the official e-newsletter of the Sasso Family Chiropractic Center


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How is this possible? How are we in December already? Time sure does fly by and it seems to pass by quicker as we get older.

Are you using your time wisely? Are you being present with your loved ones? Are you focused when you are working? Are you making yourself a priority? All of these speak to your total well-being.

Focus on what you can control. You deserve good sleep. Actually, your body requires good sleep in order to function at its best. Your body needs good fuel. Limit the fast food, increase your fruits and vegetables, limit the bio-engineered food and increase your water intake. Step away from what causes you to be anxious and determine if your perception of the situation warrants your anxiety. Maintain a healthy spine. Getting adjusted on a regular basis is vital to the function of EVERY cell in your body. Without a properly functioning body, everything else will be compromised. Given a choice, use your time wisely and stop by for a tune-up. It is vital to you, to your family and to your future.

See you on your next visit.

Dr. Daria

Dr. Joe

P.S. Thank you for your home-made treats. The cooked pumpkin, fudge, cakes and soppressata were amazing. The chocolates, from near and far, were delicious. The seafood, from A-1 Seafood, was incredibly fresh and so tasty. And, this year, the office was especially autumnal thanks to the home-grown pumpkins and gourds. We appreciate all of you and invite you to enjoy our home-made cookies December 20, 22 and 23.

Water in the desert

If you were walking through the desert for days with your family and friends, suffering from dehydration and heat exhaustion and you found clean lifesaving water, would you not share and make sure they drink? Would you let them suffer from dehydration and possibly die of thirst, while you had your fill of water?

I would like to think that most people would share the water.

Likewise, I would hope that most people would share their knowledge of chiropractic with their loved ones and friends. Thankfully, this has been my experience so far in practice.

Sometimes it may take sharing a bit more information with them and addressing any fears and objections they may have. Be patient, do your best in explaining as much as you can, and feel free to let me support and help you in any way I can. Always remember that knowledge is the antidote to fear

Now, if they hate their family and friends and are hoping they suffer a lifetime of decreased life potential and that they die sooner than they should have … well then there’s nothing anyone of us can do. (Joking here, of course). However, if they care about their family and friends, they’ll eventually make sure they understand what chiropractic is. Hopefully, this will lead them to being under regular care. Keep up the great work and before you know it, they'll be thanking you for getting them started on the path to a better life potential.

Thank you to Stamatis Tsamoutalidis, DC for this article.

Today's quote

The Dalai Lama, when asked what surprised him most about humanity answered, “Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future. He lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies never having really lived.

Our Philosophy

Chiropractic may very well be one of the least understood philosophies of life and health. It is based upon a few very simple ideas.

The body is designed with an inborn ability to maintain itself in a state of proper function.  A newborn baby may seem small, fragile and helpless, but within that body is the ability to make food into living tissue, to heal cuts and bruises, to adapt to changes in the environment, to produce the chemicals necessary to perform every bodily function, to fight off invading organisms, to live as much as 100 or more years, in short, to lead a healthy, productive life.

The brain and nerve system are the primary tools by which we attain proper function, what we commonly call health.  Every organ, gland and cell in the body depends upon messages carried to and from the brain in order to function in a coordinated manner so that each part can benefit the whole of the body producing a full and abundant life.

Interference in the nerve system reduces the body’s ability to function in a coordinated manner.  While a corpse has a brain and nerve system, it does not have life, there is no power or energy flowing over the nerve system. Similarly, a paralyzed person has lost function due to injury to the nerve system. Even slight damage to the delicate and vital nerve system can reduce the body’s ability to function at its fullest potential.

A spinal misalignment that interferes with the nerve system (called a vertebral subluxation) creates a reduction in coordinated function.  Slight misalignments of the bones of the spine caused by everyday, common activities can interfere with the ability of the nerve system to carry messages that are necessary for the successful accomplishment of those everyday activities, not the least of which is the attainment of maximum health.

Chiropractors correct vertebral subluxations.  The single objective of the chiropractor is to locate and correct vertebral subluxation in adults and children so that families and entire communities are able to express life at a higher level.

If you and your family are not seeing a chiropractor regularly, you are not doing all you could for your life and health.

Join us for home-made cookies


Once again, Dr. Daria & Dr. Joe will be sharing their home-made cookies in the office on December 20, 22 & 23.

We will also have coffee, tea and juice available.

Thank you for your referrals

We would like to thank all of you who have referred friends and family members to our office for care recently. We look forward to serving both them, and you, in the future.

Rest assured we will do all that we can to honor the trust you've place in us

See you on your next visit.

Happy Holidays from the

Sasso Family Chiropractic Center

Monthly calendar

Click HERE for our monthly calendar.

Please note: We will be closing at 6:30 on Friday, December 8. We will also be closed Monday, December 25 and Tuesday, December 26.