasionally of the suffering of which you spare yourself the sight".


Albert Schweitzer




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