City of Santa Fe Foster Grandparents Program - Mentoring

Foster Grandparent Program (FGP) Volunteers serve SFPS by mentoring and guiding students with exceptional needs.

Income-eligible FGP volunteers earn a modest stipend, mileage reimbursement, and other benefits. Volunteers must pass criminal background checks and training and commit to at least five weekly service hours. 

To learn more, contact Theresa Trujillo at (505) 955-4745 tptrujillo@santafenm.gov or Roberta Armijo (505)955-4744 rparmijo@santafenm.gov 

Gonzales Community School - Tutoring

  • In classroom working with kindergarten and possibly first grade in small group rotations and intervention times for English Language Arts and math
  • Any available day Monday through Friday
  • Entire day or 8:30 to 10:30 AM

Kearny Elementary School - Reading

  • In-person working with small reading groups for students in Kindergarten through sixth grade
  • Any available day Monday through Thursday
  • Any available time between 8 AM and 3 PM

Kearny Elementary School - Library

  • Help needed organizing books in the library
  • Any available day Monday through Thursday
  • Any available time between 8 AM and 3 PM

Santa Fe High School - Tutoring

  • One-on-one tutoring for ninth grade student in Algebra and Biology
  • Any available day Monday through Friday
  • During the school day or after school
Click here for the complete list of current volunteer opportunities by academic subject!

SFPS Volunteer Handbook Core Concepts

VOLUNTEER SUPPORT  (Found on Page 13)

Link to Volunteer Handbook

The Volunteer Coordinator maintains an open door policy and is available to respond to any questions, concerns or conflicts.

SFPS highly encourages all volunteers to have a strong relationship with their classroom teachers, school site principal, volunteer liaison (if applicable), the Volunteer Coordinator and other volunteers (school site coordination team). SFPS provides a safe place where volunteers can receive support regarding challenging situations that may occur while working with students and staff.

Volunteer Questions & Feedback Form

Volunteers can submit suggestions and comments using the Volunteer Questions and Feedback Form. All submissions will generate an acknowledgement within 24 hours, will be reviewed in a timely manner and will be kept confidential. 

Link to Volunteer Questions and Feedback Form

Volunteer Training

Throughout the school year, SFPS and partnering community organizations offer volunteers a variety of capacity building opportunities that are based on need. This information will be communicated to all volunteers via email. For more information regarding training, visit the SFPS website.

Organizational Chart

Volunteer Resources:

Academic Tools for Tutoring (in progress)

This Padlet format includes direct access to academic tutoring tools and is still in progress of being fully developed and expanded.

No matter what academic subject, grade level or general information you require to help your student succeed will all be here!

Be sure to use the scroll bars (vertical and horizontal) across the entire Padlet to view EVERYTHING!!

Academic Tools for Tutoring

September, 2024

Pedaling Power to Volunteerism

By Judy Reinhartz, Ph.D. and Kathy Brechner

Santa Fe Alliance for Science (SFAFS) volunteers inspire and engage students in real time. They make Albert Einstein’s words come alive, “never stop questioning.” Volunteers strive to get

science off the printed page and out of boxes to share lived experiences. Whether it is with a slinky, rolling marble down an incline, water rocket, or building a simple machine, our

volunteers, “talk science” as they interact with students, and their enthusiasm is contagious, drawing out creative ideas, and the conversations are off and running.

As part of a class or in a small group, students begin to value the investigative process as they think about ideas in new ways with encouragement from volunteers. From this rapport building comes a deeper understanding as students attempt to answer the question, “Where is the science?”

A team of SFAFS volunteers are regulars at Nina Otero Community School as part of the Adopt-A-School (AAS) program, coming in and providing support to students in a variety of ways, as tutors and/or mentors, while others may work on specific skills or “talk science” on topics of

interest to students. Many other SFAFS volunteers serve as science fair judges in the Santa Fe Public Schools. 

Ms. Karry Ramos, who coordinators the eighth-grade science mentoring program as part of the AAS at Nina Otero, notes that volunteers are true treasures who bring their bag of toys ready to pull out and show students a scientific principle to see the relevancy and real-world applications. She saw a significant increase in engagement, attendance, and positive attitudes.

It is dedication to STEM learning that has spurred the SFAFS volunteers to connect with students at all grade levels. As Ms. Ramos has shared the mentors have made an ongoing commitment to the program. The Alliances’ caring volunteers with STEM expertise have made a difference in the lives of many students. Our volunteers are steadfast in their passion to give back and share freely what they have learned over their productive life experiences as scientists, science educators, engineers, doctors, … you name it.


We have all heard the expression, “It is just like riding a bike,” often meaning that things should be easy to learn and do. This can’t be farther from the truth. Learning to ride a bicycle takes supporters who soften the potential bumps and scratches, enthusiastically shout words of encouragement to keep us pedaling, taking pride in reaching the goal to get children to ride on their own, and becoming confident with a “can do attitude.” And the learners later say, that was not that hard! All of us have a memory of learning to ride a bike or something new—it takes all of us to support students in our community. 

Volunteerism is a confidence booster to assist students in finding their own way in the world of science. Join the Santa Fe Alliance for Science or contact Sabra Romero, Volunteer Coordinator at saromero@sfps.k12.nm.us and start your journey as a volunteer to support students in where they are, where they want to go, and in whom they want to be.  

For the SFAFS, we choose to “let science shine!” All generations dream, solve problems, and meet current challenges. Let’s do them together!  

It takes volunteers to achieve this goal because all students matter and want to learn. A first-grader at one of our schools summed up what science meant to him: “figyoring things oat.” It is this adventure of “figuring things out” that is at the heart of doing science and that sharpens students’ investigative skills and abilities. 

Make a difference, volunteer!

Visit the SFAFS Website


Access 2024-2025 SY Calendar

by Clicking Image Above

September 2, 2024

Labor Day

District Closed

September 27, 2024

SFPS Movie Night @ Ortiz Middle School

5:30 -8:00 PM

October 4, 2024

End of First Quarter