SETPOINT2 Newsletter
March 2020
  • Study Update
  • SETPOINT2 Enrollment Stats
  • Reminders
  • Follow Up Visits
  • SETPOINT2 News

Study Update

In case you haven't heard we’ve reached our enrollment goal with Duke Medical Center bringing in our last patient! The enrollment period ended on January 25 and we are now focusing on data collection and analysis and the case report form completion phase. To aid in this next phase please keep in mind the following:

1) Continue to complete all follow-up study visits. This is critically important as our goal is not to lose any patients to follow-ups. Best practice is to arrange these visits as close to the window opening as possible. Enter the data into REDCap as soon as you can and respond to any queries from your monitor in a timely fashion.

2) Review of case report forms and regulatory documents is in full swing. Check for emails from Barbara McCrum requesting documents.

This next phase is by far the most exciting – we now have the opportunity to learn from the work that was done and answer the research questions posed. The SETPOINT2 study outcomes will lead to improved patient care as well as advancing science.
We appreciate the hard work you have already done throughout the SETPOINT2 study. Our success would not be without the continued support of our: investigators, research staff, patients, families, stakeholders, and PCORI for their continued support of the SETPOINT2 Trial. 
Thank you for your continued efforts!

Best regards,
Julian & Dave
Julian B ö sel, MD
Overall Study Principal Investigator
David, Seder, MD
US Principal Investigator

University of Heidelberg 
Heidelberg, Germany

Maine Medical Center
Portland, Maine

Charite-University Campus Virchow-Klinikum (CVK)
Berlin, Germany

University of Maryland
College Park, Maryland

Klinikum Kassel
Kassel, Germany

University of Texas Houston Health Sciences Center
Houston, Texas

Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio

University of Heidelberg Neurosurgery Unit
Heidelberg, Germany

Yale University
New Haven, Connecticut
Data Queries: Look for email from Christina Klose
Christina is the Data Manager from the University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany. She will be emailing your site data queries. Please enter missing data values as soon as possible. Questions? Email Christina at:

IRB: Keep SP2 Study Open
Keep SP2 open at the IRB until we have notified you that you can close it.
SETPOINT2 Follow-Up Visits
The US Sites below have follow-up visits remaining:

Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas

Duke Medical Center (last enrolling patient!)
Durham, North Carolina

Kadlec Regional Medical Center
Richland, Washington

Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio

University of Texas Houston Health Sciences Center
Houston, Texas

Yale University
New Haven, Connecticut

Maine Medical Center
Portland, Maine
SETPOINT2 Partnering Centers

Click on the map to see locations.
Joint SP2 Investigator Meeting
This was a successful SP2 Investigator meeting held in October 2019 at the NCS Annual Meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia.Thank you to those attending and for your continued commitment to SETPOINT2!
DGNI Conference
The DGNI (The German Society for NeuroIntensive and Emergency Medicine) annual conference (ANIM) was in Karlsruhe, Germany on January 30- February 1, 2020. Learn more at:
Neurocritical Care 18 th Annual Meeting
Phoenix, Arizona; September 22-25, 2020. Learn more and register
Do you have questions? Please email us at: 

Visit the SETPOINT2 website for in-depth information for patients, families and investigators.

Research reported in this newsletter was funded through a Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Award (CER-1602-34137).