SETPOINT2 Quarterly Newsletter                               July 5, 2017

We are very pleased to introduce the SETPOINT2 newsletter. SETPOINT2 is a research study involving people with stroke and respiratory failure (breathing problems) in the United States and Germany. Look for our SETPOINT2 quarterly newsletter in your inbox to keep you updated on the latest SETPOINT2 developments and milestones. 


The United States Research Advisory Committee (RAC) meeting took place on June 28. The RAC is a group of stroke survivors, their family members, clergy, and other patient advocates and stakeholders who support, inform, and advise the study throughout its conduct. The meeting was a great opportunity for sharing and learning.

We will be using this newsletter to facilitate two-way conversation about SETPOINT2, and to report our progress and results.  We hope you enjoy seeing these highlights, and that you will consider responding to these newsletters using the contact information provided.

Thank you for your support and efforts.

Julian Bösel, MD
Principal Investigator
University of Heidelberg, Germany

David Seder, MD
US Principal Investigator
Maine Medical Center, United States

Meet the Coordinating Center Teams
Coordinating Center Teams are dedicated to helping faciliate a number of very different research-related activities that range from data collection and analysis to overseeing all aspects of site study. 

Julian Bösel, MD
Principal Investigator
University of Heidelberg, Germany
David Seder, MD
US Principal Investigator
Maine Medical Center, United States
Silvia Schönenberger, MD
Medical Coordinator
University of Heidelberg, Germany
Meinhard Kieser
University of Heidelberg, Germany
Barbara McCrum, RN, BSN
Project Manager
Maine Medical Center, United States
Perdita Beck
Research Coordinator
University of Heidelberg, Germany
Christina Klose
Data Manager
University of Heidelberg, Germany
Patients & Families

Commununication with patients and families is vital to SETPOINT2. We are excited about sharing dialogue and facilitating support.  Our Research Advisory Committee (RAC) is one of the ways we can learn and share information.  Our first US RAC meeting is scheduled for June 28, at the Dana Center located at Maine Medical Center.  Keep an eye out for updates about our meeting, as well as future RAC meetings.  If you would like to contribute information or ask questions, please email us at 

SETPOINT2 Goal Tracking
Progress Bar:  95 Patients Enrolled in SETPOINT2  
Goals for SETPOINT2 are critical success and milestone markers for the study and for the patient.

SETPOINT2 enrolling centers are expected to enroll and collect data on 380 patient participants across 20 centers in the United States and Germany by June 1, 2019.

To date, 95 patients are enrolled into SETPOINT2.  The sixth month Patient follow up assessment goal is 380. Look for data updates to this goal as well as number of sites enrolled for in the next quarterly newsletter.
SETPOINT2 Enrolling Centers
Location  |   Site Principal Investigator
Click on the map to see locations.
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX | Chethan Venkatasubba Rao

Charite-University Medicine Berlin
Berlin, Germany  |   Farid Salih

Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center
New York, NY  |   Jan Claassen

Duke University Hospital
Durham, NC | Michael James

Henry Ford Health System
Detroit, MI | Mohammed Rehman

Kadlec Regional Medical Center
Richland, WA | Dale Hoekema

Klinikum Augsburg
Augsburg, Germany | Hauke Schneider

Klinikum Kassel
Kassel, Germany | Christian Roth

Maine Medical Center
Portland, ME | David Seder

Mayo Clinic Florida
Jacksonville, FL | William Freeman

Mount Sinai Hospital
New York, NY | Neha Dangayach

Ohio State University
Columbus, OH | Michel Torbey

OSF St. Francis Medical Center
Peoria, IL | Deepak Nair

St. Joseph Health / St. Jude Medical Center
Fullerton, CA  |  Harry Peled

Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
Philadelphia, PA  |  Fred Rincon

University Hospital Dresden
Dresden, Germany  |  H. Schneider

University Hospital Freiburg
Freiburg, Germany  |  Wolf-Dirk Niesen

University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf
Hamburg, Germany  |  Stefan Kluge

University Hospital of Cologne
Cologne, Germany  |  Christian Dohmen

University of Heidelberg
Heidelberg, Germany  |  Julian Bosel

University of Heidelberg Neurosurgery Unit
Heidelberg, Germany  |  Jan-Oliver Neumann

University of Maryland
College Park, MD | Nicholas Morris

University of Texas Houston Health Sciences Center
Houston, TX |  Jeremy Ragland

Yale University School of Medicine
New Haven, CT  |  Evie Marrcolini

SETPOINT2 Awards & Milestones
US Site Data To Date:

Sites Activated:   4 of 15

Sites with Executed Sub-contracts:
10 of 15

Sites with IRB Approval of
Protocol 2.0:
5 of 14

SETPOINT2 is proud to mark milestones and acknowledge sites for their outstanding work.  

Please see our website -
for a full up-to-date listing of milestones, awards, and acknowledgements. And look for a special awards section in our next newsletter.

Email us at:
for suggestions, questions and acknowledgements.
Special thanks to Barbara McCrum and Silvia Schönenberger for their diligent efforts in organizing the SETPOINT2 launch!

Want to contribute information to the newsletter? We'd love to hear from you. Please email us at: 

Visit the SETPOINT2 website for in-depth information for patients, families and investigators.

Research reported in this newsletter was funded through a Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Award (CER-1602-34137).