HBCU Financial Literacy Bowl
In what quickly became a conference favorite, SFEPD launched a new event for 2023. Initially open to all SFEPD Ambassador programs, teams from each participating HBCU compete in a two-phased competition to see who is the most financially savvy. The first round of the competition was held virtually, and teams competed in a speed round of financial literacy questions. Following an intense hour of competition in the first round, Tuskegee University came in first, followed by Hampton University and Southern University and A&M College. These teams and their oversight professors joined for a live competition to kickoff day two of our conference.
Generously sponsored by our friends at The National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE), the SFEPD HBCU Financial Literacy Bowl was hosted by NEFE Senior Director of Equity, Dr. Michelle Samuels-Jones. When the speed round of questions was over, Hampton University won first prize with Tuskegee coming in second and Southern placing third. Congratulations to all our students and their professors!
Special thanks to WTOP Journalist (and SFEPD Conference Panelist/proud Hampton University graduate) Stephanie Gaines-Bryant for her news coverage of the Financial Literacy Bowl. Click here for the story.